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2ND Weekend Almost Here

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    2ND Weekend Almost Here

    Let the party begin, It is Friday night and I'm behind I would normally have a 1/2 pint done. So I got my favorite glass out and listened to that ice hit the glass and poured a diet pepsi. This weekend will be a challenge. My wife works a 12 hour night shift all weekend.

    Tonight I Already had a nice fried chicken sandwich with some fries, wife has left and it is me with our daughter who is mentally handicapped. She does not need any specific attention, she can take care of herself.

    So lets celebrate and give alcohol a punch in the face. I am so sober and I have the power. Alcohol has no power over me. I am not a slave and I will pledge 1st tonight to show who is the boss. The urge is just a thought and we all agree it is a choice. If I choose just one drink, for me it means death, a big fat gut and a big red nose.

    So tonight after a bit of typing here and some Tv, I am off on 2 feet to walk the street in the dark, some exploring and end up getting a big cone with my daughter. When was the last time you walked the streets?

    Thanks all for listening or lettin me type here.

    Saturdays plan is to bicycle ride in the AM movie in the afternoon and streaking in the evening.
    What you resist persits


      2ND Weekend Almost Here

      Good on you Dryer, not sure about the streaking bit as still a bit cold here. I dont walk outside at night, not safe really. I think the last time i was as drunk as a nit and fell over oh and didnt remember a thing the next day.

      The days are so much better AF, no complaints from me.

      Have a great night.
      AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


        2ND Weekend Almost Here

        dryer;1558903 wrote: Tonight I Already had a nice fried chicken sandwich with some fries

        So lets celebrate and give alcohol a punch in the face. I am so sober and I have the power. Alcohol has no power over me. I am not a slave and I will pledge 1st tonight to show who is the boss. The urge is just a thought and we all agree it is a choice. If I choose just one drink, for me it means death, a big fat gut and a big red nose.

        When was the last time you walked the streets?

        Thanks all for listening or lettin me type here.

        Saturdays plan is to bicycle ride in the AM movie in the afternoon and streaking in the evening. that chicken sammy sounds delish Im down wit dat !

        You Got this man...I can see it in your words brother. You kick his ass if he comes around..or tell him to come streaking around my hood

        Hmm..last time I walked the streets .. um.. oh about 12 days ago when I stumbled down to the 24 hour store to pick up a 12 pack so I could have just ONE more beer

        I used to mountain bike .. Fukin Fags (smokes) took care of that ! The streaking thing sounds cool..but around here you would get shot ! lol
        Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be. - Khalil Gabran
        AF: 9-10-2013


          2ND Weekend Almost Here

          Last sober post for my Day 11, success by many of you, excellent posts which is great reading for me. Saturday will be satisfaction, sobriety, sunny, sexy, super, you get my point.

          Commitment is a pledge to produce a specific result.

          PS - Don't forget streaking
          What you resist persits


            2ND Weekend Almost Here

            Here in Arkansas, it is a sunny totally clear sky. Sometimes on a day like this I would get in the truck grab a 1/2 pint and an Ice 24oz and find a dirt road to follow. I thought iit was lucky because I found the booze left over from last night and feeling a little ruff it would smooth it over.

            From now on it is lemon water!!!!!!!!

            Seems like today I can hear and see better, what is that? I am more alert?

            I am committing today to be 100% alert, in tune and relaxed. It's the weekend and I am FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
            What you resist persits


              2ND Weekend Almost Here

              Hello, Gambler, Avail, Sanchez, Lifechange thanks for the support and cheers on another day above ground and choices.
              Dosequs (mexican beer) knows that, ever see the commercial. They have the cool old man with the chicks and he says choose wisely my friend.

              What everyone up to today?
              What you resist persits


                2ND Weekend Almost Here

                8:30pm,finishing a movie we punched it today. Was at the bikes blues and barbecue fest. Lots of people and probably a couple thousand bikes here for the weekend. wasn't planning on going but it was an awesome day, not a cloud in the sky. My daughter is mentally handicapped and wanted to go. I remember last year she did not want to go, but I took her there, we drove by early and I told her to walk to the corner as I waited in the truck.. I wanted her to at least hear the bikes, this is in a small downtown area,it is loud. It is the drinking area for the college U of ARK. She did not act to impressed. But this year I said movie or the bike fest and she picked the fest.

                I had one funnel cake 5 bucks. Bottle beer is 3.50. Saved some money there,that iss a good habit I can handle. So another day free from guilt free from a useless 1500 calories free from hoping I don't get pulled over, free from toxins and free from a big red nose. I hope you all are enjoying benefits.
                What you resist persits


                  2ND Weekend Almost Here

                  We are downhill on the pledge for the weekend!!!!!!!!!! That means another 2 days of training toward a brighter future, FREEDUMB from worry, guilt, shame wasting money, calories and time. WOW it is amazing and glorious waking and seeing a future. :goodjob:

                  Who used to move from the bed to the couch and zombie out the day and eat greasy shit just waiting to feel better.

                  Waking up and not saying I gotta quit drinking, what did we do last night, I don't remember eating that pizza has not happened in 2 weeks. Thanks MWO, Gambler Avail, Enough, C-dev, Wine, Byrd, No Sug, Life C and all newbie nesters. Peace be with this amazing Gang
                  What you resist persits


                    2ND Weekend Almost Here

                    Hey Dryer hows it going this fine sunny fall day. Ive been away for the most part the past few days so its catch up time on the boards

                    dryer;1559190 wrote: Seems like today I can hear and see better, what is that? I am more alert?

