On my first quit, which was 07-01-13 to 08-03-13, I counted every day and posted on the roll call religiously.
I've started over after a relapse and now I am so reluctant to count. Seemed like a trigger for me was reaching that amazing 30 DAYS!!!!! I was on top of the world, and felt somewhat arrogant about my success. For me, it made me feel like I had conquered the demon and could control it if I wanted, hey I made it to 30 days! Biiiiig mistake! It took me about 2 weeks to get back to the right frame of mind again.
This time, I'm not counting, I'm just doing. I want every day to be AF whether it's 100 days, 5 years or 1 week. Every day is the same for me now. I feel a sense of calmness about that just now.
Do I make sense. I notice there's a lot of you that don't count, not judging or anything, but feel it wasn't helpful for me in that it gave me a false sense of pride.