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Honeymoon Period?

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    Honeymoon Period?

    It is often said that the first few days off Alcohol are a honeymoon period! I have now had a week and two days alcohol free and I can think of many words to describe these few days but honeymoon would not be one of them.

    It has been a roller coaster. The one positive was that the withdrawals this time were very slight, only happened at night and consisted mainly of muscle twitches and spasms which I am glad to say have now virtually gone, got the odd little one or two last night and that was it. I am grateful that is over.

    Have been sweating quite a bit at night but mainly because of the heat, for the first couple of days it might have been withdrawal, that too now has finished, even when the night is hot I am not sweating. Still not sleeping.

    During this 9 days both of my phones (landline and mobile) have broken, my garden key and padlock were stolen, garden was partially trashed, wing mirror on car broken, neighbour's car alarm was going all night.

    I had a dental appointment and was in the chair for nearly 3 hours, through immense positive thinking I got through that very well and the result is good but the pain afterwards for a few days has been quite a challenge and I am fed up with eating sloppy food and eating on one side. (only a few more days to go)

    Then my computer broke down completely, it took me four and a half hours to set up my emergency computer, which I'm typing on now, various things had to be uninstalled then other new things installed and had to re programme printer etc so they ran from this (emergency computer) set up new email account, various other stuff (boring)

    Meanwhile my dad has been quite unwell this week but seems to be a bit better now, I was worried as he is ninety one.

    I am on holiday from work at the moment but so far feel that each day has just been spent trouble shooting! Inbetween all of this I had a birthday, but I am going to celebrate it again as feel I deserve another one!!

    But the great thing is I have not drunk alcohol, or wanted to drink alcohol

    The lady who lives above me has had a beautiful baby.Spent time with her and her boyfriend today.

    I have got in touch with some old friends.

    Been back to AA, went to two meetings. Felt happy to be back, this holiday will try out several meetings to see if I want to go regularly to any of them. Feel AA can help me but combined with other things too.

    Knackered now, it is 3.20 am in London.Hoping the rest of the holiday will be more peaceful
    Thanks for all the support on here.
    New life started on 1st May 2014, One day at a time I will work at continuing it forever!

    Honeymoon Period?

    I certainly wouldn't say the first few days are a honeymoon at all, nor would most people I think, especially if you are having withdrawal symptoms. For alot of people the first few months can be considered a sort of honeymoon, or what AA's call the "pink cloud". Others really struggle with it for quite some time before they feel good, especially if they were in bad health and had alot of consequences that they were struggling with. It's different for everyone, but it always does get better. If you are anything like me, almost anything is better than being in the hell that is active alcohol addiction. Glad you are enjoying your meetings and spending time with the baby
    Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present. - Jim Rohn

    You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself. That is something you have charge of. - Jim Rohn


      Honeymoon Period?

      Darkest Diamond, its great that you have managed to stay off booze with all this crap happening around you (I don't mean the baby!). And with the heat.
      I personally think the term honeymoon - in any of its meanings - is a problematic term and AL quitting, especially when you are having physical withdrawals -can hardly be described as a honeymoon. But things should start to get better in that space for you - although there will be tough times - going without AL is not a stroll in the rose garden from here on (another metaphor). We get challenged by the other stuff, the boredom, the anxiety in our lives - it was always there even when we were drinking - but without the haze and the escapism of AL, the hard things in life can seem much more raw to us.

      Sounds like you are a survivor. Enjoy what's left of the heat wave. I was in London in April and it was so so cold.


        Honeymoon Period?

        DD, sounds like you have had a bit of a time of it! You're here, you've coped with all of it, and you are still AL free. Imagine how much worse it would be if you were drinking on top of all that?

        I hope your Dad is on the mend and feeling better. I am very, very pleased for you and your 9 days my friend, well done! x
        Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


          Honeymoon Period?

          Pink Cloud

          Thanks so much for the replies, yes the last few days have been grim but would have been much worse with alcohol!!

          Back on the honeymoon theme, I never really had the "pink cloud" thing that is spoken about in AA, 26 years ago I was alcohol free for over a year and then I drank. During that year it really was white knuckle sobriety, even though I went to AA meetings I wanted to drink every day! Certainly no honeymoon period then, although I knew way back then I was drinking alcoholically I still wanted the buzz!!

          About ten years ago I was alcohol free for three years and three months but again still yearning for booze (not all of that time, but a lot of it)

          This time is different, I want to be alcohol free
          I am ready to say goodbye to it forever as I can see what it was doing, it has lost its glamour and magic. I fully understand its tricks and how cunning it is and can see the devastation it can cause. I can also see the potential beauty of an alcohol free life.

          So bring it on.................... also it would be quite nice if this did involve a short or long honeymoon ......let's see what happens!

          New life started on 1st May 2014, One day at a time I will work at continuing it forever!


            Honeymoon Period?

            Hi DD,

            Wow! What you describe sounds anything but a honeymoon period.

            You have had such a lot to contend with and you have managed to cope with it and not resorted to alcohol. I am sure you don't need me to tell you this but alcohol does not make any situation better and your withdrawal symptoms that you describe so well are testament to that.

            I too see "the potential beauty of an AF life" and I am sure that before long you will have a honeymoon, but one that will last forever. I am not saying there won't be tough times - that's not realistic. However, if you are AF, you will be able to deal with no matter what life throws at you and feel good about your triumphs over adversities.

            Best wishes, Neddy
            "I used to be on the guest list, but now I'm on the nest list!"

            Newbies Nest:



              Honeymoon Period?

     have certainly had many challenges that could have been obstacles but you hung in there! Thank you for posting....this is inspirational and when I feel like caving, I will come back and read your post! It just goes to prove that we can get through life's obstacles without AL!

              "The moment you are ready to quit is usually the moment right before a miracle happens..don't give up"
              [COLOR=Magenta]Joyfully AF Since 1/22/14