                    I am committing today to be 100% alert, in tune and relaxed. It's the weekend and I am FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
                    I would have to go back and find it but I had said something about my hearing a week ago or so. Yes I did notice my hearing is more acute. I think its just me being more aware of my environment. My eyesight is improving as well...especially at night time. Brighter lights would slightly blind me for a longer duration than that normal "headlight eyes" would. Now my eyes readjust much faster. In fact most of my senses are improving.

                    dryer;1559556 wrote:
                    Who used to move from the bed to the couch and zombie out the day and eat greasy shit just waiting to feel better.

                    Thanks MWO, Gambler Avail, Enough, C-dev, Wine, Byrd, No Sug, Life C and all newbie nesters. Peace be with this amazing Gang
                    I sleep on the floor actually :H . Well not like on the friggen tiles or anything .. I take the cushions off the couch and put my bedding on it. I get bad back aches on beds for some reason.

                    And thank you back Dryer ! You drove that nail down on one shot with that statement ! GANG ! I dont feel like Im doing this alone with Help from everyone here.. I feel like I am a Part of a Group ..
                    Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be. - Khalil Gabran
                    AF: 9-10-2013


                      2ND Weekend Almost Here

                      After a weekend like this I can't wait for rollcall. I learned a few things about myself. I gained a bit more confidence and my self image changed some more. Here's to the word commitment and worry. Keep your commitments and let your worries go. Hot damn.

                      We have 2 wolves inside us and I chose to feed the positive, self respecting, freedom loving wolf who can have fear but is courageous, will doubt but moves forward. The negative wolf got a little more skinny this weekend.

                      Inner peace to all you nesters.
                      What you resist persits


                        2ND Weekend Almost Here



                          2ND Weekend Almost Here

                          Not sure what just happened, but accidentally must have hit a submit button! Anyway - back from the out-of-town wedding and what a sober one it was! I'll come back with some more details, but right now I have a very anxious, obnoxious dog awaiting his dinner!
                          Just wanted to let you know I did make it through the weekend! Yippee! Congrats to you guys too!


                            2ND Weekend Almost Here

                            Hola Sachez and good job, it was a good weekend and you just made it better. Can't wait for the details. :goodjob:
                            What you resist persits


                              2ND Weekend Almost Here

                              good job at the wedding scene!
                              this has been a record year for weddings for me. 2 so far and 2 to go. The 1st one in June, I was very anxious at the start, but found I could have water and lime and no one paid a bit of attention to it. Very pleasurable to enjoy without the beast messing with me. So second was pretty much easier, I was designated driver!
                              3rd one coming up Oct 12, should be ok.

                              well done Dryer!
                              Liberated 5/11/2013


                                2ND Weekend Almost Here

                                Good morning!
                                Just finished farm chores and finally getting back to post more about the weekend.

                                This last weekend presented itself with three, I repeat 3, in-the-past typical drunk-fest events. A horse race, a wedding, and a trip to a friends lake house retreat.
                                1. Friday was the race and on the drive over, I probably would have polished off a bottle of wine only to consume more at the track. Happy to say, it was water, pelligrino and LaCroix the entire afternoon. From there, we headed south to where the wedding was going to take place, making it half way Friday night. Again, after leaving the races, I would have had a back up bottle of wine to drink on the way to our next designation. Not this time!
                                2. Saturday morning headed out to make the final destination to the wedding. Upon arrival at the hotel, I would have easily cracked open a bottle of wine and consumed at least half of it while getting ready for the wedding. Again, not this time! Drank Pelligrino (I ought to be buying stock in Pelligrino and LaCroix) and then once at the wedding reception had ice tea/lemonade and later switched to water. No one noticed, no one said a thing, and all was good. Went back to the hotel and the parents of the groom staying across the hall from us, texted and said come on over for a night cap. While hubby and they drank bourbon and Scotch, I continued to finish my mini bottles of Pelligrino. Called it a night at 1:00 a.m. - completely 100% tired, but sober.
                                3. The lake house - oh my - where in the past - lotsa drinking and lotsa partying ensued. If there was ever a time this weekend when a glass of wine looked even halfway appealing it was here. Sitting by a firepit overlooking the lake, then up to the house to grill steaks while hubby and our friend drank a nice bottle of red wine. (Stay strong Sanchez - this is how it happens, the beast says - one won't hurt.) While they continued drinking after dinner, I just kept busy - dishes, laundry, straightening, (and not even my house!), but it was the best thing to leave the room where they were partying and do something to preoccupy myself. Check 3 - Sober!

                                So, there you have it. Somehow, someway, perhaps for the grace of God, I pulled it off. Experiencing a lot of firsts with this af thing. First horse race, first wedding, first lake visit. Hopefully more firsts to come! Someone, in a post said something about a mantra to repeat in your head - something to remind you of why you quit drinking. Mine has been a simple one - "Remember" which takes me back to that fateful night of 8/7. Chills run up my spine and I say - yep I remember - ain't going back there.
                                Glad everyone made it through the weekend too!
                                Sorry for the long post.

