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This is SO do you ignore the voice?

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    This is SO do you ignore the voice?

    I'm new & want to be completely AF. I didn't know that the cravings go away after 15 min. or so. I can go for a few days without, but once I start, I can't stop. It's frustrating.
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012


      This is SO do you ignore the voice?

      Lots of good advice here, even after being here for a while it does help me to read these posts. I am trying to retrain my brain when I get the feeling, hear the voice or call it what you may. It works most of the time if I have a little conversation with myself about what I what to accomplish the next day and how I want to feel the next day. Just starting small amounts of the Kudzu and it seems to be working.



        This is SO do you ignore the voice?

        Thank you

        Thanks to everyone for your advice and support. It just seems so utterly impossible that a mere liquid can take over and control so much of your life. I'm happy to hear that it gets easier. I hope so because I can't take many more weekends like this one. Thanks again for all the advice and positive vibes.



          This is SO do you ignore the voice?

          Thanks for posting that because I too have been in the same situation with the arguement with myself. Irishlady gives some great tips, she always does.
          The supplements really help with that craving. The CD's are amazing. I put on my headset when I lie down to go to bed. Even through my sleep they are making a difference.
          I wish you all the very best. You will win this fight. Don't give up and don't leave here. That's how you win!
          "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


            This is SO do you ignore the voice?

            I am really new here, and I love the CD's. I also love the Kudzu and the L-Glutamine.

            Crying, I believe, is laughter in disguise, since I laugh so much after I cry really hard.

            Take Care,

            "It takes a whole lot of medicine, Darlin', to pretend to be somebody else" - Bonnie Raitt


              This is SO do you ignore the voice?

              I sincerely hope that didn't sound sarcastic.

              I mean it- I am pushed by emotions to sob my butt off - and then someone says a really kind thing, or a funny thing, and I feel okay again. I always reach out to people. And it helps me so much.

              I wish you the best!

              "It takes a whole lot of medicine, Darlin', to pretend to be somebody else" - Bonnie Raitt


                This is SO do you ignore the voice?

                Hi rebel,
                That was brilliant.
                In the course of a day, I may 'feel' like several different people, depending on which emotional wave I may be travelling.
                Er, I'm not nuts....honest.


                  This is SO do you ignore the voice?


                  Ah.... the little voice. I am three months alcohol free and have that voice with me all the time. Good news, you recognize it and didn't drink. Before making the decision not to drink, I would ignore the voice and sneek and lie about my drinking. Even though I miss having a glass of wine, I don't miss hiding liquor, lying to myself and loved ones about drinking. Funny thing, I don't miss it at parties, weddings or at group celebrations. I miss it when I am home alone.
                  Different strokes for different folks... hope you stay with the "little voice" Take care.

