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Well, That Didn't Take Long

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    Well, That Didn't Take Long

    It's great that you enjoyed your time in DC, Allswell. I'm glad you survived! (I can't imagine running that distance!). You are probably very busy finishing the last week of campaigning - another place you're definitely going the distance!

    Good to se you, Pinecone. I wish my kids were 3! I guess I would want for me to be 25 years younger, too, so I could keep up! I was just looking at photos of them in Halloween costumes. Those were some really fun days. Now my poor husband is just thrilled that we actually have candy in the house for a couple of days. He said he might turn off the porch light tomorrow evening so kids won't come and he can eat it all :H!

    LifeChange, great job getting the first 60 days behind you! You've had such a positive attitude and been so supportive of everyone around you :l. Posts like yours keep my spirits up and remind me why we keep it going.

    MyLife, Free, and June, I'll bet you're all off working hard. Do you like your new position, June?

    All the best - NS


      Well, That Didn't Take Long

      Hi Friends!:h

      Pinecone, I've been doing a bit like you, working long hours and not having much energy or time to post. I always say a word or two in the Nest because it moves so damned fast, that if I don't I'm out! But otherwise I've been hitting the hay early. 3 is such a lovely age-- it's amazing with the kids so far, that the age they are in each moment is the best age ever. How can that be possible?

      Allswell, my body aches just hearing of your run! I'm glad all the craziness there ended before the race and that you had such a nice time--I've never been to DC before so I wouldn't know what to expect, but I guess you see it all in 26 miles! Wishing you the best in the upcoming campaign-- you will keep us posted! I wish I could vote for you..

      NS, I haven't yet had such a realistic drinking dream-- I'm sure one is coming at some point though. They scare me, they do-- I'm feeling pretty confident now after 60 days, but I know it's a very short time in real life! I'm enjoying each day for what it is-- today at work I was a bit anxious for no apparent reason, then I realised I was worrying about getting home quickly. I reminded myself that it isn't necessary to rush home (to drink) anymore and I smiled and calmed down. I have so much more time now. Thank you for your support.

      Warm greetings to Free, Mylife, 3June, UN.. wishing you all a wonderful afternoon/evening.


        Well, That Didn't Take Long

        Quick check in. Ate way too much Halloween candy. We had 147 trick or treaters. I love the really little ones, so cute and so thrilled when you fill up their goody bags. It rained all night I don't envy the parents!
        Newbies Nest
        My accountability thread


          Well, That Didn't Take Long


          I have been working so hard all week - no chances to post. Tomorrow we leave for Panama, so I'm really excited. Don't plan to hear from me for a couple weeks, however! If I can I will - but really don't know what to expect!

          Alls - Congratulations on your marathon!! I really like DC also - it's a beautiful town to visit. The cost of living there is out of this world however! I've traveled there quite a bit for work and try to spend a weekend now and then downtown walking around.

          3June - I'm guilty of too much Haloween candy too....our neighborhood was full of kids as well. So cute!

          Life, congratulations on making it past the 60 days mark! I didn't realize you were that far along - good work!

          FAL - hope you are doing well on your travels. As usual my hat is off to you with all the temptations you face all the time!

          NS - after last night I am gearing up for that No Sugar thing...!! Do you eat fruit?

          Pine - hope you are doing well - sounds like you're busy with work too. I certainly hear you on that one!

          Hope you all have a great AF couple of weeks! I will fill you in on my adventures when I return!


            Well, That Didn't Take Long

            Wishing you a wonderful time in Panama, Mylife! Enjoy! Looking forward to hearing about it when you return...


              Well, That Didn't Take Long

              Safe travels ML,

              Would love a complete update on Panama when you are able. Have a great trip!
              2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.


                Well, That Didn't Take Long

                Hi friends,

                Another busy weekend at work so just a short check in today. Work consumes more than just the hours I get paid for!

                Lc, yes it is wonderful to be really present for the changes in my daughter. There is no way I could withstand hours of pretending with a hangover!!!

                I'll try for a more proper check in tomorrow but I'm always thinking of you, my friends here. Have a great AF night!
                "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
                AF 11/12/11


                  Well, That Didn't Take Long

                  Greetings friends,

                  Just a quick flyby. All good here.

                  Congratulations on the run ADubbya! You know i'm a runner too, but 10k runs are my usual. Will go for a half marathon early next year i reckon.

                  Safe travels My life.

                  Wishing everyone a safe, sober and magical weekend. Don't work too hard Pinecone!

                  How r u doing UN?

                  L8tr, Yo!

                  G bloke. :h

                  'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                  Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                    Well, That Didn't Take Long

                    Mr G,

                    We have many things in common - running, playing guitar, and a love for all things Australia. 10K's are a staple and I love to get out and really race on those distances, marathons are more of a destination kind of thing where the goal is finishing and seeing the town (mostly a vacation). I have a wonderful half marathon scheduled later this month in Amish country. I'd be interested in where your half marathon is planned if you revisit the thread Mr. G.

                    Hope everyone has a great weekend.
                    2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.


