Sweet .. cool :thanks:
I never had an AF beer .. dont think I would like it. Besides any Carbonated drink ( for me ) isnt gonna help my AF days. I tend to Like Fizzy liquids if you know what I mean
I dont like POP so that narrows down the list anyways lol. Matter of fact I dont like sugary or sweet things.
Hey .. lemme ask you a few questions if I could. You may have already answered them.
1. Are you sweating still ? I didnt last night for the first time. But man o man did I wake up Stinking Bad for some reason lol. Right now I feel kinda clammy .. which I never had when I was awake.
2. Hows your head feel ? I have had a headache ( not bad just like pressure ache ) for 3 days.
3. Hows your thought focus ? For the past 15 hours I cant seem to like stay on one consistent thought for very long. Kinda like im on drugs and loopy. IE: went to transfer my smokes and sundries to the bed from the desk and found myself going back and forth a few times to make sure I had everything.
4. Hows your eating going ? I didnt/couldnt/feel like eating anything solid since monday up until last night when I forced a few hot dogs and chips down myself. I did drink a lot of V8 though.
5. Do you notice anything about your hearing ? Last night when going to bed I could hear almost everything at the same time. TV, A/C, Fan, Cars passing by .. etc.
Thats about all I can think of ATM ..
Stay on target .. Stay on target ..