NS, it is a strange feeling not to be able to check in. I had that issue when I was on vacation and it made me realize how much I depend on the support here even when I feel secure in not drinking. I don't think healthy fear is an oxymoron and that it's brilliant that you know yourself so well. You're a very strong person and I have no doubt that you'll remain AF this weekend. We will think of you "out there" and anxiously await your tales when you're back in civilization. Maybe you'll have some good drunken stories to add to the "why I don't drink anymore" arsenal.

LC, I'm moving from the Texas Hill Country to Colorado. I've really not wanted to be here for a long time and just kind of got stuck with job and family situations. But, we are free now to " move about the cabin" and are off to experience a different part of the country. If I didn't have critters, I would actually even have considered going out of the country. My good friends have had to leave here to open up businesses, so were pretty isolated now. We have met people where we're going, but don't know any of them very well. It's a big move, but really a good time to make it happen. I've been here 40 years and am SO ready something different. Oh, and yes, that's one of my kitties. She is sweet beyond description!
Off again to get stuff done - mostly cleaning ugh. Have a great day/evening everyone.