I say realisation but in reality I've known I've had a problem with drinking for a good few years.
Despite being only 22 I've lost my driving license twice and been in hospital for weeks at a time 3 times in the last year alone with pancreatitis from my drinking.
At my worst I was drinking a litre of vodka a day and ended up off work for four months on the sick with anxiety/panic attacks related to the drinking.
Having only got out of hospital a week ago i've already started drinking again, not heavily, but I find myself craving it badly. I get incredibly bored when i've not had a drink and I enjoy drinking by myself a lot.
I don't know where to go from here, docs have warned the pancreatitis could become life threatening if I don't kick the drink but I'm not sure I have the complete motivation for it. The longest i've gone without drinking since I was about 15 is a month, while I was on the sick from work.
Any advice on how to go about sorting this out would be hugely appreciated, at my wits end here.