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My heartfelt letter to Al

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    My heartfelt letter to Al

    At first I thought we were allies Al !!

    I mean .. we hung out together .. we did everything together and had such a great time of it too. We laughed and we cried together.
    Sure we had our downs. You even promised me that we would always be there for each other .. to help me if I ever needed you.

    So what happened to you when I needed you the most ? I stood by and watched You stab me in the back. Then You kicked me when I was down? Afterwards you extend a helping hand up ?

    I let you talk me into not going to work because You wanted to be around each other more.

    I let you talk me into not being myself anymore. You dont let me do the things that I want to do anymore. Its always about YOU!

    I thought maybe being apart from one another for a spell would rekindle our friendship. I was hoping for a change in our relationship. But it didnt work that way did it AL ! When you came back home you did not have compassion or friendship in mind. In fact as soon as my back was turned you go and Stab it again. You even went one step further and choked me into submission. You said "if you ever pull that shit again im going to lock you in a room and Never let you out !"

    When it was just me and you I could forgive and forget things between us.

    Then .. you made one fatal mistake. You went after the people that I Love. Making every effort to harm them in any way that you could. Not only that but You were making ME look like I was the one that was doing it. You set me up Al !

    This is unacceptable ! Im finished being used by you. Done being your tool of destruction and lies.

    You dont have to say anything .. Just Listen !

    I dont want you around anymore Al.
    I dont want to ever hear from you again.
    I dont want you to talk to me .. or call on me ever again.
    I dont want to talk about the good times or the bad.
    Its simply over.

    Im not pissed at you .. Im not angry for the things you have done.

    You dont deserve my time or my energy. You gave up that right the moment you went after my friends and family.

    Quite frankly I dont have any feelings one way or another for you anymore. None. Not hate nor love. Not joy or sadness. I dont wish you harm and I dont wish you well.

    See .. I know your weakness. You need me. You need my thoughts my emotions and my fear. Without those you are nothing .. You can not survive.

    Oh im sure your gonna try a few more scare tactics and try to hurt me as much as possible while your on your way out. Thats fine with me. But you know what .. its nothing compared to the pain and suffering I have had to endure with you over the years.

    This short goodbye will last only moments in time. But know
    this .. after that you will be long forgotten.

    Well this letter is coming to a close however I would like to leave you with this.

    Have a nice life .. oh and go ahead and leave the keys .. you wont be needing them anymore.

    Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be. - Khalil Gabran
    AF: 9-10-2013

    My heartfelt letter to Al

    Good man, I like your style. Keep thinking that way. Refer back to what you've written when feeling weak. Surf the urges and get stronger every day. Good luck Dave!
    Last drink 6th September 2013


      My heartfelt letter to Al

      Thanks Softly

      Yea .. its basically how I see it.

      Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be. - Khalil Gabran
      AF: 9-10-2013


        My heartfelt letter to Al

        That was awesome gambler!:goodjob:
        Started living again 2/7/2015


          My heartfelt letter to Al

          Thank you .. took the edge off while I was writing it.
          Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be. - Khalil Gabran
          AF: 9-10-2013


            My heartfelt letter to Al

            Love it Gambler, my 'leaving you' letter to AL was angrier that yours, I was raging with the b*stard for what he had done to me and I wanted to get it down on paper, because by nature I am not an angry person. I forget anger easily. It was very cathartic for me and when I look at it I remember the anger and determination I felt with real clarity.

            Good on you Gambler, boot this bast*rd right out your life with those pointy toed boots of yours!
            Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


              My heartfelt letter to Al

              broken halo;1555025 wrote: Love it Gambler, my 'leaving you' letter to AL was angrier that yours, I was raging with the b*stard for what he had done to me and I wanted to get it down on paper, because by nature I am not an angry person. I forget anger easily. It was very cathartic for me and when I look at it I remember the anger and determination I felt with real clarity.

              Good on you Gambler, boot this bast*rd right out your life with those pointy toed boots of yours!

              Oh at first I was pissed beyond belief ( Im not an angry person by nature ). I wanted to go out back with my 9 mil and unload a box of ammo into a 30 pack of beer ! But there was some goofy law .. something about discharging a weapon inside city limits or something like that

              But as I was meditating the other night I found my mind going back to my past and thinking about all the mistakes. Back and forth between having a positive outlook on my present/future and my mistakes in the past.

              Eventually I snapped and decided that it really wasn't worth it for me to feed this Beast any more of my Energy.

              Oh I was/am sure he will be knocking at my door from time to time .. But Im NOT going to be knocking on His door ANYMORE !

              So in the end I think (for me) being negative or having any
              emotion towards AL was still a thought process of keeping it in my life.

              This letter was only one way I knew how to just LET IT GO !

              Kinda like in Star Wars where they are in the Death Star trenches and theres crap flying all over.. lasers and bad guys shooting at everything .. and the one guy just keeps repeating "Eyes on Target .. Eyes on target .. Eyes on target !"

              I think that particular guys gets blown up LOL .. but my point is I want to keep my Eyes on TARGET and Focus on the End result.

              Whatever works for the moment I guess .. right :l
              Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be. - Khalil Gabran
              AF: 9-10-2013


                My heartfelt letter to Al

                It's an excellent strategy Gambler, AL thrives on negative thoughts. Best to get them right out of the way and focus on the prize
                Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


                  My heartfelt letter to Al

                  Thanks Halo ..

                  Yea.. that "Prize" is going to be what its going to be. But I dont even know what it is yet lol.

                  You have heard the saying "Dont throw the baby out with the bathwater" right .. well Im getting the strange feeling that there is going to be quite a few things in my life that are going to be taking a ride with AL. If you get what I mean.

                  Be well my friend.

                  Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be. - Khalil Gabran
                  AF: 9-10-2013


                    My heartfelt letter to Al

                    just loved reading this dave!....a great perspective
                    You've been CRITICISING yourself for years and it hasn't worked. Try APPROVING of yourself and see what happens......


                      My heartfelt letter to Al

                      Such a great post - well done Dave x
                      AF since Halloween 2016

                      Trying to kill my Wine Witch! :smileyb:


                        My heartfelt letter to Al

                        Well said Dave! Love the part about not hating al or liking al. Because either emotion implies you still care. So, there you have it AL - we don't care about you any more - adios diablo.


                          My heartfelt letter to Al

                          Well thank you very much Columbia, Wine-no and Sanchez am certainly am pleased you all got something from this and understand my intention of the letter

                          sanchez;1560755 wrote: So, there you have it AL - we don't care about you any more - adios diablo.
                          Well put Sanchez .. well put ..
                          Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be. - Khalil Gabran
                          AF: 9-10-2013


                            My heartfelt letter to Al

                            I like this, Gambler, Well spoken.


                              My heartfelt letter to Al

                              Dave bumping this one up too. Cant stay away too long. Gotta know how the boys are doing
                              Happiness is neither virtue nor pleasure nor this thing nor that but simply growth, We are happy when we are growing.

                              William Butler Yeats

