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Well, That Didn't Take Long

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    Well, That Didn't Take Long

    Hello Guys!

    NS - Internet access is a must wherever I end up! LOL. Just no WORK internet access!

    Alls - I completely understand. I was listening to some executive in line behind me at the airport yesterday spouting off on the phone about his company and I thought - he could be talking about my company or any other company as a matter of fact....I think I'm just burned out!

    Unfortunately, I have a few more years at least (probably at least 5) before I can retire - maybe I'll try something new for awhile. Real Estate or something... stay tuned...!

    FAL - I read your post on your other thread. Very nice! I really enjoyed the analogy!

    UN - hope you are having a great trip in the mountains!

    Have a great day all.


      Well, That Didn't Take Long

      Doing Great

      Hi Friends,

      Sorry I haven't been able to read or post but just a quick note to say things are great and I'm staying strong on my AF path!!

      Will catch up soon.

      UN :lilheart:


        Well, That Didn't Take Long

        Hey there, good to see you. I hope you had a nice time!
        "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
        AF 11/12/11


          Well, That Didn't Take Long


          UN - nice to see you're doing well!

          Hi Pinecone!

          I'm celebrating a sober Saturday and a hangover free Sunday today. It's becoming my normal state to wake up after sleeping soundly all night - and I haven't even had a drinking dream in quite some time. I am really loving not having AL dominate my life! When I look back I realize how much it really did take a front and center role in my life. How much would I would I pace much sleep did I lose over just went on and on. It just sounds exhausting now!

          Have a wonderful day all.


            Well, That Didn't Take Long

            Hello, Friends

            Good to hear you're doing well, UN. I hope the time at the cabin has been exactly what you hoped for and that now you're even more excited about a permanent move.

            Alls, I need to hire you! My daughter turns 26 in Dec. and can no longer be on my insurance. Her job doesn't provide it. I'm hoping obamacare will help her but not being an expert in anything like this, I cannot figure out what is going on .

            Pinecone, I've missed chatting with you. How is the meditation going? I have been taking the time for it ~50% of the time and am glad when I do.

            MyLife, I was thinking similar things this morning. I, however, awoke with a splitting headache. Knowing that it is allergy-induced makes it so much more bearable ! Last night was a dinner out followed by putt-putt golf with some family and friends, including 4 15-25 year olds, and no one was drinking AL. I am sure we seemed all to be drunk by anyone who saw us such was the almost constant laughter. Thank goodness that for most of the time we were the only ones on the outside patio! It was so great not to be drinking, wishing I were, or trying to figure out how to end the evening so I could be at home.

            Have a great day, everyone!


              Well, That Didn't Take Long

              Good afternoon friends,

              Hi Mylife, great to see you! It's remarkable the feeling of relief that comes with quitting. You put it very well.

              NS, yes I've missed chatting and this thread too! I have been meditating everyday since the 5th and so far so good. I'm taking notes and I'm going to give it a 30 day trial to see if I want to keep it up. My initial impression is very positive.

              It's so great to hang out with you guys! Have a great AF afternoon.
              "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
              AF 11/12/11


                Well, That Didn't Take Long

                Hi all,
                Great to hear from you UN -- hope the cabin is coming along.

                MyLife and Allswell, I hear you about the corporate work environment. I'm not renewing this contract, hoping to ease into retirement come 2014. Feeling that my knees, hips, and ankles have a limited lifespan and want to do more hiking while they are still semi-functional.

                No Sugar, I suffered from terrible allergies (mostly hayfever) when I lived in the Midwest. I was on Benadryl constantly and still no relief. Hope you are feeling better or can get to a different environment for a break.

                Was a quiet weekend for me -- catching up with friends, movies, reading the paper, three hour walk in the woods with my DH and dog. Still having major cravings for wine, but am taking the AB twice a week to shore up my strength until I get significant AF time under my belt. Don't want to cave in around the 30+ mark, as I have done in the past.

                Finally, been working on the 7 minute video every other day. It remains a killer for me.
                Free at Last
                "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

                Highly recommend this video

                July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


                  Well, That Didn't Take Long

                  Catching Up Finally

                  Hi Everyone,

                  Whew, what a whirlwind week! So, here's the news: First, and most important, I am still staying AF and more and more resolute about the decision not to ever drink again. I firmly believe my brain has been taught enough times to get it. That feeling of missing out has subsided and a calm acceptance and gratitude has taken its place. When the waitress asks me if I want wine, I now happily order hot tea. I say, I'd like it when dinner comes out, and it seems like a treat - not an al replacement - just a lovely beverage that enhances my meal and is a nice change from water. I have that tiny, tiny, reminder, though, that al is cunning as they say in AA, so I'm aware on a "background" kind of level to not get complacent.

