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parents coming in town

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    parents coming in town

    I just started this committment to try to quit drinking. I didn't drink Monday night. Last night I went to dinner with my kids, grandkids,(which can be a trigger point because I love wine with dinner)and yes, I had two glasses of wine with dinner. I go home and I want another glass of wine, but I don't have any wine at home, I only have beer which I don't want. Plus, I think I spent 2 hours in the gym today because I really want to get rid of this extra tire around my middle, so why drink and back pedal. Think healthy! I just found out from the pharmacy that my doctor finally did call in the topamax. He was reluctant to do so, so I faxed him articles on it yesterday morning. He called in 50 mg, twice a day, that's a lot isn't it? I think the book says to start with 25 mg. Any how I feel good, the vitamins help SO much. I ordered everything, the entire package, CD's and all the vitamins. I am amazed how much better my energy level is. Plus I used to get hot flashes, I attributed to my age, 46, and maybe starting menopause, BUT, I have had zero hot flashes since I have been taking the vitamins. Can anyone explain that? Plus, I think going to the gym will be key in my sucess over alcohol. When we went last night, it was like social hour, we know people, we joke, (we, I go with my oldest daughter who is 23). We know most of the trainers and because they like us so much they train us (oh, my daughter is a hoot, plus she is mega hot) for free at times. So this replaces my social hour at the bar. I need to get back to who I used to be.
    Any how, I did get on a tangent, here, my parents are flying in tomorrow night and I am scared to death. Why do they have to come now?, just when I feel I am doing good with alcohol. See, my parent's are religous zealots, my Mom, so get's on my nerves, I always get smashed when they are in town. I so hope the topamax will get me thru this, what other coping methods are there?
    Oh, also, I was wondering if I take Celexa, do I need to take the Calms forte? Or if I take the calms forte do I need to take the celexa. Celexa helps me manage stress.

    parents coming in town

    Runner, I have this problem with my father in law he also is a religious zealot. He always has a "message' for me and He creeps me out. My biggest thing is I try not to be alone with him. I have never NOT drank when my husbands family is around. I will be tested the end of this month, when my husband invited them down for a weekend. So I can't give you any advice about this right now maybe you can help me after your visit. My best suggestion stay busy. Go to grocery store a lot I have done that to kil time and stay away.
    I wish You well. Your doing really great. Good for you on your workouts as well.


      parents coming in town

      I'm in Simey's shoes. I'm getting tested once again the end of this month. Then 2 weeks after that for my daughter's 1st Communion. I did it AF over Christmas (granted I had just begun my AF journey & had 2 ear infections & lost my voice!) this time I will have 4 months AF and will plan on not socializing with "them". They are the biggest braggarts & phonies that bring me to a place I hate to be. That's why I needed to drink to be around them. I always wonder if my dear husband was adopted.

      You're going to have to get in that mindset that that's just them. I know it's hard-but in one ear & out the other. It's good that you're working out so it gives you an excuse to be out of the house. Just keep reminding yourself how good you're doing & that their stay won't be permanent.
      :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


        parents coming in town

        Okay, thanks, I let you know how it goes, my Dad is pretty good, it is just my mom, who drives me crazy, you have to lots of patience around her and that is not one of my qualities. oh, yeah, I notice you said you were OCD, me too!!! your right, not good for problem drinker, I would never sit around and drink, just drink while I cleaned up my kids mess!


          parents coming in town

          50mgs twice a day is WAY too much to start at!! Break them in half and start at 25 mgs a day for a week and do the dosage the book says. maybe your doc did that so you wouldn't have to refill so often. Don't start at 100 per day, you'll get sick. Sorry about the family being a trigger. Mine are too. Not the religious part of it, but they can be tough all the same. Hang in there. Drink a bunch of water in between drinks if you do feel like having more alcohol than you think you should. That should at least help.
          Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:


            parents coming in town

            Runner girl, you sound like you are doing really pretty well. There's a lot of great advice above this, just wanted to add, did you try the CD's yet? I find them extremely relaxing to the point where I can pull up that relaxed feeling later, a day later, now months later so that when I am ready to scream, I can usually just handle whatever by finding a calm inside.

            Good luck, it is so tough to have the buttons pushed when you are just starting out!

            YOU CAN DO THIS!! hugs, Mary


              parents coming in town

              RG - sounds like you are off to the right start. Keep posting here. I find it helps so much to take the time to post my thoughts and read what others are experiencing. Best wishes to you.
              :rays: mdb :rays:

              Good at being AF. Not so good at Moderation.

              Lots of work yet to do!


                parents coming in town

                Thanks, I thought 50 would be too much. I didn't take yesterday because I was so busy didn't get home until 9:00.

