That's all I had to say - guess I'd better take a Kudzu or two.
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I picked the wrong week to quit drinking
I picked the wrong week to quit drinking
One of the "moods" should be irritated. I am working with self-serving morons this week who have seemed to turn off their hearing aides because no one is hearing a word I say.
That's all I had to say - guess I'd better take a Kudzu or two.Tags: None
I picked the wrong week to quit drinking
Barb, been there, done that. That's so irritating and I know it makes all my drink senses go into overdrive. The kudzu and CD's work wonders. L Glut too.
Good luck"Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."
I picked the wrong week to quit drinking
Barb, I love that line from Airplane. I use it so many times myself.I know what you mean even though I work for myself. But still I will get a client who will not hear what I'm saying> talking to a brick wall would yield a better result. So I do it their way, then an epithany. Mary you were right! and we start all over again. As my husband use to say to me "no wonder you drink" If you have it valium works wonders.
Love Ya
I picked the wrong week to quit drinking
Is there a good week?
Even my good weeks I turn into bad ones, sabatoge myself, so if I wait for a good week free of idiots it's never going to happen cause I'm the biggest idiot of all and I'm always around me.
but I know what you mean.
I picked the wrong week to quit drinking
Hiya all, think there must be something in the air the past few weeks (or the water come to that), have been grrrrrrrrrrrr ing more than usual myself and I am menopausal so can't even blame PMS, what a loss to me that is (blaming the PMS NOT the ACTUAL PMS of course). Going to change my mindset from Monday defo.... got to vent some pent up rage at hubby over the weekend first.... tee hee hee, got to have something to look forward to at the weekend. Lorna xxRather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......
I picked the wrong week to quit drinking
Maybe I shouldn't come in here. But honey-do (that's me) is on his own (and doing things on his own) and relapsed today (drinking four bottles of beer) under stress under work pressure (on his own).
So just sympathizing with you ladies ...Paddy
Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog -eace:
I picked the wrong week to quit drinking
Hey Paddy, I also cracked and had three beers.
I have now, just about half an hour ago decided to change my attitude. I am sitting her smoldering over slights, obnoxious comments and platitudes, real or imagined and havd just decided to stop it. Now I am looking at the bright side and just going on with my life.
Work is a place to make money and pay the bills - that's it. Make it more or make it less, just don't let it envelope you. Life's too short.