                  The cabin........hmmm. Well, it's rustic, cute, but OLD and not quite what the pictures show. It's great for a cabin, but it's still a cabin. We had only been in it once when we bought it, and I'm still glad we did -- just different once you spend time there. SO, we are having to put some $$ into it - carpet and window coverings. We also ordered some furniture because we can't take anything from our "real" house, or it won't show nicely. It was fun, but we had to work fast to make the timing right.

                  The setting and town are absolutely wonderful and we did get in one really fabulous hike. I wasn't able to post because we have virtually no reception at the cabin. We're working on it, though, and will have internet in mid September when we go back. So, it's a work in progress. Living in the cabin as a main house for a long time will be a challenge compared to what I have now...........but, I'm just trying to not get hung up on the house part and know that my quality of life will be better because of the hiking, etc. And, if the cabin drives me too crazy, we will get a "real" house when this one sells.

                  SO, guys, that's it in a nutshell. All of you sound so good.........Free, I'm sorry you're still having cravings. I feel sure that you'll hang in there, though, if you're taking the AB. You seem determined.:l

                  ML, drinking does seem exhausting in hindsight, doesn't it?! So odd that it takes such work and effort for us to get to this place of not wanting it anymore........Just glad it's doable. I know I don't want that life or battle anymore.

                  Pinecone, good to see you here and posting.

                  I wasn't able to start the 21 day meditation but will try to get it going on some level now that I'm back.

                  Alls, you're a tax accountant?! Ugh, that makes my brain hurt just thinking about it! I think Costa Rica sounds like a plan. When you and ML plan your trip and future retirement, let me know. We want to visit!!!

                  NS, you are sounding so strong! I think being able to socialize without drinking is a big hurdle to get over and that doing so is huge in helping us maintain our AFness...... I'm getting better at it too and it's such a relief. I had boxed myself into a corner before -- thinking I had to have that social lubricant to talk with people. I absolutely don't and I'm reminded of that now. I'm quite comfortable and since I feel so good physically, I'm a lot more chatty and open to talking with people because I have energy and am relieved of the burden of the hangover!

                  Off to get some stuff done but I'll now be able to check in regularly.

                  Have a super day thankful to be rested and feeling healthy versus struggling to overcome the effects of the poison!

                  UN :lilheart:


                    Well, That Didn't Take Long

                    Hi UN, glad to hear from you -- am sure you will put the cabin in great order and turn it into a wonderful home for you. You note made me think of a place my DH and I once lived -- it was 30x15 feet and we held some incredible dinner parties there. We had no money, but a lot of love and alll our friends could tell it. Just thinking about it (20 years later) makes me smile.

                    I'm off for a 3+ week consulting gig. Electricity is sporadic and internet, when available, is often clunky. Will post when I can but do know, ladies (mostly on this thread) that I enjoy our conversations and the support we provide to one another. Stay strong and focused.

                    Free at Last
                    "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

                    Highly recommend this video

                    July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


                      Well, That Didn't Take Long

                      Hello Friends,

                      UN, I think buying a cabin is always going to be a work in progress since the previous owners styled it exactly to their tastes, to make it that perfect getaway for them. Now it's yours, go to it!!! I'm so glad for you and this adventure.

                      FAL, I hope the consulting gig goes well and if you can and you're ready to retire in 2014 you do it and enjoy all of those hikes. There really is nothing quite like getting out on the trails. I especially enjoy the solitude but it's also refreshing to run into so many like minded people when you do encounter others. I absolutely love a great trail run, the longer the better.

                      ML, hope the corporate stuff is manageable, man do I feel your frustration.

                      Just a bit about me, it's the calm before the storm. The political races don't officially start until after Labor Day so working through details, voter lists, mailings. Going to run clean and decided I don't care what the opponent does. I'll run on my merits and that should be good enough, if not I lose and move on.

                      Have a great day/evening everyone.
                      2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.


                        Well, That Didn't Take Long

                        Hi Allswell, I am so impressed by your willingness to run for public office. It is a service with little thanks and signficant responsibility. Whether you win or not, you will have put yourself out there -- something many people never manage to do. You go girl!
                        Free at Last
                        "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

                        Highly recommend this video

                        July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


                          Well, That Didn't Take Long

                          Hi Everyone,

                          Wow, it is just so nice to wake up refreshed in the mornings. Looking back, I can't believe how horrible I felt nearly every day. The insanity.........

