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Well, That Didn't Take Long

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    Well, That Didn't Take Long

    allswell;1545347 wrote: Hello everyone,

    Pinecone, I know exactly what you're saying about accumulating stuff and it's only when it's time to move that we inventory what to keep and what to toss. On the last move I said to myself "did I use or need this in the past 12 months?" and if the the answer was no it was donated or tossed. It made the process kind of mechanical which I loved since I didn't have to think about it or question why I'm getting rid of it.

    On the meditation subject, does anyone have any experience with binaural beats? I'd be interested if anyone found the whole thing helpful.

    Take care everyone!
    Hi Alls, I got a binaural beats app for my phone and I have only tried it a few times. I can say I didn't give it a total fair shake. It was kind of cool though. I used the ones that are supposed to help you sleep, but I ended up liking another app better for that purpose. It kind of helps me trance out before sleeping. The other beats that are supposed to give you energy didn't seem to work for me, so I wonder if I just like constant noise to help me sleep.

    3June, ever try a white noise/rain sound machine to help you sleep after working a night shift? I find it really helps me stay asleep. Without it I wake up every couple of hours.
    "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
    AF 11/12/11


      Well, That Didn't Take Long

      Hi All,

      Pretty swamped today and tired. Would you believe a f'ng mosquito woke me up three times and then I finally gave up and got out of bed at 3? I was so pissed. I usually just turn on the light and read for about 30 minutes, they come back, I catch or spray them, and then I go back to sleep. But this little F'er was smart. It only came back after I gave up and turned the light out. Then, when I'd turn the light on to try to do my thing to catch it, he'd disappear for a very long time. Little bastard............tonight I change bedrooms. Seriously, can you believe that?! I've had it happen LOTS, but this one outsmarted me and ruined my night's sleep. I finally understand mosquito nets.

      OK, sorry for the rant. I feel better now. Oh well, at least I wasn't contending with alcohol in my system on top of no sleep!

      Everyone is sounding good - My Life, guess you're out of pocket for a while if I remember correctly.

      All the comments about "stuff" are taken to heart - it will be a great time to chunk/donate and I am going to use Alls's 12-month rule because otherwise I think too much about it and end up keeping crap!

      June, I got your pm. Thanks - I'm going to keep that website address somewhere. I really do want to visit CR one day. If I didn't have critters I'd consider spending winter time there. I just don't know what to do with my kitties - they get lonely if I'm even gone a week!

      Free, I hear you about a dog. We saw one in a coffee shop that was so cool. He was part lab and part golden retriever - being trained as a helping animal. Maybe some day. I know my husband would love one, but I'm up to my eyeballs in animals right now. Everyone has a dog where we're going - they are great for walks in the mountains.

      Well, kids, signing off for today. I'll try to not to be so bitchy tomorrow after I get some sleep!:nutso:

      UN :lilheart:


        Well, That Didn't Take Long

        UN, you sound great. I mention the dog because when we moved to the city, it was through our dog that we made all kinds of friends. From dog dates, dog parks, dog walk. I have this 70 pound mutt that looks dopey, is friendly as all get out, UNTIL you try to approach me with any ill intention. He has turned away 5 teenage boys by snarling his lips and emitting a low growl. Good luck on the packing.

        Time to call it a night here. Almost 11pm and I have plans to hit the hotel gym in the morning, thanks to an AF evening.
        Free at Last
        "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

        Highly recommend this video

        July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


          Well, That Didn't Take Long

          UN, I enjoyed your rant! Isn't it great to have a mosquito be your most annoying problem of the night :H ?

          Free, I did 2 rounds of the 7 min workout with longer intervals this morning. It was a great workout but my butt is so sore now, I can barely sit in this chair and write!

          You guys are getting me onto another purge - 50 project/craft books went to the library to be used or sold for a fundraiser today!


