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Well, That Didn't Take Long

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    Well, That Didn't Take Long

    Hi friends,

    NS, I'm not shaking my head at you! I am so far from a militant vegetarian it's not funny. I can make some of the best pork ribs or pulled pork. I just feel better when I don't eat it that's all. I still eat fish and occasionally chicken. Animals are very yummy, but red meat just really doesn't agree with me now. I get a health buzz from some dishes I make now so it feels like I'm on the right track. I would eat meat if I could source some really high quality stuff.

    Un, that is a fascinating link. I'm liking what I read there so far. Thanks!

    Have a great AF afternoon friends!
    "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
    AF 11/12/11


      Well, That Didn't Take Long

      Great link, UN (and 199) - that fits right in with what we were talking about in your previous thread. But taking that next step and thinking of the primitive brain almost as something external to the "real you" might make it an even stronger tool. (You won't feel quite as weird as talking to yourself, perhaps :H ???)

      In addition to coconut flour, there are many recipes out there that utilize almond flour which are quite good.

      Well, Pinecone, I'm glad I'm not a total Big Disappointment :H! The higher quality meats certainly are expensive but since we don't eat meat all that often, it works out. I'm trying to eat more fish but the middle of the country is not an ideal place to live in terms of acquiring fresh seafood and I'm not as fond of the freshwater fish.

      Hi, June. Wheat Belly is quite a book! I think Dr. Davis is a bit prone to hyperbole but he puts forth a very convincing case and many people find that they feel so much better when they don't consume gluten and, in particular, wheat. (BTW, giving up wheat is a snap compared to AL ).

      Lifechange, I'm so glad you're totally committed this time - you will never regret it!

      Hi, Free, MyLife, Alls, ... Hope you are doing well. :h NS


        Well, That Didn't Take Long

        I will Never drink again and I will Never change my mind!!! Now! I am committed to that.
        -- thanks for posting the link, Un. It's so simple that it's given me a lot to think about. I tend to be an all or nothing type of person, and I love being here on this site, which I guess would be considered a recovery program--which RR would argue is the beast brain, keeping a door open to the possibility of drinking again, something to avoid. What is your take on that? Oh, and could you bump your previous thread? I would really like to read it..

        I had an hour and a half nap and now feel like a million bucks. I've been so tired the past couple of days-- partly due to the weather, I guess. Nothing much else happening here. Cats meowing and running around, climbing the door frames, trying to annoy me into feeding them early. I just might give in!

        Hello to NS and Pinecone and Allswell and 3J and Mylife and Free and whoever else pops in here today.
        Will check back soon:h


          Well, That Didn't Take Long

          LC, here is a link to the other thread:

          And LC, I think you're right on about the idea that this site might, at least on some level, fall into the category of a recovery program that teaches the opposite of what RR says. However, I really think it's pointing more to AA. To me, MWO is mostly a social site where we can chat with people of like mind. It's a lonely world "out there" when we are often the only ones not drinking. AA Is different in that it espouses a very strict doctrine for sobriety -- almost a cult or religion.

          I think what would be the best combination according to what I'm starting to learn, would be to read/implement the R R bullets and then come to MWO just to socialize, which is pretty much what we do on threads like this. Of course, it would speak against doing things like coming here to just get small periods of time under our belts. It's similar to Jason Vale's book which I always thought was right on. RR takes that same line of thinking but puts into a more concrete way of using it.

          I don't know, it just really hit me. And look at 199, he's coming up on two years sober and says RR is exactly where he started. If you read his posts, you can see that he's totally no-nonsense about it, and doesn't play any mind games with himself about relapsing or telling himself it's okay to relapse. He got on board and stayed there. That's exactly how we need to be thinking because it takes away the "game" -- the negotiating with ourselves -- the excuses.

          LC, as an aside, I can just see your cats doing this -- mine lives for treats I give her twice a day and tries everything she can to manipulate me into giving her extras. Too funny.

          NS, yes, I'll have to do some things with almond flour too. I actually have the Wheat Belly book and love the way he explains how wheat got so screwed up in the first place!

          Also, NS, like Pinecone I feel better if I don't eat a lot of meat, especially red, but I'm not trying to be 100%.

          June, I try to eat salmon once a week or so. By the way, it sounds like you're doing so well!

          My Life, Free, Alls, and anyone dropping by today, have a great day.

