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    New to the site


    Today is my first time looking over this site. I'd say I've been drinking daily for the past 6-7 years. Like many others on here, I haven't missed work due to drinking, never miss a family function, or anything that my kids are involved in, and most people would not have any idea that I drink a bottle of wine each night-sometimes 2 bottles on a weekend night. I have a high tolerance to alcohol, can mix liquors and beer and wine, and not think a thing about it. I've never had a DUI or even been stopped on suspicion of drinking. I work in a highly busy office-often putting in 60-70 hours a week. I'm 34, have 3 children, 9, 13, and 15, and am happily married for 16 years. I don't smoke and I don't use drugs. My husband actually supports my drinking, as does my own mother, both often telling me not to worry when I mention that maybe I should quit. Both tell me "You have a stessful job, and a hectic schedule, so what if you have 3 glasses of wine a night?". Did I mention that I have also been in college for 6 years? I'm currently enrolled 12 hours and carry a 3.8 gpa. My husband does drink on occasion, but usually just a couple of beers maybe on the weekend while he watches a game. So, what's the big deal, you might ask? The big deal is the feeling that I NEED to have a drink. That feeling of it being Saturday and knowing the liquor stores are closed on Sunday and that I need to make sure to stop so I'll have a bottle for Sunday. I am also sure that drinking my red wine every evening has contributed to my 30 pound weight gain. (Well, that and the snacking while I study) I feel like if I could stop drinking that I would lose weight, get a better night's sleep, look more refreshed and not have the occasional headache I get from the wine. Everyone tells me wine is cheaper than prozac and that if all I do is have a few drinks and it's not having a negative impact to stop worrying. Personally, I think I'm a functioning alcoholic. Also, my father is an alcoholic-in the worst form. He's had multiple DUI's, and when he falls off the wagon, everything goes to hell. He is self-employed and often shuts his phone off for weeks and doesn't follow through on the committments he makes.

    Thanks for letting me get this off my chest.

    PS-For anyone in Indiana, my wine of choice is Oliver Soft Red. I love it. I just wish I didn't!
    "There is a difference between interest & commitment. When you're interested in doing something, you do it when it's convenient. When you're committed to something, you accept no excuses, only results."

    New to the site

    Ah yes Winelover:
    The busy life, the kids, the long time marriage, job, 30 extra pounds, the snacks I have to eat (in order to coat my stomach so i can keep drinking), and the feeling that my life would be soooo much better if I could just stop craving alcohol! Liquor stores are closed on Sundays here too. The horror if I didn't get there on Saturday and actually didn't have enough alcohol to get through Sunday!! What would I do??
    I am so glad you found this web site. It was such a relief to me to know that there are others like me (and you) out there that know those same feelings. You will also be relived to know that there is real help and support...yes, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Have you read the book? Download it, get out to a book store, or order it online. It is well worth the read. It gives many tools that you can use. Read as much as you can on this website too. So many people from all over the world will be you instant best friends, to listen, talk, and just be there when you need us. Welcome to MWO Wine Lover!!!!
    Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:


      New to the site

      Hi, I am new as well, just having registered and clicking around for the first time. My story is a little different, my problem is that once I start drinking, I can not stop. I tell myself - I'm only going to have just one more ... then before you know it its closing time. Not every day, but once or twice a week. But now it is hurting my family. The kids are gone now, its just the two of us, but she can't stand my drinking. I need to do something.


        New to the site

        Welcome Wine Lover and Land Shark

        It doesn't really matter what everyone else thinks when you know you have a problem does it? That's why I am here. I needed a change. I was drinking way too much and needed to be more in control. At my worst I also could not stop drinking once I had a couple in me. It took me some time but I got in the right mind frame and have been taking the supplements recommended here. They truly work.

        I encourage you both to read the book and KEEP POSTING. The support here is amazing. I would have never gotten so far if it weren't for the people here.

        Best of luck
        "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


          New to the site

          I don't think it matters if you drink every day or once in a while to excess. If you think you have a problem, then it is a problem to you. Especially when it starts effecting the ones you love. Many of us here have to go strictly AF, or alcohol free, because once we start, stopping is out of the question. Welcome to you too Land Shark. As I said above, please consider reading the MWO book and definately take some time and read as much as you can on this website. It may be a bit of a slow weekend around here as it is Easter and weekends tend to be kind of quiet anyway. But don't give up. Check in from time to time and someone will be around to chat or say hello. One word of advide to you both.....if you have addictive personalities, these boards can become your next addiction!! At least it is a healthy alternative to drowning yourself in booze!!! Welcome to you both again!
          Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:


            New to the site

            welcome winelove and landsharkman!

