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Think I may make it this time!

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    Think I may make it this time!

    Hello all!

    Just a quick post. After trying to drink myself into oblivion since my father died in December of last year, I have decided to quit. Just cold turkey quit. (though I had some Xanax to take at night to prevent the nighttime seizures I can sometimes have. I also had phenobarbital on hand just in case).

    I am on day 6 or 7, (past seizures and age have wrecked my memory). At the same time, I have GREATLY modified my diet. I have been eating nothing but veggies/fruit.

    The times that are the hardest, of course, are during that "witching hour" right after work....when I would normally have a 6 pack of 16 oz beers....and have all 6, (which is really 8 beers), drunk within a few hours. Since stopping, my fingers don't hurt, my liver doesn't hurt and the pain in my legs and gut have lessened. I have dropped a few pounds and my belly is no longer sticking out like I am 12 months pregnant!

    I am reading a book someone mentioned on here about addiction and helplessness. I have always known that anger and low self esteem have been a factor...but the hardest one to overcome is the desire to "self medicate" away my memories and my discomfort at life....I SO wanted to drink yesterday when I heard from my lawyer about my dead father's gold digger wife and the case I am involved in where she is trying to steal my brother and my inheritance. It was good I didn't give in to that strong urge as later in the day I got great news and there seems to be light at the end of that tunnel. Two weeks ago, I would have drunk myself into a coma, (or with my head firmly planted in the toilet!).

    The hardest will be when I attend functions with family and friends as I have managed to surround myself with a LOT of heavy drinkers, (I also married into a Polish family who LOVE their beer!). One thing I have been told that helped me was to NOT worry about if I were going to drink tomorrow....but concentrate on not drinking good.

    Trying for 90 days without beer...and then I'll see where I stand.

    Think I may make it this time!

    Cornchez....First I wanted to say that I am sorry for the loss of your Father. These are painful times,for sure and I know what it's like to deal with what I call "the evil StepMonster". Family issues can be a real has been for me. The important thing is not to let their drama drag us into the hole. It sounds like you have a good plan and I am glad to hear of the physical benefits that you are starting to feel (I am new at this myself....only 10 days).

    Make sure you keep posting....It helps to have a support system and a place where you can vent and get feedback. I have found MWO to be a great place for support.

    Best of luck and hope to get to know you better!

    "The moment you are ready to quit is usually the moment right before a miracle happens..don't give up"
    [COLOR=Magenta]Joyfully AF Since 1/22/14


      Think I may make it this time!

      you can do it cornczech,make this the last quit,sounds like you have a pretty strong plan in place so use it,i wish you strength
      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


        Think I may make it this time!

        Hi cornczech, you have made a great decision in getting AL out of your life. I lost someone earlier this year, it's easy not to deal with the grief and mask it with alcohol, but it doesn't really resolve anything.

        Well done oh your day 6 or 7 and on the good choices you are making
        Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


          Think I may make it this time!

          Great stuff Corn.

          Sorry to hear about your dad passing away.

          Don't compare yourself to anyone. We've all got our own path. You can do this and your dad would be proud.

          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


            Think I may make it this time!

            Sorry about the loss of your father. Welcome to mwo. Great support here.
            Its for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm then and DO NOT let yourself be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. Gal 5:1


              Think I may make it this time!

              Sorry to hear about your Father. I hope your step-mother backs off - some people are totally shameless.
              Keep up the good work. X
              PS which book are you reading?
              AF since Halloween 2016

              Trying to kill my Wine Witch! :smileyb:


                Think I may make it this time!

                Thanks for all the support, Ya'll (I was camping with my husband over the weekend! Used to drink all during a trip like this....not a drop...even when hubby cracked out my least favorite beer and said sorry....I just happily sipped on my Polish mineral water)

                I hate to sound shallow....but the biggest reason I quit was because of my weight. I have been chunky, bordering on fat since I began my beer love affair, (at age 32....I am almost 47 now). I used to be so skinny I was called "boney". In just ONE WEEK of not drinking, (and eating right), I have shrunk enough to be able to see my feet. ( stomach was ballooning out....even past my size 40 DD chest....tho' sadly those are shrinking too...sorry for the graphic)

                But an added bonus is how I feel. I have not thought clearly for years, apparently. I was afraid that I wouldn't see the world creatively any longer....(I haven't actually painted much since my brother died in 200 and my drinking REALLY took off). But in was nice to actually have fun...and instead of passing out in the tent and waking up feeling like crap......I watched the stars until I fell gently asleep...and remembered the entire night! And woke up ready to make the 25 mile bike ride home!

                I am taking one day at a time.

                The book is "The Heart of Addiction" by Lance Dodes, MD
                Though I cannot relate 100% (I did NOT have a normal childhood and do in fact suffer from pretty severe anxiety and PTSD from a very abusive childhood), I can relate to the feeling of helplessness in the face of my extreme rage and lack of self esteem, (which alcohol made 10 times worse)

                Anyhow...thanks for all the encouragement. and today is the beginning of day 8 for me...YAY!


                  Think I may make it this time!

                  Congratulations on Day 8 and for a AF trip!

                  "The moment you are ready to quit is usually the moment right before a miracle happens..don't give up"
                  [COLOR=Magenta]Joyfully AF Since 1/22/14


                    Think I may make it this time!

                    good for you on not drinking during camping corn! that was always my downfall,so ive been avoiding going,isnt it amazing how much more fun things can be sober?and to remember everything is the best part,keep it up
                    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                      Think I may make it this time!

                      Dear Cornczech,
                      Congrats on first+ week of sobriety. There's a group of us working toward an AF August so in addition to the newbies' nest, you might want to join us on that thread. It's great to have the company of others working toward the same goal -- an AF life. Keep posting your progress.
                      Free at Last
                      "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

                      Highly recommend this video

                      July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


                        Think I may make it this time!

                        I will check out the August AF thread. I thought I would not be able to do this at father's death really knocked me for a loop.....and some....I am surprised I was even able to function at all....depressed all drunk every day!

                        I had forgotten what is was like to look up at the sky and not have double vision from the 10 beers I had consumed......


                          Think I may make it this time!

                          Great job cornczen! So sorry for your loss, I can relate to that but drinking never solved anything only made my grief worse! Keep up the good work! Kdog
                          Reflect upon your present blessingings, of which every man has many; not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some

