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Exercise as a cure for cravings

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    Exercise as a cure for cravings

    Has anyone used hard exercise to combat Al cravings. Seems like George Bush works out like super hard, and no longer drinks. I wondered if there is a connection.
    Thx for any thoughts on his.

    Exercise as a cure for cravings

    I have not read the whole book. But he talks about quitting drinking in the beginning. Actually, he used to think because he exercised so much he could drink.

    But, yes exercise does help with cravings. I know I can't hold a drink in my hand and run.


      Exercise as a cure for cravings

      Exercise has worked well for me, in conjunction with a healthy diet. Seems when I exercise, I have way fewer cravings. But, make sure you eat and don't let yourself get hungry. Low blood sugar=cravings. Your body is craving it's fuel, sugar. Alcohol is metabolized in the body as sugar. All foods eventually breakk down to a sugar to feed your system. Feed it the good stuff.
      Also make sure to hydrate, water is best. Sometimes that craving is just plain old thirst.


        Exercise as a cure for cravings

        Exercise is useful, and I think good diet really helps too but neither or both of these will not override cravings totally. For years I tried to keep on exercising, followed a very healthy diet when not drinking but I'd train knowing I was going to the pub to drink afterwards.
        I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

        Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

        AF date 22/07/13


          Exercise as a cure for cravings

          Hi Sasha. I don't think exercise cures cravings as such, but it is a diversion from AL and does have it's own feelgood factor. Not just due to endorphins, also the fact that you are doing something positive for yourself is great for your self esteem.
          Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


            Exercise as a cure for cravings

            Hi Sasha and all

            I'm only on day 3 so don't feel qualified to offer any advice at all to anybody but the difference this time is that I'm exercising and getting an endorphine rush at the end of the day . . . . 2/3 days in is hardly scientific evidence but I'm really hoping it works for me . . . . good luck all

            Today I looked in the mirror and liked myself a little more
            Today I woke up feeling little brighter not so hazy, joints less stiff and eyesight little better

            Day 1
            Day 2
            Day 3 will be


              Exercise as a cure for cravings

              Treadmill running and other cardio has being immense in helping me along the way. Love the gym 8pm friday night, a trillion times better than boozing your life way.
              Sober since 13th January 2012


                Exercise as a cure for cravings

                Works very well for me. Iam a runner mainly. The "runners high" is very real. Lighter cardio like walking or elyptical machines don't real have the same effect in my experience.
                Its for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm then and DO NOT let yourself be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. Gal 5:1


                  Exercise as a cure for cravings

                  199days;1541635 wrote: Treadmill running and other cardio has being immense in helping me along the way. Love the gym 8pm friday night, a trillion times better than boozing your life way.
                  This. I used to hate treadmill running but I love it now. I also do rowing and the cross trainer but the treadmill is my best friend. Exceeding your goals is an amazing feeling!
                  Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe

