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Well, That Didn't Take Long

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    Well, That Didn't Take Long

    NS, it is a strange feeling not to be able to check in. I had that issue when I was on vacation and it made me realize how much I depend on the support here even when I feel secure in not drinking. I don't think healthy fear is an oxymoron and that it's brilliant that you know yourself so well. You're a very strong person and I have no doubt that you'll remain AF this weekend. We will think of you "out there" and anxiously await your tales when you're back in civilization. Maybe you'll have some good drunken stories to add to the "why I don't drink anymore" arsenal.

    LC, I'm moving from the Texas Hill Country to Colorado. I've really not wanted to be here for a long time and just kind of got stuck with job and family situations. But, we are free now to " move about the cabin" and are off to experience a different part of the country. If I didn't have critters, I would actually even have considered going out of the country. My good friends have had to leave here to open up businesses, so were pretty isolated now. We have met people where we're going, but don't know any of them very well. It's a big move, but really a good time to make it happen. I've been here 40 years and am SO ready something different. Oh, and yes, that's one of my kitties. She is sweet beyond description!

    Off again to get stuff done - mostly cleaning ugh. Have a great day/evening everyone.


      Well, That Didn't Take Long

      Hi all, another airport lounge before I depart for second leg and will be offline for a while.

      Couple of quick responses.

      UN -- I saw a great phrase from someone here "glacce back, as if looking in the rearview mirror, but keep your focus forward." That may also apply to your move. If you can't imagine spending the rest of your lives in the place you have been, then you know it is time for a change. Scary as it can be, you will rise to the occasion.

      Strong -- in mid July, when I left for a two week holiday where alcohol was present every day (hiking in Europe and staying in huts, hotels, and campsites), I started antabuse because I knew I could handle the first week of saying "no thank you" but not necessarily the second week. I needed to get some AF time under my belt so I could start to make the mind shift necessary to view myself as a nondrinker (and it is still a work in progress for me). I took a five day loading dose and then 2 tables (Sat and Wed) per week. Because my travel schedule (with tons of lounges and free booze almost "pushed" on me), I continue to take one table per week. It has helped me enormously with removing the mind chatter about drinking. I am increasing the length of time between pills almost to the point where I now take a pill only if I think I am going to cave in. Also, I had a full blood workup before starting so we could monitor any changes. With the constant travel, the weekly dinners and cocktail parties, it has been a godsend for me. Still not easily, but this is the longest I have been AF in probably 30+ years.

      NoSugar, I know how hard it is to be without internet connection, especially when temptations rise. Fear is healthy, but do you have a plan? Now might be a really good time to do some walking meditation, or to make yourself do some outdoor yoga so you have an excuse to get away from the commotion, if necessary. These kind of tests are important, as we have to know we can push oursleves.

      Sounds like we are all growing one way or another.

      Take care and stay focused.
      Free at Last
      "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

      Highly recommend this video

      July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


        Well, That Didn't Take Long

        Good morning friends,

        NS, shoot, I'm sorry I missed you, assuming you left already. Have a great AF time in the woods! I'll look forward to seeing you when you come back.

        Un, thinking of you during this stressful but rich opportunity. I'm a real home-body myself. I like to knock around in my house when it's just me and enjoy the quiet, so I think moving might really discombobulate me too.

        I really liked some of the things on the RR website too, particularly the stuff about the voice that isn't you. I think that is one of the things I see people really struggling with over and over, the compulsion that they mis-recognize for themselves wanting a drink.

        Just a quick check in for me before work, hopefully more time to relax and post tomorrow.

        Lifechange, FAL, Mylife thank you all for being here. Have a great AF day.
        "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
        AF 11/12/11


          Well, That Didn't Take Long

          Hello everyone,

          Haven't been able to check in for a few days but things are good.

          NS, I'm absolutely the same type as you - the all or nothing type. I agree with FAL that now is the time to get a plan in place for the devil. Think of how strong you will feel when you get through this free of alcohol and remember how great you feel now compared to how shitty you felt drinking. I really worried the first vacation I took after quitting and found it was the best trip I had ever taken because the focus was getting out and experiencing and not focused on 6 drinks at dinner then getting plastered at the hotel afterwards and wasting the whole next morning.

          UN, I currently run in Nike Pegasus 29. I've been running in the Pegasus for several years now. I have two pair that I alternate on different days so I never run in one pair two days in a row. I mark the date I start running them on the side of the sole and retire them after 3 months. I do have a separate Pegasus trail shoe I use for the really rough, rocky trails since they provide more support and the bottom is tougher but for regular trails that are just crushed limestone like you'll find in parks I use my regular shoes.

          Feeling great today, hope everyone has a perfect Saturday!
          2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.


            Well, That Didn't Take Long

            Privacy Issues


            I just saw where a post of mine re alcohol was on the Internet. I googled myself, and it freaked me out. It wasn't from this site, but it concerns me greatly.

            I have decided I'm not comfortable with the possible lack of anonymity. I remember someone here (chill girl) who stopped posting a year or more ago because she thought her account had been hacked.

            I couldn't believe what was out of books I had written, books about alcohol I had saved in various places. I was shocked.

            I'm not posting here or anywhere for that matter. I have deactivated my Facebook account. It just blew me away.

