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The Fight ?

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    The Fight ?

    Just Registered, didn't want to until now as I thought I had nothing to share and that true to past attempt's I would surely fail !
    Though me and this 'Demon' got into it big time (about time) not sure who is winning, but for the first time in 35yrs I think I may have the upper hand. Im ashamed that it took 'Shame' to make me want to fight, anyhow the fight is still going and I still have some strength left, today will be 114 day's. I will pass on his/her weaknesses as soon as I have them all figured out
    Thank's for letting me say 'Hello'

    Goodbye, 'Sunday'

    The Fight ?

    Sunday, welcome and thanks for sharing. My impression: the feeling of shame is an indicator that you really do care about yourself. And that is vital to survival and betterment. Well done, and good fighting!
    You've made 114 days so I'm sure you have a few stories/anecdotes to post.....?
    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)


      The Fight ?

      Sunday, welcome.....we all know the "shame" feeling all to well. I could write a book on the stupid crap I have done.


        The Fight ?


        So many mountains I thought I could not climb, it's that first step that was the hardest:
        Have you reached the top of the 'Climb', good luck


          The Fight ?

          Thanks for the hello, ex-resident of Charleston SC miss the place !!


            The Fight ?

            Hi Sunday & :welcome:

            You have now found lots of new friends to help you win that 'fight' of yours, Keep reading and posting .....


              The Fight ?

              got up there a couple times. (ex resident of the blueridge mountians in far north GA)
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                The Fight ?

                You are going to love it here!!
                It's going to feel like "CHEERS" where everybody knows your name with Norm, Sam, Cliff, Woody, Carla and Diane. Minus the bar scene of course.:disco:



                  The Fight ?

                  I know Shame!

                  Hi Sunday

                  Hang around here. I do. I don't post much but I am trying to get to normal life again.

                  I know about Shame - he has visited me too!



                    The Fight ?

                    weird reaction

                    Never thought this would happen to me of all people, as stated 114 days AF, Im getting ready to go to bed (10.00pm, I know early), 6.00am used to be early for me, anyhoo ! I hear this 'Bang, Bang, Bang' on my Porch door, I reluctantly open the door, and there stands an old friend I haven't seen in a long time, drunk out of his head, falling over, bouncing off the wall's, I cant describe how I felt really except, 'Maybe that's how I looked most of the time' ..........Wow that did the world of good, If you cant look at yourself, take a look at others.......
                    I think that happened in the 'Bible' somewhere, well you know what I mean


                      The Fight ?

                      Welcome..... you did have a friend(s) here at MWO. Congrats on 114 days strong of AF.


                        The Fight ?

                        How True........

                        abby1;121820 wrote: Sunday,
                        Welcome..... you did have a friend(s) here at MWO. Congrats on 114 days strong of AF.
                        Yes, I think I have to face it that all of my friends are drunk's, how do you deal with that ?
                        Is the answer 'New Friends'....................


                          The Fight ?

                          you have to make that choice....some OLD friends respect and love you enough to handle your new life and some don't. You will know....


                            The Fight ?

                            betty boop;121701 wrote: Hi Sunday & :welcome:

                            You have now found lots of new friends to help you win that 'fight' of yours, Keep reading and posting .....
                            Thank's, your profile say's 'Notts', is that nottinghamshire UK, it's just that I am an ex-pat, or is that notts US, take care


                              The Fight ?

                              Welcome to MWO forum, Sunday. :welcome:

                              Like you, my drinking career spanned 35 years. Although I found I cannot successfully moderate, I now have close to 500 days continuous AF.

                              Like you, all my close friends were alcohol abusers. I had to cut off social contact with them all to succeed. I am still working out many things, and hope to someday make some new friends that are either AF, or occasional drinkers. Right now, I have a lot of issues with my psyche to work out, and think it is best to concentrate on that. I am making progress though.

                              I can tell you, that 114 days is a significant start, and that must have taken some profound commitment on your part. Somewhere around here, I have a video of myself from 1993, where I'm drunk and slurring words, and being an ass. It is a reminder to me, like your friend was to you, of how just when we think we are looking good, we are really a pitiful mess.

                              I mainly post down in the Long Term section, but glad to see you here, and wish you well in keeping the faith. It can be done.


