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Hey, fellow chicks . . . .

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    Hey, fellow chicks . . . .

    This is a really important question for me.

    How do you stay sober during PMS???

    I know guys don't wanna' hear about this, I'm sorry. But maybe you know a lady who has a secret.

    I'm very sensitive to the dramatic emotions that accompany PMS. It's all I can do to function normally, and without alcohol, it's magnified.

    Don't mean to be gross.

    I really need an answer or two on this one.

    "It takes a whole lot of medicine, Darlin', to pretend to be somebody else" - Bonnie Raitt

    Hey, fellow chicks . . . .

    Hi Rebel, Yes the week before my period was always the worst time for me!!!!

    Once I had recognised it I always made plans for everyday, Shopping with a friend, visiting someone, anything really so that I couldn't drink, Are your family supporting you ? I told my family that it was a rough time for me so they helped a lot ...

    Hope that helps a bit ....


      Hey, fellow chicks . . . .

      Listen to Betty is all I can say, I is bad for me to. Get yourself some special treats when shopping, walk, run. Make a new recipe that you haven't tried before if you cook. Clean like a mad woman.

      Hope that helps


        Hey, fellow chicks . . . .

        if you go to the health food store there e some natural remedies,that I cant't spell. That work too. Since it seems to be emotional instead of physical with you, you could ask for Doctor for valium. I have it, it is not addictive I only use it when I have a REALLY ROUGH DAY! like twice a month.
        Take care


          Hey, fellow chicks . . . .

          Hey rebellious- good question. I used to have awful periods. After I quit smoking (yea) my dr was able to put me on the pill again. But this time they put me on seasonique - I only have 4 periods a year now! Well, I'm only on the second 3 month pack now but I have to say it has been great. I had both the emotional and physical issues with pms - this has helped.

          Good luck-


            Hey, fellow chicks . . . .

            Rebellious, Yes, it is absolutely the worse time for me. I started documenting my binges and it was always a week before. Now, (I'm 48.5) I'm in the throws, I think, of peri-menopause and it's affecting me even worse... I really need to find some remedies, but on a higher level, you may listen to Eckhart Tolle's recommendations for PMS...


              Hey, fellow chicks . . . .

              Rebellious, Yes, it IS absolutely the worse time for me. I started documenting my binges and it was always a week before. Now, (I'm 48.5) I'm in the throws, I think, of peri-menopause and it's affecting me even worse...I'm having a harder time staying conscious before it takes me over!! Planning would be wise, but lately, it comes on before I seem to have a chance.


                Hey, fellow chicks . . . .

                You poor girl. I used to have the worst PMS on earth - I'm surprised I didn't kill someone. My gyno put me on Prozac - 20 to 40 mg per day is what is usually used for PMS. It helped tremendously. Ask your doctor about it.

                Since then, I have had a major league hysterectomy in which they had to take everything female they could find inside me and a few other things just for good luck. So I don't have to worry about PMS any more. But a hysterectomy is not the best option.

                Try the Prozac - I really think it can help.

                Good luck - you won't be as bad as I used to be until you smashed a brand new TV set. Oh well, I'd rather not talk about that.
                Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                  Hey, fellow chicks . . . .

                  Hey, you guys are all great! Thank you so much!
                  "It takes a whole lot of medicine, Darlin', to pretend to be somebody else" - Bonnie Raitt


                    Hey, fellow chicks . . . .

                    I had my doctor prescribe Celexa it is for depression but it keeps my moods much more stable thru the entire month.

