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New hear and having trouble starting

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    New hear and having trouble starting

    Hello all,

    I am very happy I found this site as I just couldnt bring my self to go to AA (never been and dont like thier premise - too cultish for me). I thrive on message boards and feel I get a lot out of them.

    I am doing this program because in the last 7 years I have really seen myself go from a couple of drinks every once in a long while to drinking 2 to 4 days a week drinkng 6 to 10 beers at a sitting. I never drink before 8 at night and I have and hold a very responsible job. I know that this is still an issue. My wife knows its an issue and my health is going down because of it.

    One of the mental issues I face is that I really enjoy doing it! I know that is so stupid but I do. I also use it to cope when the shit hits the fan at home or at work. My wife is bi-polar and has severe chrons disease. My job requires a heck of a lot of travel from me (last year I travelled 5 months out of the year).

    The funny thing is I dont want to quit entirely. I would like to drink during what would be considered normal times like at a party, the fourth of july bbq, a wedding, etc. You get the idea. The trouble is I am not at that point and I hope and pray this program will help me get there. If it ends up that I just have to abstain then so be it. I need to get my health back so I can be around for my wife and son.

    Could anyone tell me thier experience of Kudzu? I am really ashamed and dont want to talk to my family doctor and am really hoping that the suppliments and particularly the Kudzu will help. Any advice on how to take them or experiences with them. Does Kudzu have any effect on other drugs like chloresterol meds?

    I plan on being here for the long haul and hope that this board and the people I learn about in it can help me overcome this addiction.


    New hear and having trouble starting

    I don't know about how Kudzu interacts with prescription meds -- I'd do some online research before taking any. I can tell you that kudzu is a miracle supp for me. The first day I took it was the first day I was AF in several years and the first of my 54 days of MWO. If you can take it. do it. These boards, the book, the tapes, exercise, vitamins, topa (if you need it) and a desire to make a change are a powerful combo. Good luck and welcome.
    Mama T.
    Found MWO Feb. 17, 2007


      New hear and having trouble starting

      Hablur - welcome.

      Ditto Mamatee
      Enlightened by MWO


        New hear and having trouble starting

        Welcome Hablur,
        Good place. Move into the Monthly Abs or Monthly Moderation, whatver suits you & post in General Discusssion. You w ill be on your way before you know it.


          New hear and having trouble starting

          You'll find tons of support here. The MYO program recommends 30 days alcohol free to begin, but I find the thought of that overwhelming. I was drinking a bottle of wine up to five times a week, but have managed to cut back significantly since reading the MYO book (several times), buying the supps (with the exception of topamax), and especially logging on here daily. I'm not sure about mixing Kudzu with cholesterol meds. There is not a lot of info on the internet about interactions between kudzu and others drugs. Maybe someone here with cholesterol issues will be able to give you some info. The thing I like best about this program is the fact that it is a program so I have some recommended guidelines to follow. Also, the advice and empathy that you will receive from the people here at this website is fantastic. Welcome.



            New hear and having trouble starting

            Hi Hablur! I'd recommend downloading and reading RJ's book from this site first thing...lots of good info and background. I've only been taking my drinking very seriously and doing well with it (two different things) for the last month, and this is the happies my wife and I have been since we were newlyweds. Congrads to you on coming here and sharing...looking forward to getting to know you. Be well.
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              New hear and having trouble starting

              Hi Hab

              If you want my point of view (very humble opinion of course), it sounds like you could do really well from this programme. You've got the honesty and the want/will.

              I can relate entirely when you say you enjoy drinking... Ohhh... so do I! I also struggle with the idea of a life of abstinence, and like yourself, am trying to work out what is going to be best for me in the long/short term.

              Along with the advice of the others above (ie Kudzu, this forum, CD's and exercise) I also add that you should be sure to do things that are just for you too. It must be stressful with a partner with a mental illness like Bipolar (and in fairness as it could well be hard for her sometimes having a hubby that likes his drink a bit too much. lol) so my point is to also nurture yourself as you move into changing your lifestyle. It's so easy for us problem drinkers/alcoholics (whatever label we give ourselves) to be brutal with ourselves when we feel like we have let ourselves and/or others down... so my advice is to treat this new journey with the tenderness you deserve. Be good to yourself.

              And welcome aboard!