            Sorry. But I know you will all do just fine. Big hugs.



              Well, That Didn't Take Long

              This is very sad to hear, UN. I'm so selfish--I know I will be fine, but I will really miss having you here.


                Well, That Didn't Take Long

                Oh dear...I just saw myself too....that scares me
                ...peace and quiet....and a cup of tea.....heaven:h


                  Well, That Didn't Take Long

                  Thanks everyone for checking on me and for your encouragement - I really appreciate it.

                  As usual, my fears turned out to be unfounded and the weekend went fine although the rental was not quite what it looked to be on the internet! :H We were tricked by the miracles of photography! But - it was a fun and relaxing time and although I prefer to be connected, I certainly saw the benefits of taking a break.

                  UN, I sent you a PM. I'm sorry you are not comfortable posting. I think anytime we do a google search on our real or screen names, things are going to pop up.

                  Hope you all are doing well!


                    Well, That Didn't Take Long

                    Hey NS, great to see you! I'm glad you had a nice weekend. Do all your clothes smell like campfire?

                    Un, I'm sorry to see you go!
                    "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
                    AF 11/12/11


                      Well, That Didn't Take Long

                      UN, sorry to see you go, as I really enjoyed your contributions. Best wishes on the move.

                      Happy to report I am remaining AF.
                      Free at Last
                      "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

                      Highly recommend this video

                      July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


                        Well, That Didn't Take Long

                        Hi Guys -

                        Happy to report still AF. I am working and traveling still like crazy, but I feel so much better doing it without Al. We've been going through a lot of really hard things at home as well - but I still feel so much stronger knowing I'm doing it AF.

                        UN - that scares me too. I checked myself out but didn't see too much. I did deactivate my FB about six months ago as I didn't like my picture popping up if I googled it - and the general lack of privacy and it really feels better that I don't have it anymore.

                        Hope everyone is remaining strong on their AF paths. This really is the best way to live life. Have a great AF evening all :l


                          Well, That Didn't Take Long

                          Good evening everyone!

                          NS, I'm glad you had a good time and proved to yourself that you could do it without us! I know what you mean about places looking a bit different than what is promised on a website-- happened to us this summer. It was still nice, though. Good to have oyu back!

                          My life, well done on staying on your path even during difficult times. I hope you're still holding strong and finding solutions. You do work a lot, don't you? You and Free seem to be gone a lot.

                          And you're well Free? Are you travelling to the same places all the time? Or are you constantly in foreign situations? Glad to hear you're still going strong.

                          Hi Pinecone and anyone else who might be stopping in today--


                            Well, That Didn't Take Long

                            Hi, Lifechange. I sure love reading your posts - you sound so upbeat and strong . I saw your posts about keeping away from sugar lately. I don't know why sugar is a good substitute for AL for some people and for others of us, having sugar increases the desire for AL. I guess the main thing is for each person to figure out which group they are in. Have you posted that salad recipe yet? It sounded so good!

                            So what have you been up to, Pinecone? Is it already really chilly where you live?

                            Alls, I would like to be your running shoe supplier! You must be in great shape. Even when I was a runner, I couldn't do it every day!

                            After my weekend away, I'm even more impressed with you, Free and MyLife. Perhaps you get somewhat used to constant travel but I still think that what you guys are doing is amazing.

                            UN, I hope you are still reading your thread and might consider coming back :l. In any event, I'll be thinking of you this week as you make your big move. I hope it goes well and that you love your new home.

                            :h NS


                              Well, That Didn't Take Long

                              Hi friends,

                              NS, yes we've had frost here already. The leaves are changing and the air is crisp. My garden is done! I love this time of year though.

                              I am in the camp of folks who don't seem to get along with sugar. It doesn't make me crave alcohol but it makes me feel pretty ill. I have quit eating ice cream almost entirely, because of a feeling very similar to a hangover the next day; headache, dehydration and fatigue. On the other hand, there are some foods that seem to nourish me in a correct way. It's funny to me how much thought I give this stuff now, I really never paid attention when I was drinking obviously.

                              Hi Lifechange, I miss Un too. I hope we can all still post in this thread. It's a great group. I have tried in the past to post in the nest frequently but the volume of folks there is overwhelming to me, and I feel terribly afraid about "missing" someone's post.

                              Hi to FAL and mylife! Hope you can rest a bit when you need to.
                              Hi to Alls!
                              "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
                              AF 11/12/11


                                Well, That Didn't Take Long

                                Hi everyone,
                                Just checking in to say hello and that I think we should keep this thread going. I like the company.

                                Last night was rather tough for me. A friend came over with wine. I poured her a glass and myself a glass of selter water with lime. Took an antihistamine in front of her (bad allergies right now) and said not drinking today. Could not bring myself to say that I haven't had a drink in two months. When she left (sent her home with the remaining wine) I told my DH that I am not certain I can do this, completely stop drinking. His encouragement about how much he enjoys having me be present in the evenings inspired me to keep on. A turning point for me will be when I tell this friend I don't drink. period.

                                Thanks for listening everyone and best wishes for a joyous AF day.
                                Free at Last
                                "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

                                Highly recommend this video

                                July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last

