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Well, That Didn't Take Long

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    Well, That Didn't Take Long

    Hi Friends,

    Hey, I won the election yesterday and it feels pretty damn awesome!

    It was hard work and so much effort was put into it, really bad energy from people at times but I set a goal, had focus and confidence with being on the right path and it worked in my favor. It's like this journey we have, there is no substitute for hard work and determination and if we have it we'll succeed and with the support of others it's so much less of a burden.

    I hope everyone fighting this thing has support from people that matter.

    OK, I'll stop sounding like a politician now.

    Would love to get an update on Panama ML.

    Take care All.
    2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.


      Well, That Didn't Take Long

      Hi guys - posting with limited access here so forgive typos!

      First things first All's - congratulations!!!! That is awesome!!!! Way to go you must be so proud! :goodjob:

      I am liking Panama a lot. Very tranquil and lovely. It is still a poor country - not much of a middle class but the people are so kind and nice and there are beautiful beaches and a rainforests too. Lots of diversity. At first we did not like Panama city and now we really like it...I think it was not about arriving on a Holiday which was bad timing. The city was stopped for 3days with parades and activities.

      Will post more later. AF and loving it!


        Well, That Didn't Take Long

        Congratulations on your victory, Alls! It is great that all your time and effort paid off and that your clean campaign resonated with the voters. I like your comparison with what goes on here - we are in a constant campaign against a really ruthless and wily opponent. But we can win, just like you did. I hope holding office turns out to be interesting and rewarding.

        Hi, MyLife - glad to hear that you're having a good ol' AF time!

        Hope everyone else is doing well and also loving the AF life! :h NS


          Well, That Didn't Take Long

          Hi friends,

          Alls, congratulations!!! I'm very happy for you. Sometimes the good guys win one!

          Mylife the vacation sounds wonderful. Enjoy your time there.

          Lifechange, thanks for the kind words it means a lot to me. Work is quite a grind. A friend once told me "that's why they call it work!" and I can't even tell you how much I love that expression. I took next week off and I have no real plans just some R & R.
          You sound fabulous in your post so enjoy the fruit of YOUR discipline, friend.

          NS, great to see you! I laughed at the mail carrier thing, I've always wanted a job like that too. I picture myself trying to make friends with all the dogs but screwing up the delivery a little bit but never getting fired because it's a federal job. That would be great!

          I hope everyone has a great AF night.
          Un if you're out there, we sure do miss you.
          "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
          AF 11/12/11


            Well, That Didn't Take Long

            allswell that's so exciting! Congratulations!

            pinecone, yes thanks the job is a huge learning curve but I am loving all the responsibilities that come with it as well as the steady shift with weekends off.

            NS good advice thanks, this year has been a transition and I am still adjusting.

            mylife loving your updates and how nice that they had a holiday just to welcome you!

            lifechange yep hubby loves his easy chair and the TV and I want to get up and move. I can do it alone of course, and I do, but I wish he felt the same way. It is too easy to get swept into his lifestyle and I really don't want that. Luckily he doesn't drink though!

            Tough day today but I made the most awesome supper, acorn squash with kale, goat feta and cranberries mmm talk about comfort food!
            Newbies Nest
            My accountability thread


              Well, That Didn't Take Long

              So, June, how do you put those components together? I love all of them!

              I made creamed spinach with nutmeg last night - now that is a comfort food from childhood for me!

              Have a good day, everyone!


                Well, That Didn't Take Long

                3june, that sounds amazing! I'd love to know too if you care to share! Glad the new job is working out for you and you aren't doing hard nights anymore.
                "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
                AF 11/12/11


                  Well, That Didn't Take Long

                  Hi All,

                  I'm a huge fan of kale, never thought of cranberries being a compliment but it makes sense. Fall is here and dark at 6pm, time of year to get some good books. Wish I was in Panama right now. Have a great rest of the trip ML.
                  2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.


                    Well, That Didn't Take Long

                    Good morning friends,

                    I hope you have all been well! I'm enjoying a long weekend with my family and I'm off work this week! Yesterday I baked baguettes (sorry NS!!) and made minestrone soup for dinner. I excercised and meditated and I was pretty pooped by the late afternoon, but it was a good tired.

                    I'm off the rest of the week too, with no real plans, just like I like it! It's great to get a break. I'm having good luck practicing gratitude as an active state, instead of just when I feel grateful. Marvelous stuff, that's why Lav always mentions it!!

                    I hope everyone has a great AF day!
                    "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
                    AF 11/12/11


                      Well, That Didn't Take Long

                      Hey, where is everybody ???

