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Upcoming business trip and possible strategies?

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    Upcoming business trip and possible strategies?

    My industry, IT, not unlike most others, is awash with its various professional organizations, continuing education classes, keynote speaking events, executive summits, etc.... etc..... etc.
    I have been at the company only about 9 months and I have probably been out of the office a good 8-10 times for these various functions. Sometimes I think we spend more time talking about developing software than we do developing software.

    Despite my overall feeling that these outings are not very productive is the environment they foster. Cocktail parties, clubs, and long nights of "mingling" are pretty much the bill of fare in my experience. I do not think I have been to one yet that was not like a license to get plastered on the company AMEX.

    This particular one however, scares me more than ever, especially given my new found sobriety that I am clinging to for dear life. This event is like a nightmare for several reasons:

    A) It is being held in Las Vegas
    B) From what I have heard from co-workers it is a booze-a-thon of the highest order.
    C) The other 3 department vice presidents (Sales, Customer Support, Graphic Design) who will be attending with me are confirmed maniacs who drink like fish, cheat on their wives, and are so arrogant that I have a difficult time being around them without being annoyed.

    This to me just seems like a recipe for disaster, and we fly out in less than a week. I am trying to think of a way that I possibly survive eating lunch, dinner, and attending countless cocktail parties with these "gentlemen" without having them order rounds of shots and put beers in front of me like a couple of 18 year old frat boys.

    I have considered just declining to go out with them and our various business partners, but that would be very bad from a networking standpoint and my CTO (and boss) would not be pleased.

    I have also considering feigning some kind of illness, and working that angle.

    Lastly, I figure that as soon as we get to a bar or function, I will immediately go up to the bar and order a non-alcoholic drink that looks alcoholic (club soda with lime). I am personally leaning to this "James Bond" type strategy as giving me the highest probability for success.

    If anyone else has any other ideas that might be beneficial I would be greatly appreciative.
    In the immortal words of Socrates " I just drank what ? "

    AF since August 18, 2013

    Upcoming business trip and possible strategies?

    I was just out of town and with only 30 days under my belt I was vulnerable. I always went back to the hotel before going out and got in a really good workout. Took care of the stress. It was also a good excuse to miss the first hour at the bar and or restaurant. That's the worst time for me. Drinking club soda and a lime also stopped the drink being placed in my empty hand. If one was bought it was easy to put it aside and walk away. (Walking away is big). Also tell the bartender you don't want drinks sent your way. Also volunteer to be the designated driver. You'll find it pretty entertaining watching all the drunks. Last but not least, I had a wise boss tell me that careers are never made at these functions only lost. Good luck
    Happiness is neither virtue nor pleasure nor this thing nor that but simply growth, We are happy when we are growing.

    William Butler Yeats


      Upcoming business trip and possible strategies?

      TJAF;1549122 wrote: I was just out of town and with only 30 days under my belt I was vulnerable. I always went back to the hotel before going out and got in a really good workout. Took care of the stress. It was also a good excuse to miss the first hour at the bar and or restaurant. That's the worst time for me. Drinking club soda and a lime also stopped the drink being placed in my empty hand. If one was bought it was easy to put it aside and walk away. (Walking away is big). Also tell the bartender you don't want drinks sent your way. Also volunteer to be the designated driver. You'll find it pretty entertaining watching all the drunks. Last but not least, I had a wise boss tell me that careers are never made at these functions only lost. Good luck
      Thanks for the great advice, and I think those are some pointers that should be workable. I am assuming the hotel (*cough cough* the Aria Hotel and Casino) has a gym I could utilize, and it sounds like you have been in the professional world much longer than I have.

      Much appreciated.
      In the immortal words of Socrates " I just drank what ? "

      AF since August 18, 2013


        Upcoming business trip and possible strategies?

        Talking privately to the bartender works. Slip him or her a tip and tell them to quietly put any drinks sent your way in front if someone else. If this is like most company functions you'll be with a gang of folks so a waylaid drink sent your way isn't likely to be noticed. I am constantly amazed that otherwise sane folks act like complete bozo's when away from home. Pay attention to your senior mgr. They rarely play the fool. BTW a lot will quickly switch to. soda and lime. They learn so much more about their team...old trick that ive played as well. Remember the trip is business not a vacation.
        Happiness is neither virtue nor pleasure nor this thing nor that but simply growth, We are happy when we are growing.

        William Butler Yeats


          Upcoming business trip and possible strategies?