                          Alls, we will be pulling for you. So admirable that you're running "clean" as opposed to doing the mud-raking that is now so part and parcel with trying to get elected to public office. Well, that sounds like the right thing because you have to live with yourself after all is said and done! Things have a way of working out like they should, though, and it sounds like you're resigned to that no matter which way it goes.

                          Free, what 7 minutes are you referring to in your earlier post? Meditating? Sorry, I missed that and I missed the Oprah/Chopra 21 day start from being out of town. You may already be away from internet access, but I was just curious. Oh, and thanks for the little story about you and your husband living in the little place. Just hope I'm not too spoiled and can adjust to much less space and old versus new. It's kind of hard to go backwards, but the trade-off will be worth it I hope. And, maybe having a tiny place will force me outdoors. As it is now, I'm content to just hang out in my home endlessly which isn't always a good thing.

                          Well, off to get organized for the day. Hope everyone is feeling strong in their AF commitment - Shout out to My Life, No Sugar, Pinecone and anyone stopping by - hope you guys are well.

                          UN :lilheart:


                            Well, That Didn't Take Long

                            Good morning friends,

                            Allswell, you can put your sign in my yard anytime! I truly admire someone who tries to run the way you are, it's such a rare thing.

                            FAL, have a safe and great trip!

                            UN, I think she's referring to a 7 minute workout that is online somewhere.

                            Just a short check in for me! Have a great AF day!
                            "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
                            AF 11/12/11


                              Well, That Didn't Take Long

                              Hi, UN

                              You are sounding so strong on the AF front - content but alert . I'm finding social settings easier without drinking -- I used to kind of keep my mouth shut for fear I would say something stupid. Now I'm confident in what I say and if there is miscommunication, I know what I did or did not say. I used to just assume that I was the one who didn't remember correctly. Talk about a poor self-image. But I think I used to be a little too sure of myself - ok, cocky. So I try to see the lesson in humility as being one of the good things that have come from this bad experience.

                              There are some really great books about living in small spaces and how to successfully downsize. I still have a big house but in terms of possessions, I now consider what I read in one of those books: Will I use it routinely or will something I already have get the job done (e.g. kitchen items); Is it valuable or beautiful to me regardless of external valuation (e.g. house decor), and; Will I choose it or something I already have (e.g. clothes)? These questions have spared me many needless purchases!

                              Re: the 7 minute workout
                              Here is the article:
                              Here is the app:

                              Allswell, you are brave to put yourself out there. I have a political friend -- before his last campaign, he asked us to keep an eye on his Wikipedia page because his opponent kept going in and editing it to be untrue and hurtful. Talk about dirty politics. I'm glad you are choosing to run a clean campaign. I hope the voters can see the truth and that they actually go out and VOTE!

                              Free, Safe travels! We'll miss you and look forward to seeing your posts whenever you're able. Like UN, you are sounding so sure about being a non-drinker :l. Willingly going to a place without internet access would be a challenge for me, not to mention electricity!! You are a strong soul!

                              Hey, Pinecone, are you rushing off to meditate :H?

                              MyLife, I hope this is a better work week for you and that you at least aren't on the road. Let us know how you're doing when you get a chance.

                              Have a good day! :h NS


                                Well, That Didn't Take Long

                                Hello Guys!

                                Hope you are all well - I'm in the middle of a business trip and crazy busy. I'm here for 3 weeks - good news is my Hubby is coming up to join me for one week and we're going to try and make it fun in the evenings and see some sights weekends.

                                FAL - I hear you on the 2014 retirement's crossing my mind all the time these days - I really shouldn't do it yet, but maybe I can do something less - like sell real estate or work part time...I really need to think it over.

                                UN - your cabin still sounds wonderful when you think about the healthy living aspect! You'll get it fixed up the way you like and you'll love it.

                                Alls - all we can do is hang in there and try to think about Costa Rica or something in the future!

                                Pinecone - nice to see you here again!

                                Hope you're all doing well - and sorry if I don't post a lot in a the next week or two - but I'm just crazy with a huge business transaction right now - we're in the middle of a demerger and spinoff.

                                Have a great day everyone. You all sound great - it's nice to come here and see the positive posts! :h :l