                      Glad to hear you have an unplanned week at home, Pinecone - those are just the best!
                      It is snowing here for the first time this year. Do you have it on the ground already? I bought a good, warm jacket that I actually like so I'm hoping that helps with my cold-weather attitude .

                      If I were going to eat bread, a homemade baguette is what I would choose - I'm sure yours are delicious! Actually, my life would be simpler if I didn't like all that stuff!


                        Well, That Didn't Take Long

                        Lol to NS! That's the downside of being in a thread with busy people. We are all busy doing interesting things at different times. Although it seems like everyone does much more interesting things than I do! Interesting for me is catching up on sleep!

                        We have snow on the ground now, not much but it's there. I do truly love all the seasons, but the cold air and snow make me feel like I'm coming home. It's clean and quiet and the air makes me feel alert.

                        Are you a scarf person, NS? I find that besides a hat, keeping my neck warm really helps stay warm.

                        I do plan to eventually get away from wheat. After quitting drinking, I decided to dabble in baking and set a challenge for myself of making good baguette. I did get pretty good results after a lot of failures! I feel like getting away from white flour products though. I am now interested in traditional European rye bread, it seems to be better for you.

                        That's my week folks! Baking and not working! I'm very content with that though.

                        I hope everyone has a great AF day and check in if you can.
                        "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
                        AF 11/12/11


                          Well, That Didn't Take Long

                          Hi all,
                          Quick check in with everyone. First of all, CONGRATS, Allswell on winning the election. We are so proud of you.

                          I had a really difficult three week consulting gig and broke down and had wine my last weekend, as I mentioned on my "on becoming joyfully AF" thread. Traveled to three countries, four hotel rooms, ten work dinners, trouble with flights, visas, paperwork, difficult interactions with colleagues, really poor internet connection, no phone connections, loneliness, and finally a bottle of complimentary wine delivered to me. I had not taken my AB in over a week (I don't like taking pills when I am in Africa because there is no 911 system in most places I work so if I have a reaction, I am on my own.). A moment of weakness had me peering into the abyss but not falling into it. The AF life is much preferred for me.

                          Arrived home to learn I would need to be back on a plane tomorrow, back home by Thanksgiving morning. Not complaining -- it is part of my consulting assignment and I know this will be wrapping up in 2014). Today, I'll take a double (250 mg) dose of AB and that will carry me through this next week of work and travel. One more long work gig in Dec and then I have a month off with my DH.

                          Glad to hear everyone is busy with their lives -- that's a good thing. Thanks for all your encouragement.
                          Free at Last
                          "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

                          Highly recommend this video

                          July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


                            Well, That Didn't Take Long

                            Hello All,

                            I am back to reality. I have to say I think that was the best vacation my Husband and I have had in years. We both really needed a surpisingly good time and that's exactly what we got. And it opened up a travel bug with both of us - so we'll be doing more travel next year when we can. I'm really looking forward to leaving my company now so that I can travel! I think we can take 6 months to a year off - and I will then probalby need to work for a few more years. I'm only 50 and don't want to run out of money before social security kicks in! LOL. But I'm not stressed about it at all. Panama was a wonderful place - with beaches and mountains and rain forrests... and great if you're up for an adventure. It's still 3rd world - but so many wonderful people and we had such a great time. One night we were out to dinner with 10 other expats we had just met over a few days! It was really a good time - I highly recommend it.

                            FAL - I only have kudos to give to you for your travel schedule! I don't know how you do it. One of the main things I'm looking forward to is no more business trips! I've got a couple over the next few weeks and I just can't wait until they're not a part of my life anymore!

                            Pine and NS - snow on the ground! That sounds wonderful for Thanks giving. I would really love to bake if I lived in a cooler climate - but it's just not happening here in Florida.

                            Alls - how is it going being an elected official?! I'm still so impressed! You have to check out Panama it's really wonderful. You can do it and Costa Rica in the same trip pretty easily.

                            Great to hear from everyone - hope you all have a great evening.


                              Well, That Didn't Take Long

                              Hi everyone, I've been in flying mode so not posting much. Didn't make it to USA for Thanksgiving but my husband joined me at a big event here in Africa. Nine more days and I am off for a month. Looking forward to catching up with friends, cooking, and, yes, a little more travel -- a two week holiday with my longsuffering husband.

                              MyLife, so glad to hear you had a great holiday. Your retirement is a few months ahead of mine. So looking forward to time with my DH and dog.
                              Free at Last
                              "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

                              Highly recommend this video

                              July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last