          UN :lilheart:
          Rational Recovery from alcoholism, drug addiction, non AA, crank, meth


            Well, That Didn't Take Long

            Good Morning!!!!
            I'm finally waking up with a second cup of coffee! I usually only have 2 a day-- but it is part of a necessary morning ritual for me. These past couple of days I've been so physically exhausted. Each day I have plans to get out and exercise--which I know would help long term--but am too beat to do it. Yesterday I had an almost 2 hour nap at 5pm. I've read it's normal to be a bit exhausted at this point in the quit (Win!, as someone mentioned in another thread) and I'm sure the autumnal weather is adding to it.

            UN, the RR method of quitting made so much sense to me. The actual act of doing it, I mean. I haven't studied addiction, I haven't read so many medical opinions-- there is of course much controversy as to whether or not alcoholism is a disease, genetically predisposed, etc. I guess, most important is for each person to find their way to sobriety. It seems as if there are several ways to do it. I know AA never jived with me, but it helped my mom get and stay sober. Though at some point she stopped going and is still strongly sober. This switch in thinking is at the core, isn't it? It's the base of the structure, for everything else to be built upon. I would like to find posts by 199. How do I do that?

            Big hugs to NS, allswell, mylife, free, pinecone, 3J-- who else?
            I'll check back later when all you sleepyheads finally crawl out of bed!!


              Well, That Didn't Take Long

              lifechange;1555236 wrote: . I would like to find posts by 199. How do I do that?
              Hi, Life

              Here is the thread where he usually posts:
              You can search for a person if you know their user name and then once you find him or her, look at all posts or all threads started by that person.

              Have a good day, everyone! NS


                Well, That Didn't Take Long

                Hello all! Quick check in today I'm still AF and loving it more each day. we had a bad week...have been in the hospital last days with doesn't look good but he's very old and had a long wonderful life. Had to postpone my trip but leaving tomorrow for quick trip to my nephews wedding. popping an AB just in case but don't think I would need it anyway.

                Reading when I can! :l


                  Well, That Didn't Take Long

                  Hi everyone. Busy day we leave in a week, so I'm hopping!

                  LC, yes I do think it's the ability to change the core of our thinking. The tricky part seems to be staying stopped. At some point I guess it sticks if we're lucky.

                  ML sorry about your FIL - never easy, but it sounds like you're doing well!

                  NS, Hi. :l

                  Have a good evening/day everyone.

                  UN :lilheart:


                    Well, That Didn't Take Long

                    Hi everyone,
                    In an airport lounge (what's new?) waiting for my flight back to USA. Then off for a short girlfriend's weekend, in wine country of all places (trip was planned months ago). But I have my resolve intact and AB in my back pocket just in case I feel as though I will cave in.

                    UN -- best wishes for your move. Cats are resilent beings. Lots of loving before and after is my prescription for them.

                    Afraid I am still jetlagged so feeling a little incoherent. Time to kick back and watch some cheesy movies.

                    Free at Last
                    "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

                    Highly recommend this video

                    July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


                      Well, That Didn't Take Long

                      Good Morning Everyone,

                      LC, I've been thinking a lot about the link I posted to RR .....and while I think it's an invaluable tool and we would all be fortunate to morph that quickly into being a seems that most of us have to go through a process, and that the process has to include the help and friendship of others who understand our struggle.....that somehow that's how we we work through things and make it to the other side......I think the RR way warrants reading and incorporating into our thinking, but that most of us have this deep need to connect with others as we go along this path. Plus, I like counting days, at least at this point of the journey. Whaddya think?

                      Free, it's good to know that you're still doing well. I am always so impressed at the challenges you negotiate sober. Youve really found what works for you by having the AB as a backup, and you actually TAKE the pill if you feel vulnerable. It still takes great commitment to follow through with the AB, and I admire your resolve. I think you're coming up on 2 months?!

                      Well, as I am getting closer to my move, I'm trying to stay calm and doing pretty well. I have a little nostalgia about leaving, and as I look at the things I love that I will be leaving, it makes me sad in a way. But, despite it all, I think that habit and familiarity are at the root of my feeling and I still believe that my quality of life will be better in my new environment. So, I'm holding that thought, remembering all the things I love about where I'm going, and remembering that forcing ourselves out of our comfort zone holds promise of growth and relief from the stagnation I've felt for several years here. Thanks to all of you for cheerleading me on in this endeavor. I'm SO out of my comfort zone making this change, I can't even begin to tell you! But, not once have I seriously thought of backing out. I'm hoping it means I'm making the right decision. Bottom line I guess is that I can't imagine staying here for the rest of my life and that the new place still beckons! And thanks to all of you for your reminders that my kitties will adjust and be ok. I'm such a whimp when it comes to the thought of stressing them out. :upset: I'll be so glad when that part is over!

