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My thoughts this morning

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    My thoughts this morning


    BH, it's been good reading your post. I was always been told that my AL was affecting more then just myself. Blinded by my AL I just wasn't seeing it and thought I that i got this under control.
    Wow, I had know idea the number of joys in life I really was missing out on. Everyday I discover more and more of those joys. I'm so glad I decided that I'm done with alcohol.
    I use these joys to give me strength on my day to day journey to stay sober and win my battle against AL
    I wish you well, to keep finding those joys.


      My thoughts this morning

      Neddy, I never want to go back to that horribleness, but I am not going to let myself forget it. I still spend some time every day reliving it, just to reinforce in my mind that that's what AL does to me, and also to reinforce the positives about life without it. Everything about life is so much better, isn't it my friend?

      Rita, I can so identify with that detached feeling, looking back it is the loneliest place in the world to be, isn't it? Full of despair, sadness, shame. I am glad you came back and started posting, and I am more than glad if this thread helped a little :l

      Thank you Nefer, three years sober after 42 drinking is amazing and very inspirational to those of us starting out, thank you.

      TS, I love that. Someone has the tag line 'no one ever wakes up and wishes they had drank last night', it always makes me smile!

      Ford, I love that you use the word 'joy'. I am a joyful person when sober. I find joy in simple things, and just life in general. Another thing to add to my list of things AL is never going to take from me again. I posted to your thread, but again, welcome to MWO, it is very nice to meet you!
      Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


        My thoughts this morning

        BH, I think we have to remember it in all its grim hideousness. When I forget that I then start to minimise its appalling impact and start looking about me thinking, "Och it wasn't that bad", Oh you're not as bad as him", "So what if you took time off your work, nobody was hurt". This is, of course, insanity. In saying that though, in the past when I have tried to get and stay sober, I have focused a bit too much on alcohol. This time I have changed my centre of attention to sobriety and the promise of wondrous things that it holds for me. Even the simple things like being able to hold my head up high when I go out, not having to worry about being over the limit when jumping in my car, not having to worry about my breath reeking of alcohol at 9 o'clock of a morning. Like you, I am, overall, a joyful, happy person so I never cease to be amazed at why I give that up for poison.

        Thanks for starting this thread. I have really enjoyed reading everyone's comments.
        "I used to be on the guest list, but now I'm on the nest list!"

        Newbies Nest:



          My thoughts this morning

          Neddy Merrill;1539119 wrote: BH, I think we have to remember it in all its grim hideousness. When I forget that I then start to minimise its appalling impact and start looking about me thinking, "Och it wasn't that bad", Oh you're not as bad as him", "So what if you took time off your work, nobody was hurt". This is, of course, insanity. In saying that though, in the past when I have tried to get and stay sober, I have focused a bit too much on alcohol. This time I have changed my centre of attention to sobriety and the promise of wondrous things that it holds for me. Even the simple things like being able to hold my head up high when I go out, not having to worry about being over the limit when jumping in my car, not having to worry about my breath reeking of alcohol at 9 o'clock of a morning. Like you, I am, overall, a joyful, happy person so I never cease to be amazed at why I give that up for poison.

          Thanks for starting this thread. I have really enjoyed reading everyone's comments.
          So have I Neddy, and I love this post. Just one wee correction,

          I never cease to be amazed at why I give
          that up for poison

          Past tense, Neddy my friend, past tense.
          Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


            My thoughts this morning

            I stand corrected. Keep me right in my sobriety. I need all the help I can get!
            "I used to be on the guest list, but now I'm on the nest list!"

            Newbies Nest:



              My thoughts this morning

              "looking back it is the loneliest place in the world to be"

              bh....isnt that the truth!


                My thoughts this morning

                piper123;1539184 wrote: "looking back it is the loneliest place in the world to be"

                bh....isnt that the truth!
                let's never go back there again piper! :l
                Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe

