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Not a cross roads but a T-Junction

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    Not a cross roads but a T-Junction

    paula;121677 wrote: Welcome and well done on 25days af.Keep coming back to this site and you will get
    lots of support.I have read the mwo book and there is lots of advice in it,it has helped
    me a great deal.I can certainly identify with your problem,I too have drank for years
    mainly binge drinking at weekends but at the moment and thanks to the support of
    people on this site I am not drinking.
    Very best wishes to you.
    Hi Paula, tks for the good wishes. I will get and read the MYO book.
    How is your weekend going - good I hope.


      Not a cross roads but a T-Junction

      Hi All

      Sunday morning,
      still lying in bed with laptop, reading your responses to my initial offering!
      Words cannot describe how I feel at the moment. In response to your comments to me, my scalp is tingling, I have tears in my eyes, I feel such a warmth for you, I never thought for a moment I woul get a response like this - thank you, thank you one and all. I promise to do my best to abstain. I know how bad I have felt at times, even to think of the short route out! Must admit I am worried about a few major challenges coming up i.e. visitors to home and weddings etc., but today is enough for the moment, hopfully when the challenge comes I'l be stronger.
      Mags, I understand what your are saying - if my GP realised I had been drinking over the last 2 years he'd have my head! Tks again.
      Love to all.:thanks:
      Pplease can someone give me some tips re the use of this site re entering pictures / images / moods etc. I love looking at others?


        Not a cross roads but a T-Junction

        Ro, re tips using images etc, Go to the section called 'User CP" which stands for control panel. In there you can browse for your own 'avitar' which is a techno name for your own personal picture eg like my ScoobyDoo. You can then also do things like change your 'signature' in the CP.

        There's another function for sending 'PM's" which is 'private message' to another member. To do that, you click on their avitar/name anywhere in the forum, and you can then choose to view their profile and/or send them a PM. I will send you one now so you can see how it works. You should receive an email to your standard email account alerting you that you have received a PM at MWO.

        The Lappy laptop in bed is one of my favourite things to do when I'm not feeling well.


        :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


          Not a cross roads but a T-Junction

          Welcome Rowland,
          Glad you found your way here and I have to tell you that 25 days is simply amazing. If you've come here to find support, you've come to the right place.

          The people here are amazing. Good luck.
          "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


            Not a cross roads but a T-Junction

            Rowland, I have only been on the site for 1.5 months. Have ent 8-9 days felll off the wagon, been run over by the wagon, totaled a wagon, etc... they listen to my "drivel" everyday and not once has anyone said "shut-up, whinny butt." I just get lots of love and support and friendship. You will see!


              Not a cross roads but a T-Junction

              :welcome: I am 26 days af. It is strange and new and great. I too had the angst about peer pressure, amazing how that still exists as grown ups... actually more intense. I was at a friends on friday where the hubby and I would more often than not polish off 1-2 large bottles of wine. Well he offered me wine and I said no,he looked at me strangely then said, "Did hell freeze over?" i replied, "well maybe" and shrugged my shoulders. That was that. I drove home sober, no regrets. Don't worry about other people and their perception of you. I know how good I feel every day I wake up without a hangover. Glad you are here. rudemama


                Not a cross roads but a T-Junction

                cassy;121771 wrote: Hi rowland hearing you say about pancreatitis really scares must have been awful for you. I would die of shame if i get an illness from my excessive boozing...A major reason why i want to moderate.
                i work as a health setting and am so ashamed that i slipped into heavy boozing..anyway good luck and glad you found the site.

                regards cassy
                Hi Cassy,
                I'm afraid some of my replies have disappeared into cyberspace. Thanks for the response.
                I'm ok at the moment with the 'Panc' but I would not wish an attack on my worst enemy - the pain is absolutly excruciating. Only very heavy doses of morphine eased it. I think a bigger problem would be to develop chronic prancreatitis (repeated attacks). I think I(and everyone who drinks heavely) should be aware of it and the danger of developing diabitis.
                I have a nice reply from Mags who also sounded a note of warning to me -for which I am greatful).
                Anyway, I'm fine at the moment and want to stay this way, the Sun is shining and God is good.
                Again thanks for everyone's support and encouragement.


