I hope you're feeling better, Allen! Was the binge sufficiently bad to keep you off the crystallized white stuff?
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Sugar Free Roll Call
Sugar Free Roll Call
NoSugar;1587786 wrote: I hope you're feeling better, Allen! Was the binge sufficiently bad to keep you off the crystallized white stuff?AF since 1st Sep 2012
NF since 1st Sep 2012
If you want to feel better visit www.hopeforpaws.org
Sugar Free Roll Call
Hello there,
what are the parameters on being sugar free? I don't typically use sugar, but do use honey, which I know is sugar. Certain breads have some sort of sugar, molasses, sorghum, etc. Which of theses are acceptable, or not?
SamLiberated 5/11/2013
Sugar Free Roll Call
Hi, Sam
Sugar free is a bit more relaxed than alcohol free, and different people have different goals. I am trying to keep my blood sugar where it belongs so that diet is more restrictive than someone else who wants only to avoid refined table sugar.
What outcomes are you looking for?