            I too drank for the effect (to sleep, de-stress etc) and it used to work but then gradually started to backfire on me and make things so much worse. I'm only 30 days AF today but after my first week my sleep got a TON better as well as my overall mental outlook, confidence, self esteem, memory etc. I'm a red vino lover myself and sure miss the taste but don't miss feeling tired and crappy.
            I read a study that people with inherently higher tolerance to alcohol have an extra liver enzyme (hence the fact they process alcohol approx twice as fast as normal people) but the downside is that the acetlydehide produced in alcohol metabolism is not passed as fast as normal folks and builds up toxicity in the body bonding with other neurotransmitters and causing long term brain damage and even mimicking opioids in the way it's perceived by our bodies. whew. that was a long rambling sentence! anyhow take care folks and read the book as diditforme recommends.
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              New to the site

              Hi WL~
              I was once like you but eventually the alcohol took over. I would suggest reading the book if you haven't already and glad you found us.
              :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                New to the site

                To Winelover and SharKMan

                Boy, your stories sound so familiar to so many of us here. That is not to belittle them in any way. We all struggle with the same demons you do every day. But remember that these demons will never get the best of us - we can win them over every day. And that is what it takes - one day -even one hour at a time. And we are all your friends and will be proud and supportive of one hour or one day AF or at least in moderation!

                This is always a learning and growing process. But you have made the best first step imaginable. You are now part of a loving community of friends who understand you.

                You are home. You are safe now.

                Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                  New to the site

                  Hi Wine Lover:

                  I could use your whole post as my own - almost identical (except I prefer white wine) and it's my mom who was/is alcoholic. I "lurk" here everynight and have only posted a couple of times. On Monday coming up, I will be 3 weeks without wine. Friday nights are the worst. Just go to bed early if you can... it seems to be getting a bit easier. In terms of new addictions, try the gym to blow off your work and school stress. I'm even dragging my butt out of bed at 5:30 am so I can sqeeze it in... I'm getting addicted to that instead - much better... I've lost 10 lbs in 3 weeks! Keep the faith! There's lots of very nice people here to help...


                    New to the site

           may be new but what a good example your actions are setting! right on.
                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)


                      New to the site

                      Hello Wine-Lover and landsharkman,
                      I'm glad you found us.
                      LibraLeo, fantastic!


                        New to the site

                        Wine Lover and Land Shark :welcome:

                        As everyone else has said, this place is amazing, It works for me because we all actually understand how difficult it is, and there is always someone on here to help and support if you need it, keep reading and posting, you can get through this, I promise .....

                        Libra, Well done!!!

                        Love & Hugs


                          New to the site

                          Libra Leo Congrats on 3 weeks & Land Shark Welcome!
                          :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                            New to the site


                            Hi Wine Lover, and :welcome: !

                            Don't mention red wine! - I can take or leave every other drink, but once that red wine's open that's it - just can't imagine where it went?! I also hear it calling, calling, calling... However, I also had friends tell me not to worry, a few glasses a night never hurt anyone... also able to function well so no one considered I had a problem - But I knew - and finally I stopped listening to them and started listening to myself.

                            And what a great difference! I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders as I don't have all the constant arguments with myself - the negotiations, the justifications, the disappointments... If you feel it's right for you, then stop. We're here to support, listen, share, we're here 24/7, we've all been there so we understand! - you're amongst friends, so as the others say, read the book and decide what your next step's going to be - tomorrow is a brand new day - the first day of the rest of your life - hope it's a brilliant one!

                            Warmest wishes and a very happy Easter weekend
                            :rays: Arial

                            Last first day - 15th April 2012
                            Days 1-7 DONE
                            Days 8-14 DONE
                            Days 15-21 DONE
                            30 days DONE
                            60 days
                            100 days


                              New to the site

                              hi winelover, in reading your story i thought someone was teling mine! I have been drinking daily for last 6-7 years, while still being very successful. no one would suspect. have been checking in here reading posts for last month. had 6 AF days last month, not a lot but a start. really slipped up twice last week, but will carry on. I have found this site very helpful

