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I'm New

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    I'm New

    Hi All,

    I just signed up and am scared to death about even attempting to slow down or quit all together. I've been drinking heavily for 20 plus years. It's really taken it's toll on me, my relationships, my work, my kids, etc... I found this site by looking into alcohol support groups. This one looked good. I have been reading various posts and see that there's a lot of people in the same boat. I'm hoping to find some new friends and support to help me get through this life changing transition. I pray I can do it.:thanks:

    I'm New

    Welcome Kat and yes you can do this.
    Order the book and keep reading posts. Also keep talking and posting that made the most difference for me.
    I also have children and decided I needed to change.
    I wish you the very best and it can be done, you can get control
    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


      I'm New


      You've come to the right place. Download the My Way Out book or purchase it at your local bookstore. Mine ordered for me as they did not have it in stock. I've read that book many times. It lays out the gameplan, so to speak, of how this program works. I'd also suggest using some of the supps. I use Amino Acids, Milk Thistle, Magnesium, Evening Primrose Oil, Kudzu, and L-Glutemine. The last two listed are suppose to help you with cravings. I haven't stopped drinking completely, but I have tapered off quite a bit. Plus, my outlook about drinking in general is changing. I'd like to learn how to drink moderately and if that's not possible then I will work towards abstaining altogether. Most importantly, log on here daily where you will find a community of people who are sharing similiar exeriences as you are. People here are kind, empathtic, humorous...Excellent support! Good luck. Look forward to hearing from you again.



        I'm New

        Go Kat Go

        Kat, It's never too late....never. Every clear day from here forward will be a day worth ten time the cloudy ones. Check out the drink calender link. It gives you an idea of how and when to start. The topamax does work. Quite amazing. There's a long road ahead, but you can do it!!



          I'm New

          Thank you so much

          These replys are so encouraging. I did drink today, but much less than I usally do. And putting my attention on it and feeling like there is hope has helped. I will get the book and look into the supplements as well. I am also a cancer survivor, which has added to my drinking. Going through surgery, radiation and the emotional stress has been a trip. I really want to get better, get back to when I felt alive, alert, and in control.


            I'm New

            Hi again Kat (I replied on your other thread)

            You know, .... the way I see it ... even if you only have 1 less drink today than you had yesterday - and tomorrow you'll have one less again .... etc., etc., etc. - surely it's got to get better?

            Here's to being alive, alert and in control! It really is possible.


              I'm New

              Hello and welcome to MWO.
              Looks like you've come to the right place will get lots of support, help and advice here, and make some good friendships too.
              So, you've made a great start... joining MWO.
              I also drank heavily for over 20 years, and this site has really saved my life.
              Scared to death is just your imagination playing round with you. Yes, it does seem a bit overwhelming because it's a big decision you've just made. Now you have to work out some strategies to help you on your way. Get the book. Go see your doctor say you have a drinking problem and need some assistance, and would like a script for Campral. You wioll be surprised at how calm and understanding your doctor will be. If you don't think your doctor will be helpful, find another one. And have a look in the health store on this site,. I bought the starter pack, which I found to be terrific.
              If you have survived cancer, you may need to give your body every help you can. Take a peek in the sports section... no it's the fitness section here and check out the New Scientist article that AA and I and others wrote about.
              Have a good look round the site, then go for it!
              That's enough for me now, so, enjoy the site, enjoy this new phase of your life, enjoy being in control.


                I'm New

                its not easy , but you will find plenty of people here willing to help you out good luck!

                "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson


                  I'm New

                  Kat...Scared or not scared...To escape the grips and effects of Alcohol is the right thing to do. You looked for help because you want to stop.

                  There is help here and you can do it! Read the book, and set about a plan day at a time.

                  Welcome!!!...Read and post often...
                  Control the Mind


                    I'm New

                    Hi & Welcome!

                    Have a goal & a plan, baby steps and never give up! Glad you found us!
                    :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                      I'm New

                      Hi Kat...
                      Welcome...I am glad you find us.


                        I'm New

                        Kat, think of this place of the safest and most encouraging place any of us suffering from this addiction can have. No one judges, just loads of support and love. Anytime something makes you feel like drinking come here read, post chat. Until you feel ok again. This is my now part of my daily routine just like working out. Only I'm working out those drinking demons.
                        Take care


                          I'm New

                          hi Kat, welcome. Ditto all above, I couldn't believe it when I found this place,it really is different to any of the others. You will find support in abundance when you need it, a laugh when you need that and advice on any subject under the sun, honestly, somebody will here will have experience of whatever you want to talk about and will post back to you. Look forward to getting to know you.

                          Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


                            I'm New

                            Hi I am also in that place where I am scared, and a bit in denial but I am being gentle with myself and thinking positively.
                            It is not easy. it takes perseverence.
                            be strong and gentle to yourself
                            You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                              I'm New

                              Hi Kat & :welcome:

                              Ditto everybody else, especially Tawny, one drink less everyday was the way that I did it, and gradually starting later and later in the day, eventually af for a few weeks and now just drinking at weekends, It is possible and you CAN do it.......

