I'm new here but have been reading a lot before. I'm 32 small female and have been drinking heavily for 6 years now. The worst started over a year ago due to my mom's cancer. One huge bottle of vodka would only last me 3 days. I tried cold turkey about 4 times but couldn't make it. I then started to wean down, then got bad again, and wean again. Then on Friday I stopped cold turkey. It's been 4 days now and even though I'm not bad, I still have insomnia and skin sensitivity. I'm lethargic, upset stomach, but no shakes. From the outside I look fine. I've been reading up a lot about seizures and I'm very scared. After 4 days am I out of the woods? I stay at home scared that I will get a seizure when I go out. The only time I go out is with my boyfriend when he's with me.
I want to go to my gym, grocery shopping, so bad but I'm scared of the seizure risk.
I feel I'm handling this better day after day, but I don't want to be house restrained due to fear.
When do you know you're out of the woods and considered safe?
Thank you.