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Realizations at day 10

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    Realizations at day 10

    Hi guys .. I know I posted this in the Nest but I think I would have made its own thread if I knew how it was going to turn out. It might be better served in its own thread as others might relate which would keep the context in one place. By no means is this an ego thing.


    So after a day dedicated to digging out the stack of bills, trimming expenses that I not longer need ( could have been saving over 50 bucks a month and didnt even know it ) taking the boys to soccer practice and finally eating more than usual I have found my perch to watch day 10 fade into the sunset.

    Some things that I would like to recognize at this point.

    1. I have just about exhausted my "time consuming projects" around the house. Aside from washing the ceiling and the blinds yet...I have really nothing to do at home anymore. Literally everything that can be done is done. My home is no longer recognizable compared to only a week ago. I can foresee this being a Major problem in the Very Near future. With nothing to do I know Al will pull out some new tricks to use on me. I need a remedy..hey I have an about a JOB ! .. which brings us to #2...

    2. By end of October I will have expended most of my savings. I have intentionally been keeping away from finding a job. I have NO regrets about this. I Know that going dry+personal was hard enough..add working in the mix would have been impossible. There was just no other option for me this past week and a half. I am going to have to be xtra vigilant in keeping AL at bay here in the next week or so. I repair boats professionally. I am around boats and the people that own boats. As you are all aware that Boats=party fun time. More than enough drink to fill up a small lake in fact. So careful must I be ..

    3. Complacency is growing day by day...I have to be extra careful on this front. I know that for me complacency breeds confidence/cockiness and that is Not something that I want to befriend right now. I do not want or wish my guard to be lowered one bit. That would be a very dangerous move for me as I have already been completely blindsided from my ol' Nemesis in many different ways and forms.

    4. I can not have grandiose expectations on what my newly AF life will bring me. In the course of my sobriety I have had my share of overwhelming emotional joy and empowerment. This, I know, is not going to be the foundation of my new life. I have thus concluded that these emotions and feelings were my mind balancing itself out...just like my body did chemically and physically. This ties into #5 ..

    5. My AF life is going to be just how its supposed to be. I dont know exactly what life that is yet but I am looking forward to it and quite excited to find out . I also realize that my new AF life will come with a new set of "life skills". Skills that I will need to learn how to use..hone..perfect for the betterment of not only my own life but those of my childrens life. Therefore this single outcome alone is enough motivation and reason for me to quit drinking.

    6. The reasons and responsibility for choosing the removal of alcohol from my life is Mine and Mine alone. The ramifications of this choice will directly affect and impact the lives, hopes and dreams of my children. I realize they do not have a choice in this...I must make if for them through choice of my own. I have no choice but to choose this AF life. There is no alternative.

    Sorry for the long post.

    You are the best group of human beings I have ever known. Be it 10 years,10 months.10 days, 1 day or just hoping I want you realize that You All Truly are amazing people.

    Best wishes and to you guys ..

    Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be. - Khalil Gabran
    AF: 9-10-2013

    Realizations at day 10

    awesome and totally planned out,youre thinking ahead of possible triggers and have a plan,i like it!and gonrats on 10 days!
    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


      Realizations at day 10

      David - Thanks for posting. Honest reflection is the last thing alcohol wants from you! It wants you to think that you need it in order to survive. When the exact opposite is true! Complacency is probably my biggest fear...recovering from alcohol is going to force me to be humble. If I'm not...I am sunk. And like you, I have a child that depends on me. I love that you point out that life is not going to be rainbows and puppies now that we've stopped drinking. That certainly is true, and a good reminder.

      Congrats on day 10...we can do this! And I hope that you find a job that you truly enjoy.

      PS too bad you live in Michigan. I have not been nearly as ambitious in my house duties and could certainly use a hand! LOL!!


        Realizations at day 10

        Whatever it takes for at ANY given time is how Im approaching this whole thing

        It just so happens that Today this particular write up is helping me keep myself at bay. Not that I have any urges or anything .. but Im not waiting around for the next friggin "episode" anymore ! Im going proactive baby ! yea !

        That bastard has hit below the belt one too many times for my taste! So if I have to run over a few fluffy bun.. (Edit:I Just saw this thread and decided to delete this portion of of the post because Mick is gonna kick my ass ! ) .. bun..bun bunches of flowers ..yea.. thats what I ment !

        Tomorrow is a new day brothers and sisters hmm.. I wonder what my mind will come up with next lol

        Sake123;1558766 wrote:
        too bad you live in Michigan. I have not been nearly as ambitious in my house duties and could certainly use a hand! LOL!!
        House?.. ohh.. you mean my clean thingy.. yea well Im on to the next stage man..Im thinking..wait for it .. Landscaping ! Better Homes and Gardens Here I Come !! :H
        Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be. - Khalil Gabran
        AF: 9-10-2013


          Realizations at day 10

          yours might be better homes and gardens...mine is like sandford and son!!


            Realizations at day 10

            Sake123;1558845 wrote: yours might be better homes and gardens...mine is like sandford and son!!
            LOL !! ( I wonder how many get that :H )
            Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be. - Khalil Gabran
            AF: 9-10-2013


              Realizations at day 10

              Great encouraging post. Cockiness has been the source of my demise so many times. Remaining humble is truly important. So much can be accomplished when we are not: planning on drinking, drinking, counting drinks, regretting drinking, planning on not drinking, having a what the hell moment, drinking, etc. Simple living works best. xx
              "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."


                Realizations at day 10

                Another day we can all remember, because we came we saw and we were not seeing double. Amen nesters. Gambler carry on. Fail to plan and then plan to fail. Yes Sir!!
                What you resist persits


                  Realizations at day 10

                  Gambler...I realized I was really dating myself when I wrote that. LOL!

                  Sobersoul - Amen!!
                  So much can be accomplished when we are not: planning on drinking, drinking, counting drinks, regretting drinking, planning on not drinking, having a what the hell moment, drinking, etc. Simple living works best. xx


                    Realizations at day 10

                    Hey hey! Great post.

                    I really relate to point number two in particular. I thought I had it in the bag last time and was definitely cocky.... This time I'm taking nothing for granted.

                    I wish you all the best. Mr Burns can take his bony fingers and run...
                    AF since Halloween 2016

                    Trying to kill my Wine Witch! :smileyb:


                      Realizations at day 10

                      Yea .. going #2 seems to be the tough one among the consensus
                      Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be. - Khalil Gabran
                      AF: 9-10-2013