          You are certainly right in that it will be a gang. There will probably be 25-40 of us taking into account the 4 of us from my company, our various clients, their entourage, and god knows who else they might happen to pick up on the strip. That said, I hope I can gracefully drift into the background without much notice, or maybe have a sudden urge to pull out a couple of hundred and hit the blackjack tables.

          Thanks for brainstorming with me. Just having this interaction has already got my mind moving in the right direction, and we did not even have to take up a conference room for it
          In the immortal words of Socrates " I just drank what ? "

          AF since August 18, 2013


            Upcoming business trip and possible strategies?

            In the past when I was in a tough spot I thought of my friends on mwo and some of the tough things they have been through and survived without turning to al. I hope you can get through this. Hold onto that quit like it is the winning lottery ticket. You will never regret not drinking. And trust me, I have made a huge ass of myself in a similar situation. Something I deeply regret to this day.
            Good planning will see you through this tough situation. :l
            No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


              Upcoming business trip and possible strategies?

              Ditto what others saying about how careers can be broken at such events. being sober plays to your strength and ability to think quickly and clearly. And just walk away if you have to. Networking can be b-s but you don't have to wallow in it.

              Good luck


                Upcoming business trip and possible strategies?

                C-dev, this is a tough one. I have attended many of these stupid events over the years, and also have observed that people tend to lose all common sense and civility. Why companies continue to promote these drink-fests, I'll never understand. Especially since these same companies will toss your butt out the door for having a problem with AL. Hypocritical.

                I haven't had to try to maneuver one of these sober yet, so I don't have any great advice, but I like TJAF's suggestion about talking to the bartender. And definitely try to find a way to gracefully escape cocktail hour. Most people understand if you want to get in a work-out, or need to make some calls before dinner. And of course, stay close to MWO.
                Everything is going to be amazing


                  Upcoming business trip and possible strategies?


                  I liked TJAF's suggestions as well, and I also agree with you that I have no idea what companies place so much stock in these various gatherings that do not seem to accomplish much.

                  I will have my laptop with me of course, so I will be posting from the road, I just pray to God I am able to get through it.
                  In the immortal words of Socrates " I just drank what ? "

                  AF since August 18, 2013


                    Upcoming business trip and possible strategies?

                    Lots of good advice here C. I used to work for a huge company that loved hosting drinking fests too. So much money (and TIME) wasted. The hardest part will be the beginning of the evening, but I guarantee after an hour or two the others will be buzzed and headed toward drunk and won't really care what YOU are doing. Stay strong and focused, and remember those people aren't your friends. I learned that the hard way years ago. You can do this! Stick close to us...we really DO care how you are!
                    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                      Upcoming business trip and possible strategies?


                      Great advice here. I sent you a pm because I wanted to share some thoughts I did not want to share publicly.

                      Hope you have a good time in Vegas without too much white knuckling.

                      AF April 9, 2016


                        Upcoming business trip and possible strategies?

                        C - experienced many of these same types of drink fests when I was working, also for a high tech company. Sounds like you will also have clients there as well, so there's a good reason to stay sober around them. My old boss used to say "Loose lips sink ships" so he rarely drank while attending and I followed his example. Also, had a friend who would go for a run after sessions ended (he was not a drinker) allowing him to arrive late to any dinner plus probably helped him take the edge off. Isn't there always some kind of work - or "email to catch up on" that you can use as an excuse to exit? "Early day tomorrow" "Early flight"? Do you have to demo, present or moderate anything? That can be another excuse.


                          Upcoming business trip and possible strategies?

                          Hi Guys,

                          And thanks for the great tips. The reason I am required to go on this particular one somewhat escapes me. I am a VP in charge of development, not sales, support, logistics, or person that generally has much dealings of any kind with the actual clients. For the most part, my department writes the source code, and as a general rule clients do not really care how we accomplish what they ask, only that we accomplish it.

                          They mainly want a guy like me there in case the client has a dedicated IT professional that wants to go over some strategy with me, which is rare. Your average senior level executive knows next to nothing about PHP, CSS, HTML, or JAVA. Granted I am still a department head, we are just mostly the behind the scenes guys.

                          I am fearful about this trip, but the input that you guys have given have helped me to devise a plan.

                          Oh, and I did have a chance to check out the private message and will respond to it directly after I return home this evening, I am just still at work ATM and don't have the time now to give it the attention it deserves.
                          In the immortal words of Socrates " I just drank what ? "

                          AF since August 18, 2013


                            Upcoming business trip and possible strategies?

                            I sent you a PM too! Hope you're doing good today!
                            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                              Upcoming business trip and possible strategies?

                              Rent a Lamborghini and offer to be the DD?
                              Newbies Nest
                              My accountability thread

