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    Hello everyone

    I've been around for a while now. I like this site and all of you, wonderful people!
    I am a wine drinker. I can't stand any other stuff. I live in a wine country, so it's SO natural to drink wine anytime you eat. So far, so nice, but, I KNOW I drink too much, and need to moderate.
    How do you do that, when excellent wine is everywhere, and SOOOOO cheap?

    Hello everyone

    Ellen, big welcome to our world (yours too now). darn good question! I'm a wine lover myself and can't imagine living in wine country, although with the friends I have it may be just as bad. If you want to abstain/moderate bad enough I'm sure you'll make it happen...we humans are surprisingly weak and lost sometimes but then amaze ourselves with our resolve and conviction of spirit. Hide out from the vino until you feel ok's hard to change habbits but so many have shown us the way. keep us up to speed and ask lots of detailed questions, and congrads on wanting to do well.
    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)


      Hello everyone

      Hi Ellen, glad you found our site, if you want to make a difference in your drinking habits it takes a plan, this site was started with the MWO book, the supplements and the CD's. I hope that you will join us on your voyage to either moderation of drinking or abstinence.:welcome:
      Enlightened by MWO


        Hello everyone

        Thank you Determinator andSKendall!
        Right now i'm visiting my son and his family in US (Wonderful Grandson!, 3 years I've read the book and have the supplements. I find right now Kudzu is very good, but I really find also, it's easier b/c I'm not so involved with wine. My son and his wife sometimes drink beer, I don't like it, i just want wine. What kind of alcoholism is that, or is it just a habit? What's the diferrence between alcoholism and habit? What's your opinion?


          Hello everyone

          ??beats me Elmeka, but I've got it whatever it is!! I crave wine more than anything, then if I get onto a bad multiple-day bender I'll start drinking anything I can get my hands on...arg...that's my downhill spiral. I think habbit and chemical dependance are somehow intractably intertwined in the intricacies of our brains. (hope I spelled some of that right)
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            Hello everyone

            That was a trikky one to spell (i've hadn't found yet, how to use the smiles, snif, snif!)
            Anyway, our brain is there, for all kind of habbits. But: WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN HABBIT AND ADDICTION? Just a question......
            Anyway if you feel that craving I really think it's somehow better to have a little wine thereby than stronger stuff! Or.....????


              Hello everyone

              I see a smile in my post! What a happiness!


                Hello everyone


                Hi Ellen,

                Good job on the smileys :thumbs: and Welcome! - from another wine drinker - and red at that. Also live in wine country and you're right - difficult to get away from! but it doesn't really matter whether it's wine, spirits, beer, whatever - if you feel you're drinking too much then you probably are... Good question: habit v. addiction so looked up the specific definitions - 'habit': a settled or regular tendency or practice; a practice that is hard to give up. (interestingly 'habit-forming' as an adjective is defined as 'causing addiction'.) And 'addiction': the condition of doing or using something as a habit or compulsively (esp. of drug-taking) - both from the Oxford English dictionary. So what do you think - addiction as a more extreme habit???

                Whatever, if you feel that it's a 'habit' you want to break or an 'addiction' you want to get over, then now's a great time to start and you're in the right place - many ears, good friends, supportive people and here 24/7 - what more could you ask? BTW have been AF for about 37 days and enjoy it so much I don't actually miss the wine as much any more - mind you, I still find it hard to pass the wine department in a supermarket - I just love all those bottles and they're just calling out - just gotta keep walking! - and as for the wineries and wine-tasting, I'm afraid they're off limits at the moment. It's hard to break old habits and start new ones, but this one is so worth it! So enjoy your grandson, and keep posting -look forward to hearing how it goes.

                Take care and glad to have you with us :welcome: !
                :rays: Arial

                Last first day - 15th April 2012
                Days 1-7 DONE
                Days 8-14 DONE
                Days 15-21 DONE
                30 days DONE
                60 days
                100 days


                  Hello everyone

                  Hi Ellen. Welcome. I find that wine is my drink of choice as well. I think it is probably because it is easy on the taste buds and nice going down. I think I miss it when I am not drinking because I actually do enjoy the taste. Now I just need to figure out how to moderate and I will be in business. Keep reading and posting. We'll figure this out one way or another.
                  :rays: mdb :rays:

                  Good at being AF. Not so good at Moderation.

                  Lots of work yet to do!


                    Hello everyone

                    Thank you Arial and mustdobetter!
                    Oh yes, wine tastes so good! I like chocolate too, but just have a bit of it. So it was for years with my wine: just two glasses a day. NOW it's definitely TOO much! With my grandson, I have of course, more important things to do. Like throwing stones into the river!!! That is really worth of every minute in our life, isn't it?! But, it's just this month. Then I have to say goodbye to my dear Lucas, and go back to my routines. Anyway, I find the supplements, especially Kudzu is very useful. And I LOVE All in One with orange juice!
                    So, Arial, you are a modell for me, congratulations!
                    Mustdobetter: We'll do it better, someway, like you say!
                    Thank you for your support!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                      Hello everyone

                      Hi Elm & Welcome!
                      :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                        Hello everyone

                        Hello Elm, Good to have you here. Seabreeze I'm afraid I'm stalking You


                          Hello everyone

                          I too love wine, it is so hard to eat a nice dinner without wine. But my habit got way out of control, this is my first week with the supplements and CD's. So far this week, 2 glasses of wine with dinner Tuesday night. I ordered all the supplements, the entire package, so far it seems to be working and I feel so much better!!
                          Good luck,


                            Hello everyone

                            I have the CD's but guess have to go back home to really feel the benefits of hypnosis. My visit here in USA is very busy, (my grandson is 3, if that tells something!!!)
                            smiles from


                              Hello everyone

                              Yes, I loved a nice cold wine too - here in Australia we have some lovely ones!
                              I've been thinking - how much fun was life when younger before alcohol had to be part of having fun??? What was it I used to do that would keep me amused for hours on end? must try and find that again!
                              I loved that quote by seabreeze "it's never to late to be what you might've been".
                              trying :new:

