Hi Bean,
Sorry for taking so long to come back. Hope you are still well and nose above water. My thoughts - I agree we want to achieve a better life for oourselves just because its the right thing to do. However having used booze for so long as a crutch I am now not ashamed to use another crutch - my health! As I get better, and it will be a whole month if I get through tomorrow, yepee!!, well as I get better within myself, its beginning to show and others (my family) are feeling good for me too. Its said 'if you dont love yourself - how can you love another properly'. This is the 1st time I really think I'll make it but that in itself is a danger, one needs to be aware, all of the time. Hence, this site and new found friends and support is magnificent and for the first time I feel others understand. Take courage, if I can come this far, I assure you anyone can!!
Have a great week.
Rowland. :l allround