              :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


                New hear and having trouble starting

                Hablur, I take several prescriptions and have had no adverse affects from any of the recommended supplements. I don't take the calms forte because I take xanax (don't want to be to mellow) I understand the reason for your drinking, it sure does make the pressures go away. My ex-husband had chrons disease. That is a tough one his was 25 years ago and had to have part of his intestines removed. I know that there are more drugs now to treat it, but it is scary. You can become whatever you want through this program. I was a very heavy drinker for 20 years. I came here in Jan. this year and the changes are tremendous. I am a moderation drinker. Whatever you choose. All the best for you.


                  New hear and having trouble starting

                  Hi H & Welcome!

                  Don't take the supps so can't help with that, I do other parts of the program. Just wanted to welcome you.
                  :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                    New hear and having trouble starting

                    Welcome to MWO.... I have done the whole nine yards from just supps. to supps with topomax. then to Campral then to just good ole green tea. Everything works differently for each individual person. I can relate not wanting to tell a medical doctor about your drinking issues. But from personal experience I found the truth with my doctor worked alot better in getting the correct medical advice. Of course, alot come from my own heart and soul. I am almost 100 days alcohol free for the first time in 29 years. Whatever you choose you have made the first step by posting here. Glad to have you aboard.


                      New hear and having trouble starting

                      Hello Hablur, and welcome to a lovely place.


                        New hear and having trouble starting

                        Welcome aboard.

                        You are not alone, I was in exactly the same position as you 7 days ago. I was at the bottom looking up without a ladder and as the people here promised they were the ladder, I feel I've gone up a rung ot two, at least I can see daylight now!!

                        I must say this site has been the best thing for me. I've done a few posts, a couple of chats and found great comfort in knowing I'm not alone.

                        I'm going the AF route at the moment, but like you hate the thought of never having a drink again in the future, but I'm concentrating on one day at a time, it's easier to think that way - Today I'm not going to have a drink, maybe tomorrow, but not today, thank you very much.

                        Good luck with the journey.


                          New hear and having trouble starting

                          Hablur, I join the others here at MWO with my welcome aboard. :welcome: This is a great place to be with others with common issues, namely out of control drinking. I can't tell you how hard it was for me to decide to go to my Dr. and confess to him I had a problem with alcahol. I have seen the same Dr. for years and never admitted to him that I drank even when he asked the question during an annual physical. I wanted all the help I could get to stop or cut down, including meds since I didn't trust myself to do it without them. After the first few words, it was easier than I ever thought it would be to open up to him. He didn't act surprised. Maybe he knew all along. He prescribed the topa for me and it was covered by my insurance except the co-pay. He was really interested in the program since he had never heard of it. He took all the information I had on it, look it up on the net, and studied it to be informed should he need to reccomend it to other patients.

                          I came on a year ago, and did pretty well with the whole program, including the meds and sups, for about four or five months. As I tirated up on the topa, I started having side effects too uncomfortable to tolerate. I went from 25 mgs to 150 mgs and couldn't go any higher, later I went back to 75. Then I started having kidney or bladder problems and after test, my doc narrowed it to the kudzu. I stopped that. The all-one powder was too rich for my system and I couldn't take that. I did the cd's and other sups and read the books and got discouraged because the program wasn't working for me the way others said it was for them and I needed it really bad. I slipped big time, and was embarrassed to share it with anyone here so I dropped out for three or four months and was drinking as much as ever. I knew for my health I had to regain control and came back this time with a different approach. The book and cd's are still good but haven't used them as often as I should. I don't do the topa, or any of the sups except for a couple. I use the calms forte for nervousness and to sleep if I need it, and l-glutamine for cravings. I take a good multi vitamine and an amino acid complex since I can't do the all one. I am doing really good this time and without feeling bad because of the side effects. I have been back since the end of Feb. and am working on 30 days AF. I don't mean to say that this is what everyone should do. We all are different, and what works for one may not work for another. The point I am trying to get across, is do what works for you. Start with the whole prog., and adjust it to fit your needs. But whatever you do, don't do as I did and stop. It was just as hard to decide to come back as it was to begin in the first place. Stay with this great group and you'll get a lot of help and encouragement. God Bless, Liz
                          :heart: Eliziby :heart:


                            New hear and having trouble starting

                            You fit right in here at MWO. Many professionals, hi stress, other problems. Jsut stayon & explore the other forums & feel comfortable participating. Very accepting community


                              New hear and having trouble starting

                              A huge thanks

                              Today I spent time trolling the boards when I took a break and I appreciate all the wonderful words of wisdom and welcome that I have recieved. I feel very comfortable here!

                              Thank you all for such a warm welcome!