                  Not a cross roads but a T-Junction

                  Hi Louise,
                  Sorry for delay in specific reply, will take your advice. Hope the sun is shining where you are. I will let you know how I get on.
                  Love & best wishes


                    Not a cross roads but a T-Junction

                    rudemama;121986 wrote: Rowland,
                    :welcome: I am 26 days af. It is strange and new and great. I too had the angst about peer pressure, amazing how that still exists as grown ups... actually more intense. I was at a friends on friday where the hubby and I would more often than not polish off 1-2 large bottles of wine. Well he offered me wine and I said no,he looked at me strangely then said, "Did hell freeze over?" i replied, "well maybe" and shrugged my shoulders. That was that. I drove home sober, no regrets. Don't worry about other people and their perception of you. I know how good I feel every day I wake up without a hangover. Glad you are here. rudemama
                    Hi Rudemama,
                    thanks for the welcome, well done on passing up in the wine in friends hoouse. To be honest I not in the slightest worried about what people will say and I can use my "health condition" if I need to. Its myself I'm afraid of - I do quite enjoy the taste of the alcohol. this is the biggest test. Even as I write, my mouth is watering thinking of it. Anyway another day down and still dry. Hope you are well - have a good week ahead.


                      Not a cross roads but a T-Junction

                      Rowland;121952 wrote: Sunday morning,
                      still lying in bed with laptop, reading your responses to my initial offering!
                      Words cannot describe how I feel at the moment. In response to your comments to me, my scalp is tingling, I have tears in my eyes, I feel such a warmth for you, I never thought for a moment I woul get a response like this - thank you, thank you one and all. I promise to do my best to abstain. I know how bad I have felt at times, even to think of the short route out! Must admit I am worried about a few major challenges coming up i.e. visitors to home and weddings etc., but today is enough for the moment, hopfully when the challenge comes I'l be stronger.
                      Mags, I understand what your are saying - if my GP realised I had been drinking over the last 2 years he'd have my head! Tks again.
                      Love to all.:thanks:
                      Pplease can someone give me some tips re the use of this site re entering pictures / images / moods etc. I love looking at others?
                      Welcome Rowland.To help get started I clicked on FAQ on list of catagories then click the first part thats underlined.You will find all the help you need to use the site. we are all here for you. :welcome:
                      Sometimes the only way to stay sane is to go a little crazy


                        Not a cross roads but a T-Junction

                        Hi Rowland , im really happy for you and I have enjoyed reading your posts. Good luck.


                          Not a cross roads but a T-Junction

                          Sun is still shining

                          Good Morning All,
                          To my new found distant friends, to you who have sent a reply, a note or even just read the contributions.
                          Thank you one and all, you have given me a new lease of life. For your encouragement I just hope I dont leave either myself and now particularly YOU down. I wake up each morning now and instead of thinking of my first drink - I am thinking of you -honestly. As long as I keep in touch and feel 'responsible' for myself to you (strange as that may sound) I believe I will succeed this time.
                          Well yes the Sun is shining here once again in Midlands in Ireland. As I look out the window to the garden, the little birds are collecting bits to make their nest, the crows are foraging for food, theres a few pigeons doing a reconisence - for what I'm not sure.
                          They say the 'grass is always greener on the other side' but from where I sit right now - I doubt it! The trees are bursting into foliage while the beech trees are like me - shedding the old leaves to make way for the new!!
                          You all have a great day, a great week and may the sun shine on you.
                          Best wishes, Rowland.
                          Please ignore the spelling!


                            Not a cross roads but a T-Junction

                            Rowland, a big welcome.


                              Not a cross roads but a T-Junction

                              I'm new here, only on day being sober. Congrats to 25 days, that is a great achievement!
                              I'm in texas but have visited your beautiful country in 03. They say the pub is the "irish living room" so I really understand what you are saying and how difficult it must be for you as I ate/drank/socialized...nearly everything in a pub.
                              I have "the gift of gab myself" Man, did I love Ireland.

                              Anyways, glad to me you on my first day here.

                              Rowland;121783 wrote: All of my friends enjoy a drink and here in Ireland the social scene revolves around the "local" in most instances. Social activities from the workplace nearly always involves alcohol also. The point being in trying to stay off the booze I need to initially become somewhat of a hermit!!! Not easy.
                              However, we can but try. I promise to lighten up as I get used to you and the site. I did once kiss the "blarney stone" - for those of you who may not know what this is try google it!


                                Not a cross roads but a T-Junction

                                Hi Rowland
                                Know what you mean about having to be a bit of a hermit in the beginning. My fear is that I won't be able to get past that and I can't never go out again! I found it really hard to abstain on Saturday and I was with only one friend who hardly drinks herself and knew my struggles and did an amazing job of being strong and supportive. I would definitely have drunk left to my own devices or if I'd been with other people who were even slightly putting pressure on - any excuse would have done. I know that feeling is still very near the surface. I definitely don;t wish health problems on myself but would like to be able to abstain just because it;s the right thing and I am caring for myself - to exercise the choice rather than have to stop or die. Any thoughts?
                                Bean x

