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very, very new

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    very, very new

    I am in my mid forties. For as long as I can remember; I have been drinking between two and three bottles of Merlot each and every night starting at 7:00PM.
    Always vowing that was the last time the next morning.

    I puchased the book, cds and supps and started the program exactly as outlined one week before I approached my doctor for the topamax. He was very open to the idea of the "off label prescription" and readily gave it to me. I was still drinking up until the day I got the topamax, six days ago. I am now six days AF.

    I don't think I'm craving but I don't really know how I feel. I think probably a big part of this is learning how to live.

    very, very new

    Welcome. It's usually a little quieter here on the weekends in the evenings (at least it's evening here in the US). I'm very impressed with your 6 AF days. I've only gotten as far as 4 AF days since starting the MYO program, but I have cut back significantly in the past two months. You are off to a tremendous start! I have a tremendous amount of faith in this program. I'm not using the topamax, partly because I'm afraid to mention it to my doctor, but also, I'm on other meds and do not really want to add another to the mix. I am using the supps--lots of pills, but I figure that my system needs all the help it can get to detox and refortify.

    It sounds like your feeling somewhat lost without the daily routine of alcohol. I think that feeling is normal. Everyone here suggests filling the time that you normally drank with other activities to keep yourself fully occupied. Easier said than done, I know, but better not to get bored, lonely, that makes it easier to weaken and drink. People here offer phenomenal empathy and support. Good luck! And congrats on your tremendous beginning!



      very, very new

      WOW! What a great start. 6 days is amazing for anybody. Seriously! Even on a small amount of Topa (which I also take) that is something to congratulate yourself for...just don't do it with WINE!!!! Welcome to MWO Barry. Read and post as much as you can.I have found that talking to people here has been the biggest help of all. As said above weekends tend to be quiet, but just wait, support from all over the world is right around th corner. Sounds like you have a great leg up on it all these first few days. Time to take back your life my new friend!!!
      Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:


        very, very new

        Hello Barry.
        It's good that you found us here.
        6 days is an excellent start.
        Keep it up.


          very, very new

          Wow! That is incredible! I know that by about day 4 for me, I feel soooo incredibly good... you must be feeling sensational!

          Welcome aboard. Keep posting.

          :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


            very, very new

            Hi Barry, 6 days AF is so good. Keep going and enjoy the new you! Keep posting too. Bella xx


              very, very new

              Well done barry,
              One day at a time, I have just joined MYO 2 days ago and already finding support and its great.
              Keep it up - I share your feelings and challenges.


                very, very new

                Hello Barry and welcome,you are in the right place if you want support.
                You are doing so well.Remeber to log on here anytime, every body
                understands how difficult it can be.
                Good luck x


                  very, very new

                  Hi Barry and a huge :welcome:

                  Like you my tipple was red wine ...... but I promise that you will feel better without it ....

                  6 days is amazing, Keep it up .....


                    very, very new

           are doin great! every day I am able to say 1 day AF is a great day. you have to learn to live again. When the fog lifts, and it does, you realize there really is a life out there. It is hard to fill the alcohol time with constructive time. JUST keep takes time.


                      very, very new

                      Hi Barry,
                      Fabulous 6 days af. Enjoy the strange high of it, at least that's what i did and still do, i watch and rewatch movies(some that i viewed drunk),explore different types of tea and visit here. MWO is incredible and the folks here rock.rudemama:welcome:


                        very, very new

                        You are doing very good. It is new life waiting for you now. Here you always have us your new friends. Keep up the good work.
                        Take care


                          very, very new

                          Reading the posts here has me thinking again about living AF.
                          Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                          October 3, 2012


                            very, very new

                            Wonderfull Barry! you WILL find yourself again but it will take some time. if you keep up with good supplementation, good diet and some exercise your body and brain wtill sort themselves out. And a little psycho-social therapy by the way of MWO is a real help.
                            nosce te ipsum
                            (Know Thyself)

