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Well, That Didn't Take Long

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    Well, That Didn't Take Long

    Well, 'austerity' would be an overstatement given the huge amount of $$$ I spend on food :H ! Our public radio station had one of those food-stamp challenges last fall and I didn't even try - I knew I couldn't do it. I do food deliveries for our church to people in the community whose Link card runs out before the end of the month. I am reminded how fortunate I am when I'm faced with putting nothing in the cart for these deliveries that is the same as what I buy for us. It is very difficult because I don't think I am taking them nourishing food - I'm delivering bags of calories.

    So, since the great majority of the money I spend each month is for high-quality food, our plan won't make much of a financial difference - it is more about mindfulness and waste.

    We just don't "need" much of anything and as has been discussed here, would do well to get rid of much of what we have. Today's project, in fact, is to pass on to someone who actually needs them various dishes, mixing bowls, casserole dishes, etc. that have accumulated over the years and which we don't need -- something else will work for whatever task arises.

    The plan is to not
    pick up that cute tee-shirt at Target (in a color I don't have and is only $9.99!) or that planter at a garage sale that would look so cool in the family room... you, know, those short-term gratification purchases that really have no meaning and that at some point will be part of one of my stuff-purges if I buy them now.

    Hope you're all doing well! :h NS


      Well, That Didn't Take Long

      Great topic you guys. After I moved to Germany, I started to think differently about food and impulse purchases. My husband was always very conscious of not wasting food while I was the one never looking at the grocery bill and tossing away food that spoiled without hesitation. But where I live in Germany, the people shop for fresh groceries almost daily. They buy bread from the bakery and meat from the butcher shop. They only buy what they need for a few meals. The concept of club stores or extreme coupon shopping does not exist. Food is not taken for granted. Part of this comes from the older generations. My husbands grandparents lived through the war as young adults and my husbands parents remember the tough economic times after the war. This forced these generations to be thrifty and thoughtful about shopping for food and other things. This is not to say that everyone living in this area is "cheap" but quality and need is definitively a priority. Every grocery store has a large organic fruit/vegetable section and the prices are affordable. Every village has a farmers market on the weekend. The frozen food section in the grocery stores is very small with only a few items (pizza, bread, ice cream). At first I was shocked by this lifestyle but over the past few years I have tried to become more thoughtful about food and impulse purchases with a focus on being grateful for what I have. I've started shopping by meal ingredients rather than tossing "whatever" into the cart. I'm so lucky that it's easy and affordable to be healthy here in Germany so I'm trying to take more advantage it. Sorry for the rambling! That is another reason why AF will be good for me. No more drunken internet impulse buys. I would rather donate that money to charity.
      Would you like you, if you met you?


        Well, That Didn't Take Long

        Hi, MS

        I totally agree with your post! This sums it up for me and you could substitute grandparents with "most people in your village"! This one of the good things about where you live :l !


          Well, That Didn't Take Long

          Hello all,

          Just stopping in quickly to say hello. You all sound great! I'm still crazy busy and out of town until the end of August so I just don't have time to post these days. Good news is my hubby has been here all week - bad part of that is I'm now busy day and night but it's nice to have company in the evenings.

          Hopefully I'll get back into a normal life later in Sept.

          So happy to hear how well you're all doing!


            Well, That Didn't Take Long

            My Life - so good to hear that you're doing well. Thanks for checking in.

            MS and NS you guys are kindred spirits of mine to be sure. Actually, I think everyone posting here is on the same wavelength about food/exercise/meditation....etc.

            I am rabid about trying to eat the very best food and NOT eating processed foods. And, I'm really trying to be better about buying crap that, as NS says, will end up in the donation pile soon. Sometimes I don't even remember what I have, I'm ashamed to say. I think often we buy things out of boredom and for the short-term "thrill"........hmmm......does that sound familiar?

            NS, I LOVE YOUR PICTURE! People in the US are really brainwashed and have been socially engineered to believe the fake shit is food and that if their stomachs are full they must be well-nourished. HA! Another reason for rampant obesity too. OK, off my soapbox.

            MS, Europeans understand food in a different way than Americans. They didn't let GMOs into their food supply. We sell out to the corporations here unfortunately. My mother was born and raised in Italy until she married my father and then they came to the US. She taught me about good food and the evil of chemicals. I'm very thankful for that!

            Free, Pinecone, Alls (fingers crossed for election time).........have a good day everyone.

            UN :lilheart:


              Well, That Didn't Take Long

              Hey All,

              UN, I can't agree more about poor diet and fake shit food. All anyone has to do is drive by a McDonalds at any meal time and see the long line at the drive thru, there are a lot of people making poor food choices.