            Well, That Didn't Take Long

            NS - you are so right - if that's the worst problem I have.............:H yet, I have to say - nothing goes right the next day if I don't sleep...........gotta have it!!

            Free, dogs are truly an ice breaker - I used to know guys who swore it was the very best way to pick up chicks!!

            Feeling fantastic today - super night's sleep, nice little jog, and very productive day. So very happy!!

            Hope everyone is doing well.

            UN :lilheart:


              Well, That Didn't Take Long

              Hi Everyone!

              Just had to chime in on the dog conversation (of Some people questioned me getting another dog so quickly after I had to put my beloved Sandy down (it was about 2 weeks after), PLUS I was home with a broken foot....but I have to say that somehow this dog was SENT to me...he is the sweetest most loving boy, and I could never replace my Sandy, but she's never coming why not give another dog a chance? He seriously got me out of my depression!! I owe him a lot...that's why the snacks and treats and hugs and kisses are never ending for him. LOL

              UN - I hope you have a mosquito-free night. Funny how LOUD they sound at night huh?
              :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

              Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                Well, That Didn't Take Long

                Hey Everyone,

                I'm getting to the point where I'd love to throw almost all of it out and downsize to the extreme. I know I'm not the yard sale type, I don't want people fingering through my stuff and would feel weird haggling about price but feel great when I separate things into two piles, garbage and donation and get rid of it!

                K9, I wonder why people question you making the decision to make another animal's life absolute heaven. Any dog in your care has hit the lottery. These are also rescues yes? Why anyone would question that is beyond me.

                Have a great day/evening everyone. Things are good here!
                2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.


                  Well, That Didn't Take Long

                  Another mosquito-free night here YAY. I have closed off one room totally and the little F'ers can't get in... Baaahhhhaaaaa And, K9, yes, that high-pitched whine they make right around my head totally undoes me. Just can't imagine what useful link in the evolutionary chain they fill - I'm sure some other critter eats them - birds? You'd just think nature could have left out the blood-sucking insects capable of annihilating a human's night's sleep - not to mention cause malaria in some parts of the world............Ugh. Anyway, I've got their number.

                  I agree about your new pup, K9. Rescuing one right away and not waiting to fill the void left by the loss of your other dog sounds like it was a good move. And look how perfectly it worked out! I guess people thought if you picked the wrong dog it might have made you more depressed about losing the first one? Anyway, glad it worked out!

                  Hi Alls, glad to hear you're doing well.

                  ML, Pinecone, No Sugar, and anyone dropping by - hope you all have a super day.

                  Life is SOOOO much better without alcohol. Feeling rested and happy today.

                  UN :lilheart:


                    Well, That Didn't Take Long

                    Hi all, just popping in to say hello. Am working flat out this week -- something I thought would be taken care of when I was on holiday was completely ignored. But, hey, I don't have mosquitos nagging me, only because the windows here are glued shut. Seriously -- malaria is a big deal here.

                    Have fun everyone!
                    Free at Last
                    "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

                    Highly recommend this video

                    July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


                      Well, That Didn't Take Long

                      Unwasted;1546483 wrote:
                      Life is SOOOO much better without alcohol.
                      Seems like we're all in agreement on this one !
                      You sound so good, UN. I'm so glad you didn't delay coming back to MWO and everyone here who cares about you :l.

                      I've still been sketchy on my meditation commitment (Go, Pinecone!) but this article may finally push me past my point of resistance: This is How Meditation Affects Your Brain - The Buffer Blog
                      The same kind of brain images are shown that the addiction articles have showing the brain on drugs --- in so many ways we really can change our brains!
                      Pinecone, you mentioned that after 2 weeks, you had noticed some tangible benefits. What types of changes occurred?

                      My daughter and I are going to try not buying anything other than food, essential toiletries and cleaning products, etc. in the month of September. It sounds like an honorable goal, but I find myself purchasing some things NOW so that I'm ready
                      for September :H ! This might be defeating the purpose... Actually, we generally need the things I've bought but it makes me laugh how we try to fool ourselves. (I guess after all the practice I've had, I should be good at that!!)

