I am 32, and married with a 10 months old son. My drinking is out of control, going on a year at least. I believe I have been alcohol dependent for several years, but this last year my life is spinning out of control. I have been looking for a forum for this for some time, and am really happy to hear from others with drinking problems. I went to AA about a year ago off and on but never felt good about any of the meetings I went to.I wanted them to work, but not as much as I think I wanted to drink. I left many AA meetings feeling it really felt like a pity party. In October of 2006, I went into a 12 step inpatient rehab in Texas and felt things were going good. I stayed only 10 days, against my counselors recommendation of 30 and stayed sober 30 days. At about 32, the cravings started to get me and I relapsed. A few months ago I got my Dr. to prescribe Naltrexone. The nausea I had with it was so bad I thought I would die. I still take it every once in a while, but have never gone more that 3 days. I cannot afford the shots of naltrexone, as they are 1500.00 per month.
If I cannot stop drinking soon, I am nearly about to lose my wife, baby, job, most of my friends, home, everything. I am presently drinking about 10 whiskey/soda per night.
Moderation is never possible, if I have one I cannot stop.
My liver function is very good, so I am open to any medical treatment programs. I?m also willing to try another flavor of AA if I can find a positive meeting. I struggle with depression/anxiety and have for many years.
I have a prescription anti-naseau (phenegren) that has helped a bit with naltrexone nausea. I have cut down to 12.5 mg of naltrexone to help with naseau.
Any advice, particularly medical treatment programs sure would be appreciated.
Thank you.