                      Well, That Didn't Take Long

                      Hi all, quick check in for me, too. This week was outrageously long and stressful. I am so exhausted I can barely put two sentences together. Going into another 10 days intense work and travel period. Will try to post when I can. Great to hear from everyone!
                      Free at Last
                      "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

                      Highly recommend this video

                      July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


                        Well, That Didn't Take Long

                        FAL your travels must be so exhausting, I hope soon you will have some time to rest up a bit? I don't know how you keep up the pace!

                        I used to love to run but my knees are toast now so I walk. Being outside sometimes with my headphones on sometimes just enjoying the sights, I do 6-8k every couple of days. Winter is coming though so I will start hitting the gym.

                        ML looking forward to hearing your stories when you return! Bon Voyage!

                        Not much new on the home front. My son has moved out leaving DH and I squabbling. I really hope we will rekindle our relationship again but it seems more likely that we will live parallel lives, sadly. I used to think AL was to blame but I think maybe I used AL to ignore, oh well it could be worse!
                        Newbies Nest
                        My accountability thread


                          Well, That Didn't Take Long

                          Good morning friends,

                          It is beautiful, clear and cold here today! The days have that "winter light " look to them.

                          3June, great to see you here! You are at a new job, no? I hope it's going well for you.

                          Hi Guitarista! Thanks I appreciate it and I take all the vacation time I can!!

                          FAL, hang in there! I hope you can get some rest soon.

                          Alls, NS, Un, Lifechange, Mylife, hope all of you are doing well!!

                          Have a great AF day.
                          "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
                          AF 11/12/11


                            Well, That Didn't Take Long

                            MyLife, you're in Panama as I type this. If you're reading, I hope you're having a fabulous time! When you come back, maybe you could join Life and me on the no sugar challenge thread - Life, you just love it there, right :H?? You asked about fruit - I do eat some but now it is more of a treat than a staple and I don't drink juice.

                            Mr. G, Nice of you to stop by! I know you maintain The House that You Built but it is great to see you here, too. It sounds like you're feeling strong about the AF life you're enjoying - don't let that work thing mess with your mind!

                            I hope you're having a better week, Free. Talk about job stress! It will be nice when you have time to hang out on MWO again - I love reading your posts. Pinecone, I hope you're less preoccupied with work this week, too. Do you have a job that follows you home? Sometimes I fantasize about being something like a mail carrier - once the mail is delivered, you're done! And when you're on vacation, someone else does the work. No one else does my job so I'm never really on vacation .

                            June, I'm sorry things are tense at home right now. I hope you can work things out. One thing I have picked up from reading around here is not to make any big life decisions in the first year of AF living. I practically feel like a new person every month so I can see why that is recommended here and in programs like AA.

                            Un, please come back!! I don't think the privacy risk is as great as the risk of trying to do this alone. We miss you :l.


                              Well, That Didn't Take Long

                              Hello everyone! Quick check in from PANAMA! Loving it and loads of healthy alcohol free drinks like mango smoothies, papaya, delish! I'm really enjoying this vacation! Who needs alcohol!


                                Well, That Didn't Take Long

                                I'm so jealous, Mylife! I hope you'll also be able to post a couple of pics when you return-- sounds like you'll not only still be AF when you return, but healthy as well with all those smoothies.. YUM.. I also hope you'll join us on the SF thread when you get back- I do LOVE it. Continued safe and exciting travels--

                                Free, How are you, dear? Damn, I'm also looking forward to your retirement. I bet the planned 3 month hike keeps you going during these last stressful months. I'm sending super positive energy your way, filled with antioxidents to keep you healthy--:l

                                NS, I was also thinking about how nice it would be to have a job that I never had to take home or stress about. It's actually what I'm on the look out for. Either that or something fulfilling. I'm giving it time, though.-- I have realised as well that it makes sense to wait a while (1 year) to make any major decisions. Which means there will be fireworks here on Sept. 1st of next year!!:H Look out! Actually I have decided that when we get back from our trip in January, I will focus on finding my new career!

                                Alls, how's it going now with the campaigning? Is it still going on? And what's your next planned run? I'm more of a short distance runner-- signed up for a run in February -a snowy forest run, which I love 'cause it reminds me of high school cross country days in Anchorage. My goal is 10k..

                                Pinecone! it's always good to see you. It seems like even though you have a stressful job which takes so much out of you, you're managing to keep things in perspective and balance it out with meditation, spirituality. That is the answer, I think. We'll always have things in life that we can't change, for whatever reason-- and we have to find ways to find meaning, peace, regardless of our situation. It takes discipline to take the time, to allow the stillness and quieting the of the mind to realise this potential for peace and happiness.-- In this busy life, I can always find something "easier" to occupy my time, so it's a real challenge. But when I'm in there, everything seems possible and, on the other hand, ok just as it is.

                                3June, I hope you will find answers. I have a similar situation with my BF-- I know I drank in part to block out our problems and differences. Now each evening he sits in front of the tv for 4 hours and I sit in the other room reading MWO or something else. I used to complain that he spent too much time in front of the boob tube, but, actually, we have so little in common that anything except our evening routine is painful! I'm exaggerating a bit-- but not that much!

                                Hugs to you all-- and UN, I miss you, too!!:l