                      Free, you must be where the internet isn't because I know you wouldn't be missing a "meeting" otherwise . I hope you at least have electricity and that your job is going well and is interesting but not unduly exciting, given that you are not in the most bucolic of places! I miss you when you're out of touch.

                      OH MY GOSH I JUST SAW YOUR GREEN LIGHT :h.

                      Have a great day/evening, everyone. xx - NS


                        Well, That Didn't Take Long

                        Freeeeee, sorry forgot to mention you - the mind is going...........I think the mosquitos get in when I open are glued! Don't work too hard!

                        NS, I'm glad I came back here quickly too!!


                          Well, That Didn't Take Long

                          What is this green light thing? Where is on the home page (of course, I can barely navigate the website)

                          No Sugar, my husband and I tried to live for two weeks on what two people on food stamps would have to spend. We failed miserably, but it was an incredible eye opener and made me realize how hard it is to eat well, with little resources.

                          Internet access has been ok -- just getting home (oh yeah, I stay in a hotel) late these days. Close to midnight now, but it's another AF day for me.
                          Free at Last
                          "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

                          Highly recommend this video

                          July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


                            Well, That Didn't Take Long

                            Unwasted, you really made me laugh with your tirade about mosquitos! Tell us how you really feel! I went camping with my family last week and they were thick in the woods. I could clap my hands in the air and hit some almost every time, Yuck! The single one in a dark room is the worst though, eeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEE--(and then the sudden stop so you know it landed and is about to bite you!).

                            NoSugar, I have been meditating daily as an experiment since 08/05/13, and taking notes. I seem to be handling stress alot better at work and I am much more relaxed at home. This seems to be filling a niche that is different from excercise. I have been able to "tap into" the relaxation while at work and not become stressed out. I'm going to give it a go for 30 days and then evaluate. I am sitting in meditation for about 15 minutes per day, sometimes a little more. So far the return is well worth the investment in time. It's kind of hard to articulate what the effects are, I think because the practice diminishes some/alot of the brain chatter that I usually have in my head, so it is kind of about an absence of something as well as the presence of another.

                            FAL, don't get malaria! Glad you can still connect with us.
                            "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
                            AF 11/12/11


                              Well, That Didn't Take Long

                              Hey All,

                              Hope everyone is doing well,

                              FAL, I'm just so curious about your profession. I know you're a consultant but what do you do? I'm sorry if you've already answered that in other threads but I limit myself to one or two so I haven't seen an answer but always wondered since the travels of your job take you all over the world and then some.

                              Labor day is getting close which is the official beginning of campaign season, wish me luck folks.

                              Have a relaxing/peaceful day or evening friends.
                              2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.


                                Well, That Didn't Take Long

                                Free, the green light shows up next to your name. It's greyed out if you're not actively logged on (unless you go to your User CP and select the privacy option for it to never show up). I wouldn't call it a home page because it happens no matter where you're posting. Does that make sense? Let me know.

                                Re your experience trying to eat on the food stamp amount. Now that's an intriguing experiment. We should all probably be forced to do that so we could understand what poverty feels like. Makes me feel like a gluttonous ingrate. Why is it that we take these things for granted?

                                Alls, best of luck! I hope things work out like you want them to. Proud of you for trying to make a difference in the world! I tend to stick my head in the sand.

                                Pinecone, you're making me feel better about one mosquito. That would totally unnerve me to be inunditated to the degree you described. Yuk. Can't even imagine.

                                NS, tell us more about your austerity experiment. Are you tring to figure out a budget, just be less of a consumer??

                                Ok, off to try to go back to sleep. Insomnia tonight - getting anxious about the move. Starting to stress badly. Go figure. And tonight there's no mosquito head buzzing me. Arrrgghh.

                                Take care everyone.

