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    I have been doing so well in being dry over the last 3 months, have been completely AF apart from 1 day unfortunatly that day i was seen drunk with my young son and someone reported me to social services they are coming round tomorrow and i am so scared. i am normally a really good mum my son is always clean, well fed, loved, does well at school and is generally very happy but i am terrified what is going to happen and of course all this has really made me want to drink ( I havn't though) Does anyone have any advise?


    The only thing I can say is tell them what you've just told us. Sounds to me like you're making as much effort as anyone can ask.

    Take care Angela.



      So sorry to hear that you had a slip,perhaps if you explain this to soc. services they will be
      sympathetic,but the most important thing is not to drink, I am sure if they see you are
      trying to overcome your problems they will want to help.If they considered your son to be at risk they would not have waited until tomorrow to come and see you.One mistake does
      not cancel all the good things you have previously done.
      You are still a good mum, asking for help proves this.
      Good luck xx



        Best wishes for you, popeye is right, Tell the truth. It was once. They'll probably continue to monitor you. Keep us updated.
        We care




          They'll probably do a walk thru & depending where you live keep your case open for a period (& during that time check in on you and eventually close) or close the case due to a false report. People call social services on people all the time for spite. Don't worry hon. Keep us posted as to how it goes. I worked for social servcies (but in the information services) & more than likely if the problem was bad & repeated ~parenting/alcohol classes were issued. But it all depends on where you live and the laws differ.
          :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic



            We'll be thinking of you, you are doing really well and I'm sure the social worker will see that.
            All the best
            Happy to be sober since 07 Sept 09.



              Personally, I would downplay it depending on what the situation was. Were you driving? Did they see how much you were drinking? I'm not judging, believe me - I have done so many unsafe things under the influence of alcohol that I hate to admit.

              You might let them know it was a very unusual circumstance. Tell them you had a couple of drinks on an empty stomach and it hit you harder than expected if the situation will allow for it. The important thing is to let them know that it is not the norm.

              My ex called CPS on me all the time for bull$h*t reasons - once my son was removed from me for two weeks because he went along with the lie. Horrible stuff.

              Good luck - I'm sure everything will be fine.



                Do not drink anymore when you kids are around not even one. Have no alcohol in your home, fridge, garage or anything. I know this may seem harsh but I do not want you to have this following you around in life. Were the police called that nite or anything like that?

                Be very careful and be smart about this



                  You've been doing very well, don't lose hope. Sometimes the feeling of someone looking over your shoulder can make our compulsion to drink even worse. Stay alcohol free and don't launch into excuses, just answer her questions carefully and truthfully, saying less than more.

                  You can do this.
                  Enlightened by MWO

