Situation: while at work my superior could smell alcohol on my breath (ALONG WITH SOME SLURING) and requested that I go home. This was made into an incident report. I am on medical leave at the moment. I have gone to a psychiatrist as i have always believed that i had some sort of mood disorder. Fluctuating moods etc. I was diagnosed with moderate depression and ADHD (highs and lows) for some of you there is a milder form of bi polar (cyclothymia) which is what i orignally thought i had...worth looking into. 1 out of 3 alcoholics have some sort of underlying mental health disorder.
anywhooo i have been put on an antidepressant (wellbrutrin) and have been using it for a couple of weeks..It certaininly has helped with my racing thoughts and energy as well as my downcast mood. However i am finding it difficult to sleep. I will have to review the dosage with my doctor in the next few weeks.
Well as to my employer is requiring me to go to an addictions doctor. The psychiatrist and my gp both are suggesting a 28 day rehab stay. i start another job in sept. and am in full swing of renovations. I also have all my husbands books to complete during sept. I am not making excuses. I would gladly go if the addiction specialist feels it necessary and will get me back to work ASAP ...just wondering if I could hear from you if you felt that the 28 day stay was 'YOUR WAY OUT".
PS... I AM ON DAY 32 A/F