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Relatives are such a trigger...

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    Relatives are such a trigger...

    Anyone else find that relatives / holidays are a big trigger? I did okay and stayed moderate this Easter weekend, but last night, after the last relative took off, I downed nearly a bottle of wine on my own (v bad girl). Now I feel stupid, but I do think it's related to kind of "letting down" after the stress and pressure of being with my extended family. I have noticed this in the past as well, even when in-laws, etc. are in town. What do you all think?

    Relatives are such a trigger...

    Yes they are for me. I have to plan around it so I don't go nuts and over drink. Good for you watching and finding out what yoru triggers are, that takes a bit of time.

    Welcome Phelen!!


      Relatives are such a trigger...

      Read any of my posts!! Phelen, no one can hurt you like family or drive you up the freakin' wall like them. unfortunatly we can't pick them. My mother-in-law would make an alcoholic out of the Pope. She is so hard to take. When she puts her hands on her hips and goes "OH well" and twist her face into a knot because something didn't go her way. Like being told she can't smoke in the house. Here I go again. Must....stop..Now!!!! ARRRGGGHH

      I feel your Pain


        Relatives are such a trigger...

        hey phelen
        yes-definately for me! i get nervous about my sister in law and need something to calm my nerves-
        holidays do that, its a shame that drinking and celebrating go hand in hand- makes me scared to stop. then what do i do.
        and dont feel bad for drinking the wine- i did the same, me and my mom drank 2 bottles and noone else had anything-(12 people) i dont care, i did all the work too! if my mom wasnt there i wouldve drank alone-
        just pick up our heads and try again, best we can do!



          Relatives are such a trigger...

          I swear, I don't know whether I love my family or if I hate them sometimes. Do I drink around them because I am happy to see them or because I want to kill myself when they are around? Trust me, I feel your pain!!!! Unfortunately, I don't have an answer for you!
          Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:


            Relatives are such a trigger...

            I don't have have any family of mine around. My family is my husband's. Sometimes I find it very difficult. I am from a European nordic country.Sometimes ssssssssssssssssoooooo much family stuff knocks me out. Sometimes I got angry and tell me that I don't have to receive all these "relatives" in my home, but then I feel thankful for all this extended family I have, having my own family members so far away.... (Now I go nostalgic.....)
            Is that perhaps part of my too much drinking wine, or perhaps because of my scandinavian roots???


              Relatives are such a trigger...

              Oh, I forgot the essential, WINE FLOWS ALL THE TIME, along with a really good barbecue. (For me veggies, thank you, I don,t eat any meat, except fish!)


                Relatives are such a trigger...

                I hear ya sister! I (used to) have that first glass of wine right after they all left. Clean up, drink, clean some more, drink, etc!!!! Glad there gone!


                  Relatives are such a trigger...

                  I always let my kitchen very clean, no matter how late. In the meantime I OFCOURSE deserve some more wine. After all, it's my private time, and i am doing the work, OK?!


                    Relatives are such a trigger...

                    Yes relatives are a a Bazooka trigger
                    Control the Mind


                      Relatives are such a trigger...

                      Family members are the biggest trigger for me! Holidays and vacation. Anything fun is a huge trigger for me.

                      I so need to work on that.
                      "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                        Relatives are such a trigger...

                        Hey Rocky, I'll load the bazooka. I know how you feel guys! just because last year we took the whole family on vacation with us. They all are assuming that it means this year also. Now my sister just asked my Mom when we were going so she can get time off work to come along. Does it ever end?I think even when you die your greeted by a relative. Sheesh!


                          Relatives are such a trigger...

                          I'm with Rocky. Ex in-laws were a sure thing as a drinkin trigger for me in the past. Glad I dont have to be around them anymore.
                          Tripple Thank GOD. I even Thank GOD I could type that. In fact I feel like goin outside right now and SCREAMIN that in the middle of the street! You all have no idea how happy I am about this. Thank you Phelen for bringin up this subject. I feel like something huge has been lifted from me.
                          NO MORE IN-LAWS! I really didnt know I felt so strong about this until now.
                          Gabby :flower:


                            Relatives are such a trigger...

                            You know they say relatives start to stink after three days just like fish. I also saw this in a cottage on the lake across town we were looking to buy. If we get drunk on sunday and beg you to stay please remember on monday morning we did not mean it.

                            Hee Hee


                              Relatives are such a trigger...

                              I always look forward to the visits, but find them very difficult. When I was drinking, I think I missed some of the really mundane and repetitive conversation. Now, I hear it all over and over and it gets on my nerves. I thought long and hard about trying moderation over Easter when I was in the midst of house guests -- but decided my motivation wasn't really pure. I was looking for escape and didn't trust myself to stop at 1 or 2. Also, my most annoying bro-in-law has also stopped drinking (he's still annoying however) and I couldn't let him win the no drinking contest. I wonder how he ever over drank in that he almost never stops yapping. Oh my, that felt good to say.
                              Anyway, didn't mean to hijack your post -- but, yes, family can be quite trying.
                              Mama T.
                              Found MWO Feb. 17, 2007

