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Here goes... again....

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    Here goes... again....

    Bon soir, beautiful people on this board.

    So, I am here again after a long period of absence (last posted in April last year). That was when my marriage came to an end and I got side-tracked, completely. But now I am back, armed with some fantastic new books and a feeling of positivity, that I can get alcohol out of my life for good.

    I have just poured myself a (very cheap) glass of Italian Anti-Freeze (sorry, red wine) and in 3 minutes time, when my laptop says that it is midnight (UK time) I will have finished the glass and....well.....Friday 23 August 2013 will be Day 1. So here goes.

    23:59 and counting........

    30 seconds to go......

    And .... last sip...... voila! (bleah....)


    This time, I will not f*** it up.

    Cellist x
    "Lose your bottle and gain your courage" (Jason Vale, "Kick the Drink...Easily!")

    Here goes... again....

    Hi Cellist and welcome back! the poison is step is to not buy anymore. What's your plan for getting through tomorrow? Stick close to us here. Join us over in the Newbies Nest. You've made a first great step and we're glad to have you here so we can get to know you!

    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


      Here goes... again....

      Hi K9! I remember you from the last time I was here.... a familiar face! Thank you for your post. Tomorrow I think I'll just stick to my guns and not let anything get in the way of my resolve. Easier said than done I know! I read something just yesterday - a guy who gave up alcohol for good wrote in his blog that the best thing about not drinking was not drinking. I'm going to hold to that thought tomorrow and the days after that - that it is the drink itself that has been causing me so many problems.

      I'm secretly looking forward to the days ahead as, although I believe they may be the worst, I will enjoy standing back and watching this horrid thing (the alcohol addict in me who has been part of my personality since I was 18) starve to death.

      Thanks again for posting so quickly after my grand count-down (it was a bit over the top, I know, but fun!!) and I will definitely stay close to the forum. This place is so dynamic and brilliant.

      Cellist x
      "Lose your bottle and gain your courage" (Jason Vale, "Kick the Drink...Easily!")


        Here goes... again....

        I love dramatic countdowns! (well ok, I love anything dramatic! lol)

        Get some ideas for staying busy tomorrow night, maybe a long hot bath, a book, a walk, go shopping, go to the movies? Stay busy, busy, busy...or go to sleep. See with me it's one extreme or the other. LOL
        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


          Here goes... again....

          Welcome Cellist! We haven't met yet, but glad you are here. Like K9, I love anything dramatic. Has been getting me into trouble my whole life:H

          But seriously, we'll be by your side while you kick AL out of your life. Post often. You sound determined. Looking forward to getting to know you better. Stay strong.
          Everything is going to be amazing


            Here goes... again....

            Hi Cellist, what type of music do you play? I am a classical orchestral/opera musician. Welcome back, and look forward to "seeing" you around the boards.
            In the middle of my life's journey, I found myself in a dark wood, as I had lost the straight path. It is a difficult thing to speak about, how wild, harsh and impenetrable that wood is. Just thinking about it recreates the fear. It is scarcely less bitter than death, but in order to tell of the good that I found there, I must tell of the other things I saw there. --Dante, paraphrased


              Here goes... again....

              Welcome! Look forward to getting to know you see you in the newbies nest.
              No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


                Here goes... again....

                Hello Cellist,

                I hope day one is done and now you're well on your way to day two.

                Tried playing cello for 8 years primarily because it has such a lovely, deep and rich sound I'm in love with. After 8 years I still sucked so I went back to playing guitar but definitely have a great appreciation for the instrument and all who play it well.

                Keep us posted on your progress.
                2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.


                  Here goes... again....

                  Hi cellist how is it going? Looking forward to hearing more from you! I think a plan is about the most important piece in the grand scheme of quitting. Knowing how you will spend your time and getting the temptations out of the house, developing a list of reasons why you are quitting, knowing what your answer will be when offered a drink, working out ways to either avoid social situations which involve AL for a while or knowing how you will survive them.....that sort of thing ...weekends can be tough if you work a Mon-Fri gig? Read post read post, stick close!
                  Newbies Nest
                  My accountability thread


                    Here goes... again....

                    Oh my gosh - yes K9, it is definitely the same with me - one extreme or the other! Took your advice and stayed busy busy busy busy I forgot to post
                    "Lose your bottle and gain your courage" (Jason Vale, "Kick the Drink...Easily!")


                      Here goes... again....

                      Hi Alky, I play a mixture of classical and non-classical cello. The non-classical takes the form of (at the moment) two bands: one is a folk/rock/grunge band called "Gallows Ghost" and the other is called Didjitalis which is a dance/trance band with DJ plus added elements e.g. jazz keyboard, cello, didgeridoo, tabla, oboe sometimes.... so, in answer to your question, I play any kind of cello! What is your instrument, or are you primarily a singer? Great to meet you ...
                      "Lose your bottle and gain your courage" (Jason Vale, "Kick the Drink...Easily!")


                        Here goes... again....

                        Allswell - hi! Thanks for your encouragement. After 25 years of playing cello I wish I played guitar, LOL! Bought a bass guitar a few months ago but to be honest have only merely tickled it so far (as it were!!

                        Am on now... what... day 5 and feeling ok. It's been a bit difficult at times but feeling fairly positive - will post everytime I feel rough!!

                        Cellist x
                        "Lose your bottle and gain your courage" (Jason Vale, "Kick the Drink...Easily!")


                          Here goes... again....

                          Very good to see you back. How are things going?
                          Everything is going to be amazing


                            Here goes... again....

                            Our posts crossed. It's great that you are on day 5. I hope you start feeling a bit better soon. Those first days are always rough.
                            Everything is going to be amazing

