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Not a cross roads but a T-Junction

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    Not a cross roads but a T-Junction

    Hi to anyone who may read this.
    I logged on yesterday via Google and searched for "Alcohohics-on-line" and I found this site (most of the others seem to be in another landguage).
    Once again I am trying to face up to the challenge of changing the balance of my life! (By the way, I am thinking out loud as I write and I dont' really know where its going to lead me.)
    Almost 60 yrs now and I have led an interesting and somewhay varied life. I refer to my present situation as a T-Junction insofar as I can turn one way or the other but not keep going straight from the path I came!

    In brief, I started to drink when I was about 21. Occasionally for the first 10 years and as my social life and finances developed the drinking also developed.
    For the last 30yrs with very few breaks I had something to drink every day. My body capacity though never allowed me to consume large amounts at a time but that did not prevent me from being under the influence quite often (drunk to put it blankely).
    Prior to 2 years ago I used to suffer from a severe but short term pain in mid-chest, even sometimes when I drank water. Two years ago I ended up in hospital with what I discovered was a severe attack of acute pancreatitis. I was in ICU for 3-4 days. After a week when I left hospital I was advised not to drink again, even a cherry-trifle could set off the condition again.
    I stayed off the drink for about 6months and slowely started to sip again with no painful reaction, except the drinking developed momentum again. I was drinking again daily, too much, both out socially and at home.
    Every morning I would wake up and promise myself not to drink today!
    I would make it to lunchtime or early evening at best. A couple of shorts, a couple of pints, a bottle of wine and a brandy (or what ever available) nite cap!
    Early to bed, awake most of the night, listen to the radio.

    This is now my 25th day without alcohol. I am sleeping much better. I have taken an odd pill (Zanex) or sleeping tab to get me by, particularly in the first days.

    The craving is rather now a strong desire. I still constantly think of a drink. I am still scared of drinking again, even one as I know one will develop into two and more...

    Over the last 10 days I have been on the verge of attending an AA meeting but really dont want to. Hence the searching on the net for some kind of support.

    I'm sorry for being so long winded but this is the first time I have opened up and my head is about to burst. I have to staying going, I cannot afford not to!
    Every good wish to all of you and well done for what you have achieved.

    Not a cross roads but a T-Junction

    Welcome and well done on 25days af.Keep coming back to this site and you will get
    lots of support.I have read the mwo book and there is lots of advice in it,it has helped
    me a great deal.I can certainly identify with your problem,I too have drank for years
    mainly binge drinking at weekends but at the moment and thanks to the support of
    people on this site I am not drinking.
    Very best wishes to you.


      Not a cross roads but a T-Junction

      Welcome....this site helps...keep reading and posting.


        Not a cross roads but a T-Junction

        Hi Rowland & :welcome:

        Well done on your 25 days!!!!

        Keep reading and posting and with all the fabulous people here you will be successful....


          Not a cross roads but a T-Junction

          Welcome Rowland. You will get tons of support here! Look forward to hearing from you again!



            Not a cross roads but a T-Junction

            Hi rowland hearing you say about pancreatitis really scares must have been awful for you. I would die of shame if i get an illness from my excessive boozing...A major reason why i want to moderate.
            i work as a health setting and am so ashamed that i slipped into heavy boozing..anyway good luck and glad you found the site.

            regards cassy


              Not a cross roads but a T-Junction

              Hi Folks, :thanks:
              I'm not quite sure how to use this site yet, but I want to thank you for both acknowledging and encouraging me.
              Kicking the habit / drug on your own is not easy. All of my friends enjoy a drink and here in Ireland the social scene revolves around the "local" in most instances. Social activities from the workplace nearly always involves alcohol also. The point being in trying to stay off the booze I need to initially become somewhat of a hermit!!! Not easy.
              However, we can but try. I promise to lighten up as I get used to you and the site. I did once kiss the "blarney stone" - for those of you who may not know what this is try google it!
              The last few weeks have been difficult enough, I went to my GP last week (regular visit), for a few days I had also been suffering from itchy legs - he suggested it may be a build up of bile under the skin due to poor liver function. Plenty of water. Its ok now, nearly gone.
              By the way I earlier mentioned I had a bad attack of acute pancreatitis, the liver wasnt too good either. An attack like this can also be caused by severe stress or as combination of alcohol and stress or so I'm told. I had never heard of the pancreas before my illness. Prior to leaving the Hospital my consultant told me that in that year, 4 people with symptons similar to mine had died in the same hospital - a strong message for me!:eeks:
              Can anyone advise me how I can get the discount ref number when purchasing the book MYO. Are the CD's of any use. I did try hypnotherepy on 2 occasions in the last 10 years - to no avail. I personally believe that no one thing by itself will work!
              Enough for now - if anyone thinks what I'm writing is drivel - please tell me!
              :thanks: again for the contacts.
              Rowland :heart:


                Not a cross roads but a T-Junction

                Hi Rowland and Warmest Welcome!

