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28 day in-patient it worth it?

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    28 day in-patient it worth it?

    First let me say that i have been following your stories for a while now. My keyboard has been broken on my computer , therefore was unable to reply or contribute. I have just purchased a new laptop and am eager to let go.

    Situation: while at work my superior could smell alcohol on my breath (ALONG WITH SOME SLURING) and requested that I go home. This was made into an incident report. I am on medical leave at the moment. I have gone to a psychiatrist as i have always believed that i had some sort of mood disorder. Fluctuating moods etc. I was diagnosed with moderate depression and ADHD (highs and lows) for some of you there is a milder form of bi polar (cyclothymia) which is what i orignally thought i had...worth looking into. 1 out of 3 alcoholics have some sort of underlying mental health disorder.

    anywhooo i have been put on an antidepressant (wellbrutrin) and have been using it for a couple of weeks..It certaininly has helped with my racing thoughts and energy as well as my downcast mood. However i am finding it difficult to sleep. I will have to review the dosage with my doctor in the next few weeks.

    Well as to my employer is requiring me to go to an addictions doctor. The psychiatrist and my gp both are suggesting a 28 day rehab stay. i start another job in sept. and am in full swing of renovations. I also have all my husbands books to complete during sept. I am not making excuses. I would gladly go if the addiction specialist feels it necessary and will get me back to work ASAP ...just wondering if I could hear from you if you felt that the 28 day stay was 'YOUR WAY OUT".

    PS... I AM ON DAY 32 A/F

    You've been CRITICISING yourself for years and it hasn't worked. Try APPROVING of yourself and see what happens......

    28 day in-patient it worth it?

    Hi Columbia! I'm afraid I can't advise but I wanted to say congrats on the 32 days AF - truly outstanding! I hope you find the path you need to stay that way.
    Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.


      28 day in-patient it worth it?

      Hi Columbia and welcome. I also can't give you any great advice on this, as I am a newbie too. I know this might sound silly, but your life sounds very busy. Maybe a wee bit too busy when you are trying to stop drinking. Is there anyway you can just find some peaceful time for yourself? Recovery takes some self-care. It sounds like you care very much for others. Can you extend that same care to yourself? Hope I'm not out of line here. We are here for you. Read a lot, post often and visit the newbies nest. You will get some sage advice there.
      Everything is going to be amazing


        28 day in-patient it worth it?


        Sounds like a VERY tricky situation, and I am awfully damn lucky the powers that be at my company never got wise to my various shenanigans. From what I have heard around my office from incidents involving others is that once HR gets involved it is an awfully nasty process.

        I suppose every company has different polices on such matters, and it does not sound like you have much of a choice if you want to part ways with your current employer without a black mark on your resume. Not to mention, it sounds like you might find some benefit in the treatment option. From your description, I am assuming you are either an accountant or CPA, and I do not claim to know what rehab polices are, but could it be possible to bring your laptop and work remotely?

        Just trying to brainstorm some options.
        In the immortal words of Socrates " I just drank what ? "

        AF since August 18, 2013


          28 day in-patient it worth it?

          Hi Columbia and :welcome: glad you found us. This is a very special place. :h

          Question: Is the 28 day rehab a condition for you to keep your job?

          I don't know your employment situation but I believe you can not be let go as Addiction s labelled a disability...however, employers are rarely ready to accept an employee with our levels dysfunction ...well, at least my level of dysfunction ...which is why. Work from home now.

          Stay close and please visit the newbie nest, link in my Signature...and younave over ONE MONTH!! that is stellar! :yougo:
          On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
          *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
 tool box
 newbie nest


            28 day in-patient it worth it?

            Columbia sounds almost like the 28 days would be a rest. I can't advise on going or not. But if you are 32 days af you are doing great on that front. Keep up that good work. I'm Proud of you for that!
            No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


              28 day in-patient it worth it?

              thanks for the support guys and dolls

              The addictions dr. and i will have to work out a recovery plan. so depending on his recommendations (which goes to HR) is what i will have to follow....I am doing lots of self care at the moment...doing my gratitude meditation each well as exercising and of course checking in with my support group. Although I don"t post often YOU ARE ALL MY SUPPORT..I will seek counseling when i know what the results of the assessment is.

              my meeting is next Thursday so I guess I will know better what my employer is expecting. I am staying positive and believe all things happen for a reason. i have been on this roller coaster for a while now. This was definately my AHH HAA moment.

              I will keep you all close to me in the next few days....

              You've been CRITICISING yourself for years and it hasn't worked. Try APPROVING of yourself and see what happens......


                28 day in-patient it worth it?

                Hi Colombia and welcome! Seems to me if you're already 32 days AF then rehab is mostly about therapy rather than detox right? As long as you're committed to the physical side of it (ie promising yourself you've quit) then therapy could be in the form of out patient, no?
                Newbies Nest
                My accountability thread


                  28 day in-patient it worth it?

                  yup that is what i am hoping for.....will know on thurs. .. i have a plan in place...
                  You've been CRITICISING yourself for years and it hasn't worked. Try APPROVING of yourself and see what happens......