                      Big hugs to all of you, and have a great day.

                      UN :lilheart:


                        Well, That Didn't Take Long

                        free at last;1555749 wrote: Hi everyone,
                        In an airport lounge (what's new?) waiting for my flight back to USA. Then off for a short girlfriend's weekend, in wine country of all places (trip was planned months ago). But I have my resolve intact and AB in my back pocket just in case I feel as though I will cave in.

                        UN -- best wishes for your move. Cats are resilent beings. Lots of loving before and after is my prescription for them.

                        Afraid I am still jetlagged so feeling a little incoherent. Time to kick back and watch some cheesy movies.

                        What is AB and would it help in my pocket?
                        10/14/13: I am truly grateful for another day in this amazing life. I'm sober and mindful of every moment.


                          Well, That Didn't Take Long

                          I'm Strong :welcome: I think Free is away from the Internet for a few days so I'll answer your question. AB is an abbreviation we use for Antabuse, or Disulfiram. I don't know a lot about it other than you take it as a heavy duty incentive NOT to drink, because if you do, you can become deathly ill or worse. And, it stays in your system for a long time, so you can't just skip a pill and then drink.

                          K9 who posts regularly on the site has taken it for a couple of years and has had success. Also, you can find information on the Meds thread.

                          Another danger with it is that you can have a reaction if you take it and then inadvertently eat something that has alcohol in it (something like red wine vinegar). And, there are personal care products like mouthwash that can even be dangerous???

                          I don't know a lot, so be sure to investigate it further if you decide to try it.

                          Best to you,


                            Well, That Didn't Take Long

                            Hi, Friends

                            I'm feeling like a Big Baby today. We are about to head out for a nice outdoorsy sort of weekend and I'm really looking forward to it. BUT - this will be the first time since I came to this site that I won't be able to check in due to no internet access. I've traveled a lot (not like Free, of course!) over the last several months but have never been disconnected entirely.

                            A friend commented to me this morning that I seem to be so sure of myself in all of this and she's right, I am sure I've made the right decision. But as my departure time gets closer, my anxiety is increasing. Even if I don't post, just a quick look at how people I care about are doing really helps keep my brain where it needs to be. I am happy to no longer want or need to drink but I've never really been "on my own" without my team.

                            Tonight will be a setting where a dang liquor commercial could be filmed --- all the good parts will be in place. And wine will be invited. It would be so easy to romanticize the whole thing and frankly, I am quite sure I could drink a single glass of wine -- tonight. I also know full well what that would lead to when I return home - a total unraveling. So, I'm not going to do it. (But I'm wishing there was wifi in the wilderness!).

                            I guess what I've realized is that something good like Resolve can be borne from something that I generally consider negative - Fear. I know myself and my all-or-none personality well enough to know that if I open that door, I'll be going through. And I am really afraid that I wouldn't come back. So I guess this is a Healthy Fear.

                            Anyway, have a good weekend everyone. This is my "public proclamation" that I'll be seeing you next week on what will be day 235 .


                              Well, That Didn't Take Long

                              Hi everyone! I didn't realize today is Friday the 13th! Not that it makes a difference to me.

                              Free, I love watching cheesy movies on airplanes. I hope you have a really nice time with your friends. Good that you have the AB just in case. You sound prepared and ready to enjoy yourself with them.

                              UN, we are on the same page with RR, I think. I am also enjoying counting days right now and can imagine myself doing it forever-- like 199--(I read his thread and like very much what/how he writes). The way RR explained Never drinking again and how never is Now, and how any thought, voice, craving, etc., is not Me ir what I want, but IT, shifted the way I'd been thinking. It helped a lot. I want a watch that says now for every hour of the day. I don't wear a watch, but I just might start.
                              Where is it you're moving a way from? How long have you been living there? Do you know people where you're moving to in Colorado? It's very brave of you to make such a change. Is the cat in your avatar one of yours?

                              ooops, have a long distance call--will check in again later! HOpe you're all having a good day!


                                Well, That Didn't Take Long

                                oh NS, I can imagine how you feel-- I know you will be fine and I will be thinking about you the whole time, sending super strength vibes. This site, you all, are such a part of my life now and I so look forward each morning and every afternoon to checking in with you-- so I understand. I hope your weekend is wonderful-- and I will look forward to hearing about it when you're back. And like you said, even if you think you might be able to handle a glass of wine, you won't do it. Because we alreadyl know how that ends up! Big hugs to you..:l