                First suggestion is to get the MWO book (it focuses on combating cravings via exercise/supplemets/meds(Topamax or Campral)/hypno cd. All of which everyone here has "tweaked" to meet their own needs.

                Here you'll find a mixed bag of knowledgeable, supportive, "been there-done that" bunch - at your disposal-24/7. Glad you found us!
                :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                  Not a cross roads but a T-Junction

                  Hello Rowland,

                  First off, what you have written is NOT drivel, its your life so far and we can all relate to different things you have said..

                  This site is successful I think because we all support each other, what ever the time of day you come on here there is always someone to talk to and offer support and help..

                  Are you taking any supplements to help you through this ?? If you have been a long term drinker your body may be low in certain minerals, vitamins and nutrients.... An excellent thing for beating the craving for a drink is something called Kudzu, you may also want to start taking Amino Acids.. Now I had never heard of those till I joined here, but they play a very important role in maintaining a healthy body.. If you Google them you will learn a lot more.. Also go to the top of this page and you will see an orange line, underneath it are different areas on this site, click on HEALTH STORE and have a look at all the different aids available to help you on this journey you wish to undertake...

                  Never hesitate to ask questions of us, keep on posting and reading, and congratulations on 25 days AF, I wish you luck on your journey..

                  Louise xx
                  A F F L..
                  Alcohol Free For Life


                    Not a cross roads but a T-Junction

                    Hello Rowland.
                    You have made a great start.
                    This site is a great support for me.
                    I love it here.


                      Not a cross roads but a T-Junction

                      Hi Rowland......
                      Welcome to MWO.... You will find lots of educational information and support here.
                      Glad you found us.


                        Not a cross roads but a T-Junction

                        Hi Rowland and :welcome: !

                        Sounds like you've had some pretty big health scares, but also sounds like you're beginning to get a handle on things - don't look back (except to learn from it) - look forward and get your goals clearly in sight - health has to be a top priority - not a case of 'well one won't hurt'! - it obviously potentially will. Recreating a life that has been based around booze will take huge commitment, some creativity (new hobbies, sports, interests...?) and hopefully some supportive friends/family! I know what the drink culture in Ireland is like, so you may end up swimming against the tide for a while, but it will come to feel more normal, people will stop questioning you and asking/pressuring you to drink, until then be strong - decide what you want and find a way of getting it! I've found looking beyond the drink has really helped keep me focused - not 'I can't drink' but 'I want to achieve...' or 'I want to do...' You mentioned shame earlier on - that's certainly one of my biggest reminders of why I don't want to drink anymore - Not waking up regretting the previous night, the awful phone-calls, the arguments, the throwing up, the falling down, the passing out ... freedom from these is just so good I don't want to give that up.

                        Good luck with it all - you know where to find us and you're amongst friends here - 24/7 so keep posting!
                        :rays: Arial

                        Last first day - 15th April 2012
                        Days 1-7 DONE
                        Days 8-14 DONE
                        Days 15-21 DONE
                        30 days DONE
                        60 days
                        100 days


                          Not a cross roads but a T-Junction

                          Hi Rowland,
                          My dad was Irish and regularly kissed the old Blarney stone.
                          I think wev'e all paid regular homage to it at some time.
                          Pancreatitis is not always caused by heavy drinking but
                          it certainly makes it worse,I know it can be life threatening,
                          so it would really be best for you to give it up.Like Louise said
                          look at the supplements they can really help.
                          And keep in touch,the support on this site is amazing.


                            Not a cross roads but a T-Junction

                            Congratulations on Day 25 Rowland!

                            It's such a horrible situation taht we all face, but the most important thing is that we are facing it instead of denying it, and although it's painful, the hangover free mornings (and a long life full of them) will be well worth it. *hug* I can really sense your concern and upset.

                            Stay onboard here. It sounds like being a hermit might be what you need right now, as you get on top of it.

                            Hugs from Australia
                            :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


                              Not a cross roads but a T-Junction

                              Dear Row Rpy oy

                              I have a great deal of medical training and know that pancreatitis is nothing to be sneezed at. Please keep in touch with your doctor to monotor the situation.

                              You know that we all have control over our own bodies and can take responsibilty for it. I hate to sound like a tough ass bitch, because I think we all have responsibil
                              Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.

