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Who's experienced Topamax hair loss?

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    Who's experienced Topamax hair loss?

    The medication is at the pharmacy. I want to try it, and I've read everything regarding the side effects. I just want to know about people's experience regarding hair.

    If you lost hair, was it temporary? Were you taking the supplements mentioned in the book to counter that possible side effect?

    You see, I realize that this site is NOT a substitute for medical advice. My doctor said that Topamax is not a dangerous thing, and added that few people suffer from the potential side effects. I've known my doctor for years, and I trust him.

    I just want to know what people have experienced, that's all. My hair is one of my most redeeming qualities. This is something that anybody can relate to, especially if your image is a big part of how you make your living. I'm a performer, professor, and look young for my age. I would like to keep it that way (I'm no model .

    If I sound vain, I apologize, really. I've gotten a lot of great advice here.

    Anyone had a problem with this? Anyone not had a problem with this?


    "It takes a whole lot of medicine, Darlin', to pretend to be somebody else" - Bonnie Raitt

    Who's experienced Topamax hair loss?

    Hi......I am a "newby"...recently started the program and have found that the supplements, tapes, etc. have worked wonders for me. My experience with Topamax has not been so great. I have been on it for over a month and have experienced all the side effects that you probably read about. I have a very demanding job that requires me to think on my feet , be able to ,ake life and death decisions and the brain fog that this medication has brought has made it impossible for me to be effective (and I am only up to 75mg!!!). I also am losing words and memory and have had some very scary other symptoms. With all that said, this medication has worked wonders for a lot of other people. I am probably in the minority. I plan to discontinue it (under doctor's supervision) and up the kudzu, continue the program and pray it works. Good luck to you!!! And let me know how it goes!


      Who's experienced Topamax hair loss?

      Whoa . . . . Thank you SO much . . . .
      "It takes a whole lot of medicine, Darlin', to pretend to be somebody else" - Bonnie Raitt


        Who's experienced Topamax hair loss?

        I have been on it for 3 months with NO side effects, it has been wonderful and I have been AF and I feel wonderful, no hair loss or anything, the only side effect i have is the one everyone gets where soda tastes wierd
        It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
        James Gordon, M.D.


          Who's experienced Topamax hair loss?

          1st time: metal taste from carbonated drinks, 5lb weight loss, tingling feet =those lasted only 2 weeks; occasional forgetfulness (hard to describe-like trying to repeat someone's sentence you heard 2 minutes ago but you weren't paying attention to them-but you were-you get the main idea of their sentence but can't repeat it verbatim). TOPA(50mg-75mg)

          This time: no metal taste, no weight loss, occassional tingling, occassional "on the tip of my tongue" forgetfulness. TOPA(100mg)

          NO HAIR LOSS, NO TOPA DOPA(brain fog)

          It seems that everyone is effected differently by side effects.
          :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


            Who's experienced Topamax hair loss?

            Hi there,

            I've been on topa for about (gosh, how long - memory lapse!!) two months now!! And apart from the odd memory lapse I've really had no significant problems whatsoever, only very positive ones, not the least of which has been a huge reduction in my desire to drink wine.

            I have lost some weight - in fact this has caused me to cut back on the dosage of topa (I've stayed on 125mg) because I didn't want to lose too much weight!! But NO hair loss and that was the one thing I was particularly apprehensive about.Mind you I did tale the advice given in 'The Book ' and have been taking selenium as an extra precaution - and I must say me crowning glory isn't looking too bad at all.



              Who's experienced Topamax hair loss?


              I got the prescription today, but will not take it until I have all the right supplements. And not until I'm on vacation. I'm planning this very carefully.

              Take Care,

              "It takes a whole lot of medicine, Darlin', to pretend to be somebody else" - Bonnie Raitt


                Who's experienced Topamax hair loss?


                I think it's true everyone has different side effects.
                I get the tingly toes, metallic taste and Topa dopa (I'm waiting for nootropics though), but my hair is still LOVELY ! and I can be bothered to wash it now cos I'm not always hungover...ha ha


