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First time writing

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    First time writing


    :welcome: :welcome:
    Hi Strawbs, The one thing that you must remember is that we are all brothers and sisters here and are and all about helping one anonther. Believe it or not, we all undertstand. This is a place of love and healing.

    Welcome aboard to a wonderful new life with some new-found friends
    Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


      First time writing

      Welcome to both of you! Well, thanks to this thread, I jumped in the car and headed over to the grocery store, but not to buy wine. Instead, I bought two different flavors of decafinated teas and some good creamer. I poured myself a cup and sipped on that rather than on a glass of wine. So one more AF night that I can add to the drinktracker. I feel slightly better because I didn't cave in tonight and drink anything other than a delicous carmel tea. Yum! Again, welcome. You get tons of support here.



        First time writing

        Hi Strawbs,
        Well done on another start - one day at a time! I know the beginning is like hell, except the fire cools. I am now on 26th day without. Plenty of water to flush out. I'v had no coffee but I have to keep occupied. Tiredness and fatuigue are the worst for me - so early to bed and a short cat-nap occasionaly. I have lost count how many times I started ! however now that I have found MYO and you and others I am really hoping for success. Real good luck.
        Rowland (from bed)


          First time writing

          Strawbs, go to the supermarket and invest in some caffeine free relaxing types of tea. Sooo much cheaper than a bottle of wine too

          Welcome aboard. It's so hard... we wouldn't be here if it was easy, but stick with us and before you know it, you'll be helping other newbies too.

          :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


            First time writing

            Ooops! Sorry, just realised you've already pondered the tea isle for 25 mins.

            I swear, I have become a total tea addict. 4 weeks ago, the first day I had my first cup of green tea, I accidently/somehow had my last cup of coffee... wish I could do that with alcohol too! lol

            :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


              First time writing

              If you are detoxing from alcohol I am not sure it is good time to stop to drink coffee as well. If you are a heavy coffee drinker it is much shock to stop. I know that for my self. I have been sober now 3 weeks and I am drinking coffee right know. You can not cut on everything same time, that is my experience.
              Take care,