              I had a garden this year for the first time in a while and it yielded wonders, probably because of all the rain we had at the perfect time. The salads I had from fresh picked greens gave me almost a health buzz because I felt so good from fresh, organic food (I picked it, washed it and ate in 20 minutes from harvesting so not much fresher than that). I feel sorry for all the people that still think that crap at a fast food restaurant or out of a box at the grocer is real food.

              Hope everything get's a little less busy for you ML.

              Have a good Friday everyone!
              2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.


                Well, That Didn't Take Long

                Allswell, I think it was you who asked about my work. It's on food security issues -- ways to increase food production in an environmentally sustainable manner. I see a lot of hungry, malnourished people so wasting food or potable water is difficult for me to witness.

                All this talk of food is making me crave a salad with home grown spinach, strawberries and blueberries. Unfortunately, not on the hotel menu

                Happy to report another AF day for me.
                Free at Last
                "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

                Highly recommend this video

                July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


                  Well, That Didn't Take Long

                  Alls, amazing how alive fresh food can make you feel!

                  Free, safe travels. Hope you get your salad soon!

                  Real busy today. Hope you guys have a super weekend!

                  UN :lilheart:


                    Well, That Didn't Take Long

                    Hi UN, good to "see" you briefly. I finally, just now, figured out the green light thing. (Duh....)
                    Free at Last
                    "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

                    Highly recommend this video

                    July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


                      Well, That Didn't Take Long

                      Free, don't feel duh. The light isn't obvious at all.

                      Alls, when is the election? Sending you winning vibes!!

                      I've been busy packing and organizing for my move, so kind of short posts from me the last few days. Hope everyone is doing super........

                      UN :lilheart:


                        Well, That Didn't Take Long

                        Hey Everyone,

                        I went to a seminar of sorts yesterday on something called Aerophonic farming. I found it absolutely fascinating. It's a method of gardening that doesn't use soil, the roots are fed a mixture of nutrients that are sprayed directly to the root itself which allows a lot of production in a small space. I think it's more geared to urban gardening but really left an impression. BTW it supposedly uses 90% less water because the water is continually reused in the system. Again, absolutely fascinating. Maybe FAL can add some input on this and how it might be used throughout the world.

                        Hey UN, campaign season starts after Labor Day. I'm ready to kick some ass but do it in a clean manner. I'm more qualified, more experienced, and will do the campaign only talking about what I have to offer, I'm not going to try and chop the opponent at the knees to make me look taller. I know the opponent and won't get the same courtesy but I have standards and may the best candidate win.
                        2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.


                          Well, That Didn't Take Long

                          Hi Allswell,
                          I think Aerophonic farming is great and have seen it used quite effectively in Cape Town. I've also seen small gardens on roofs of buses, talk about innovative. Most of my work focuses on what is called small holder famers -- people (mostly women) with less than a hectare.

                          Keep fighting the good fight Allswell. You inspire me to be a better citizen.
                          Free at Last
                          "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

                          Highly recommend this video

                          July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


                            Well, That Didn't Take Long

                            Hey guys, quick check in today. Lots of stuff going on here - packing, wrapping tons of stuff up, trying to think of what I'm not thinking of!! Moving is a challenge, but it's going well so far. Luckily we have lots of time and a perfect transition setup (except for the difficulty of moving the cats, but we'll be ok).

                            Alls, sometimes I'm so proud of humans and their ingenuity - the aerophonic farming is so ingenious, isn't it! Listen, best of luck again in your election. Will the voting take place in November or is it an off-time related to the town you're in? Anyway, we are rooting for you. And Free is right - you are an inspiration. And by the way, Free, it sounds like you're doing some extremely important work. The key to getting poor people out of poverty often lies in empowering women, doesn't it?

                            My Life, hope you're still checking in from time to time.

                            Not sure who else is stopping in here? Would you guys prefer to just post on the August thread? We could move over there - this thread has kinda dwindled down????

                            Hope everyone has a super day.

                            UN :lilheart:


                              Well, That Didn't Take Long

                              Thanks, UN. Just keep saying to yourself, "It will all come together."

                              I often say if we are going to change the food security situation, start with women.

                              I like this thread -- it's filled with dynamic, middle-aged individuals.
                              Free at Last
                              "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

                              Highly recommend this video

                              July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


                                Well, That Didn't Take Long

                                Who are kind of nerdy so I like it here, too .
                                (Hope no one is offended. I am proud to be a nerd :H)

