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hate being scottish

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    hate being scottish

    Hello mac500,
    Stay a while.......


      hate being scottish

      Thanks Popeye:

      It's good to know there are many others out there like me. Have you heard anything about Avatar. Many have mentioned it. Maybe it's the miracle cure??



        hate being scottish

        An avatar is the picture next to your name.
        You can get one if you like.
        At the top of the page, go to 'user cp' then 'edit avatar' and, hopefully, Bob Hope's your uncle.


          hate being scottish


          The avatar is the little picture to the left of our username. It's not a supplement or med. It does sound like one though. Oh, and :welcome:
          where does this go?


            hate being scottish

            Thanks for the info Popeye and Morrison. It'll be nice to know that there's someone to chat with in my new endeavor to control myself. It's been years and it's going to be very difficult. My husband and I go out socializing with our friends (we are in a Harley Davidson group) and much of it does revolve around drinking. However, it seems they are not in the same place as I am. A couple we know actually completely quit drinking for a month and it really didn't seem to bother them. I need to get into that place. I'm not sure if I can just be a social drinker after all these years but I really need to do something. I feel like crap every day, have no energy, lately no appetite and generally don't want to do anything. I am actually feeling pretty good today. I was able to go out on the bike last night and successfullly only had four beers all night and today, so far nothing. I took the herbal meds I got today and it seems as though they actually gave me energy. Although I didn't get much sleep last night as I was not in my usual alcohol induced coma, but nonetheless I feel pretty good today. Thanks for the support.



              hate being scottish

              mac, welcome, and good for you on your start. We all have lost the energy, felt like crap, etc. Fact is, none of us get younger. I miss the days I could get pissed all night, crash an hour or two, then bust my ass at work the next day, all just to do it again and again. But, it catches up to us all. Hang around a bit. You'll get used to navigating the site, learning the lingo and such. You'll see this often

              AF - stands for Alcohol Free
              abs - abstinence
              mods - moderation
              PM - private message
              there are much more, but thats a start.

              Also, a large percentage of us are on either Topa, or Campral. I like the Campral myself. There are other rx meds that can help with the urge, and the information is out there. Well, I gotta role right now, but glad you are on board with us. Take care.
              where does this go?


                hate being scottish

                Hi Rubster
                :welcome: :welcome:

                You have just become a welcome and loved member of the best family you have ever known. And what do you know? No one had to suffer the pain of labor and uterine contractions, etc. (except maybe a few of the guys who won't admit it.)

                I relate totally to the "drunk dialing" syndrome (been there, done that, gotten in trouble for it) and especially to the shame the next day and the shame that you think you have because you think your colleagues know about your "problem."

                Get rid of all that guilt and shame. Listen to Popeye and Satori who both have great words of wisdom. We all have a disease, and it is a shame that we must often have to battle it in the dark - but sometimes we do.

                You don't ever have to do this in the dark anymore. We are all here for you and we all suffer with you - and, oh yea, we often laugh with you.

                I have found exercise to be my best addiction to (hopefully- mostly) replace my old one. Going to the gym three times a week, riding my bike every day, all those things help a lot.
                When I feel physically stronger I feel mentally stronger - and the feeling of improving your health can be quite addictive. That's a good addiction - not a bad one.

                My shrink says there is nothing wrong with addiction as long as it is healthy and helpful. Some people are just born as addicts. Have a healthy one.

                My heart is with you.

                Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                  hate being scottish

                  Rubs..... Do you also live in Evanton?.... lol... Honest Hun, this is NOT a Scottish thing, I met more alcoholics when I lived in Manchester than ever I met here... of course that could be that it for one, is a bigger place, for two, erm..... ok not going there... It is NOT a Scottish thing - HONESTLY.. I had NEVER seen a real live person living in a doorway until I went to live in England, I never saw a real live prosyy until I went to live in England... It really is NOT NOT NOT a Scottish plague.....

                  L xx
                  Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


                    hate being scottish

                    Hey tea
                    I am curious - what is a prosyy? I'm wondering because I may have been one one time when I was drunk. Who knows what we were sometimes! Scary, isn't it?
                    Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                      hate being scottish

                      LOL Mags, just in case you reeeallly don't know... though, course you do - prossy is Prostitute - see now????

                      Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


                        hate being scottish

                        I am here only a week today, and found out recently as an adoptee that I am Irish Scottish on my biological Mom's side. Been wondering if I may be predisposed to alcoholism because of the Celtic heritage...... or is it that the Bio Mom was one, or because she might have had drinks while pregnant with me. Is this a stretch? Had the problem long before I sought any info on my background. In any case I am determined to kick drinking's butt not the other way around...... What do you guys think?

