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Someone please help !!!

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    Someone please help !!!

    Hi all, feel like I'm losing this WAR again! This is my 2nd day on 80mg of Baclofen and the cravings continue,willing to give more time, but is help on the way ???

    Wondering if I can ever have indifference to alcohol!!! Having failed so many times in the past this journey seems all to familiar. Hoping to read posts on both sides of this battle and wishing all of you great success. Take care, Clipped Wings

    Hi again, just received another delivery from River Pharmacy for 25mg Baclofen. These tablets appear to look exactly like the 10mg I received earlier. My research shows this pharmacy to be reputable, has anyone experienced this? Thanks and keep fighting, Clipped Wings

    Someone please help !!!

    Hi Clipped and welcome. I totally agree it is a war but you have to have a better mindset that you will just do one day at a time and see how you go. No point in beating yourself up too much as then you will just think you are going to fail. I have not taken Baclofen so i cant advise you on that at all sorry.

    I cant say I have failed giving up AL much as i have never really tried. I did do 11 days in 2011 when i first found this site but then thought i could moderate and ended up back to my one to two bottle a night with no breaks in between. Then i knew i was losing control, more so than previously, the amount i drank was becoming more, my health was suffering and i just decided i had to give it another try. I am in a better mindset now which makes a big difference although it is not easy and i still think of AL but i realise AL is NOT my friend, AL does not give me any positives in my life, AL had begun to ruin my health, AL made me an embarrassment, AL made me not remember what i did. Try and write down the negative of AL and the positives, so many negatives and i could not write one positive thing about drinking.

    I am up to day 20 woo hoo and never ever did i think when i came on here again that i finally this time i would get to day 20. I go one day at a time. I cannot tell myself i wont drink again but in my heart i know i cant drink again. i am an alcoholic plain and simple.

    Keep busy and keep posting on the newbies nest as it is full of posts from the oldies and newbies struggling like us. I am on MWO constantly, i have to be, i cant let my brain be by itself to think about AL, i need to see and hear how strong everyone is on here which gives me determination to keep going.

    Good luck clipped, we are all here for the very same reason you are to get rid of this drug.
    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


      Someone please help !!!

      Hi CW. Sorry things are tough. There is a forum specifically for Bac and other meds, I am sure they will be able to help. I wish I could, sorry

      Topamax, Campral, Naltrexone, Baclofen, other meds - My Way Out Forums
      Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


        Someone please help !!!

        Thank you fellow warriors !!!

        Thanks Halo and Available, please let's stay in touch and be there as much as we can. This struggle can be so lonely at times. Maybe I'm trying to find the easy way out with using the drug Baclofen a an ally, but I just can't fight this battle by myself again. Stay in touch and thank for your support and know that I'm there for you. Your friend, Clipped Wings


          Someone please help !!!

          Hi CW and welcome. Has something happened and/or have you had a turning point in your drinking addiction yet? In the past when I said I was going to quit it was usually only a day or two max. Maybe a week and one time when in the hospital I went 10-13 days w/o al. So, while things were bad, embarassing things happened, fights with friends and strangers, black outs, mysterious bruises, health deteriorating, looks deteriorating, unkept promises, and on and on, nothing was SO bad that I couldn't rationalize that next day's bottle of wine being opened. Shy of an intervention, one night I hit rock bottom and it scared the living shit out of me. It would be a curious poll of folks on this website that got to this kind of bottoming out place versus those that saw where they were headed and were able to stop before this event occurred.

          Anyway, just thought I'd ask because in my mind, if you reach a tipping point, you will do it. You won't question it, and you will succeed. For how long, not sure, it all depends on your environment and the strength of your support system. We all are tempted from time to time and in my case, I'm very new to this whole af thing, so it's still one day at a time for me.

          Make a plan and keep posting - it might help you understand and uncover some of your reasons for drinking and for wanting to quit. Be as honest as you can be. No one here will judge you. We're all in this together.


            Someone please help !!!

            Clipped Wings - I am sorry that you're having a hard time. I can't imagine that anyone is going to quit and have it be easy. Even on Baclofen. I stopped taking it because I was drinking anyway. For me, "the switch" had to be ME. And for now, today, that is working...The first few days were not easy but I feel it's worth it. And every day it gets a little bit easier.

            I wish you the very best and hope you get the support and desire you need to make this work for you!


              Someone please help !!!

              Hey friends, just wrote a long letter and somehow got kicked off and lost..........will try again later.
              How maddening !!!


                Someone please help !!!

                I feel u on this.if u need a friend to talk to im new here too. I just started too. what sucks is I have tried so many times. but I will never give up.we can all win this fight together u just cannt give up


                  Someone please help !!!

                  Hi Clipped and welcome So. I dont know how many times Clipped i have written a long winded post and mentioned everyone and BAM lost it. Now i type and then copy it and keep typing. Technology who needs it sometimes. How is the Bac going for you? Feeling any better?

                  Keep posting and being on MWO So, i have this site constantly open during the day at work, i need the reinforcement of MWO to keep me on the straight and narrow and its wonderful to see how strong others are and if anyone has failed to offer support as getting off AL can be done. Day 23 here and who would have thought that was possible 23 days ago. Even though you have tried so many times you obviously want to beat this beast that controls our lives. Keep on here and keep reading and a very warm welcome.
                  AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom

