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Hi, I need help.

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    Hi, I need help.


    I used to drink in moderation (maybe a 3 days a week a bottle or wine or 4-5 pints) until about 2004 then I started going out with some new friends who are regular "big drinkers" they used to drink 10-15 pints per day but have cut back now to about 5-7 . Problem was I started drinking every night 6-8 pints of lager then I had problems at work, at home and other things and even that wasn't enough. I would have some wine and shorts before I went out and again after I came in from the pub.
    Last year I was making myself ill so I quit in April 2006 until June ..... then again in July I quit till October. Then in October I got problems again and hit the bottle slowly at first then within a week or too I was drinking very heavily. 10 pints of strong lager or a full large bottle of spirit and somethimes even that wasn't enough.
    If been drunk and feeling ill for 6 months now so it's time to stop. I want to go back to been able to have a glass of wine or a few beers without having to drink as much as possible and then not been able to remember to following day
    I don't want to go to a meeting or anything as I don't want my family to worry but any help or advice would be very welcome.

    Hi, I need help.

    Hey trevor, Welcome,check out the forums. Browse around you will find a lot of good advice in here. Also, if you want, you can download RJ's book, it has a program in it to moderate drinking.

    It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
    James Gordon, M.D.


      Hi, I need help.

      Hi Trevor & :welcome:

      You really have come to the right place, 6 months ago I was drinking 3 bottles of wine a day, and now I only drink at weekends.

      It isn't easy, but it is certainly worth the effort, Read all the posts here, with the help of the fabulous people here you certainly can do this.

      Look forward to seeing you around the boards.


        Hi, I need help.

        Hi Trevor,
        This is my second day clicking around this site and so far so good. Just reading and getting the supportive messages seems to help, at least I am getting a lot of comfort from this. I think I'll continue as long as I can ... I do not think I can ask anymore of myself than that at this moment. At the very least you know you are not alone in this challenge ...


          Hi, I need help.

          Welcome Trevor and Landsharkman. There are a ton of success stories on the site. Stay with us and do the things that brought us all much success.
          Enlightened by MWO


            Hi, I need help.

            Hello Trevor,
            This is a very friendly place to be.
            Everyone's in more or less the same boat, so all the advice is first hand and useful.
            Keep reading and post when you feel like it.
            It's turned me around.


              Hi, I need help.

              Trevor, you don't want to go to a meeting because your family will worry? I'm going to guess they are worried for you now (unless you're better at keeping up appearances than me). At any rate I know all too well your frustrations. Yes, do download and read the book as it's fascinating and such a resource. Part of me still wants to be a moderator, however I've come to a personal truth that I have to continue to abstain until I can be totally comfortable in my skin without alcohol and develop the coping skills I've been needing for decades...then if I choose I could make a very careful and planned experiment toward moderation, but I will never be able to drink for "effect"...I just know it. It's a huge trap for me. Hope my ramblings make some sort of sense. Keep in touch, we are your online meeting and nobody else has to know. Congradulations for wanting to better yourself, that is an enormously important and big step.
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                Hi, I need help.

                Hi Trevor, I agree with Dx, to me this is my meeting but the difference being I can ignore a comment or appreciate it as I choose. We are all so different but all the same at the core of our problem. I just love this place, I feel I truly belong. Hope you will too.

                Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


                  Hi, I need help.

                  everyone here seems to be caring, understanding, and good people. i am still trying-reading here helps so much, to hear same feelings, to be understood is so important-i'm not doing too well myself, but to keep on trying is at least something-i feel for everyone going thru the same pain, myself i drink whenever i feel pain, stress, it never helps in the long run-but to stop that urge-its hard-it seems to feel good for a bit-but feels worse later-i want it to stop-stop-wish to help myself so i could help others


                    Hi, I need help.

                    Victoria;119084 wrote: Hey trevor, Welcome,check out the forums. Browse around you will find a lot of good advice in here. Also, if you want, you can download RJ's book, it has a program in it to moderate drinking.

                    Thanks Everyone,
                    I'm feeling better already. I thought I was the only person who drank so much but I've been reading a lot of your stories and thought yeah been there done that.
                    Could someone tell me where to download the book from. I've paid via paypal but can't find the correct link.


                      Hi, I need help.

                      Go to the subscription forums( Welcome MWO Subscribers)--In there RJ has a thread that is labeled for new subscribers called "Welcome MWO Subscribers: Here's How it Works! " click on that thread, i believe it is the third thread in the subscription forum---RJ is the first post, halfway into the post she has a link you click on to download the PDF version of the book, hope that helps!!
                      It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
                      James Gordon, M.D.


                        Hi, I need help.

                        Hi Trevor & Welcome!
                        Glad you found us!

                        If you look up/scroll at the very top & click Home-it will take you to the home page. On the left side will be a column -look for Buy book/dwnload PDF
                        :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                          Hi, I need help.


                          Hi Trevor,

                          Wanted to add a quick :welcome: and look forward to getting to know you better!
                          It's a great place to be - supportive, non-judgmental, understanding, - we've all been there done that to certain degrees and there's always someone here - not restricted to meeting time!

                          Warmest wishes, and take care,
                          :rays: Arial

                          Last first day - 15th April 2012
                          Days 1-7 DONE
                          Days 8-14 DONE
                          Days 15-21 DONE
                          30 days DONE
                          60 days
                          100 days


                            Hi, I need help.

                            WELCOME TREVOR!!!

                            Step one- you found us!!!!!

                            Step two- one day at a time!!!!

                            "I have not failed - I have just found 10,000 ways that won't work"- Thomas A Edison


                              Hi, I need help.

                              Trevor, my advice is to change your routine. Dont hang with people who drink heavily, as it is to tempting. Keep busy, with family if possible.

                              Start doing positive things for yourself, such as excercise, or eating better.

                              Down load the book, or simply just order it and read it asap.

                              I too was an everyday drunk, you can do this.

                              God bless
                              Its strange being sober; huh, so this is how normal people are :H

