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    Hi everyone been here before. i want to quit so badly. i've been trying to taper off. will have a glass of wine to stop the "shakes" fine for about an hour...afterwards i end up drinking two bottles by morning...i'm a night drinker. just need support. have supplements, want to take them, have trouble with "anxiety". tipsy but not drunk as i'm typing this...tired mostly...i really want to stop this madness. any advice would be so helpful. thank you.:upset:


    Hi breezy welcome! First off get all the alcohol out of the house. I'm not sure about tapering, I've heard it helps some to quit. I went cold turkey but I know it can be dangerous for some. Are you able to talk to a doctor? What supplements are you referring to? You've got to get through the first few days of physical detox with sheer will and determination. The other side is freedom, but you need to grit your teeth and commit to this. Keep in touch, check out the newbies nest and the toolbox. Stay close. Do you have anyone who can be with you to monitor you for a couple of days?
    Newbies Nest
    My accountability thread



      Welcome back breezy!

      You need a good plan, be sure to visit the Tool box for good ideas.
      Sounds like maybe you could use some medical help to taper, stopping suddenly could be dangerous. Have you seen your doc? Explain your anxiety/drinking situation, get an Rx for something to take the edge off.

      Be sure to drop in the newbies nest thread for ongoing support!
      Wishing you the best!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:



        Hi Breezy,

        Welcome back! Great advice so far I just want to lend my support. The life you want is really yours for the taking. MWO will give you TOOLS and SUPPORT. You just have to put in a little work yourself. I was amazed to find my anxiety melting away the longer AF time I got. I think the same thing will happen for you. Come on over to the nest and post away. The daily connection really helps.
        "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
        AF 11/12/11



          Hey Breezy! All I can do is agree with the are in good company on this site. The nest is a great place, we'll look for you there! Byrdie
          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
          Tool Box
          Newbie's Nest

