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Sugar Free Roll Call

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    Good to see you here, Kensho. There is another thread full of information if that helps motivate you:

    Weight is just one metric- maybe it's partly age but finally how I feel seems much more important than how much I weigh. I vividly recall being a weight I considered fine but MISERABLE back in the day...

    I've found that eating right and exercising feed on one another - and when I let one go, the other tends to suffer. Like I mentioned to you in the NN, where I can, I'm looking for balance. There are a few things that fall in the 100% NO category but other than that, not too many absolutes in my life anymore.

    All the best - NS


      I'm checking in because I know this may be hard for me for the first few days. I'm eating well - 5 servings of fruit/veg. so far today, and no added sugar, no candy, etc. But I'm afraid I do have a bit of a caffeine addiction that has taken over the dopamine release I was after with alcohol. Anyone know much about the roll caffeine plays? Is it best to have none, and no sugar and then our systems learn to compensate? Or is some ok? I just know that I reach for it throughout the day when I never used to (because I would be looking forward to alcohol).

      Done. Moving on to life.


        Some people give up all those dopamine stimulators all at once (like Turnagain). I think that might be a little overwhelming. I did the sugar a couple years before alcohol and haven't entirely given up caffeine but over time I've wanted less and less. Maybe you could make sure you're fully AF, then work on the sugar, and when all of that is normal life, decrease the caffeine.


          Hey Kensho & welcome! Happy to see your posts... It can be a wee bit lonely here!

          I am still on my sf route and doing great, best idea I have had since quitting alcohol!
          (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


            Sounds good NS. I'm definitely alcohol free. No going back now. Sugar would be a good thing now - yes I like the idea of waiting on caffeine. It's all about choices when it comes to food for me. I absentmindedly went into the kitchen this afternoon looking for a sugary snack (I have become accustomed to eating whatever I want), but chose a banana and some almonds instead. Simple and satisfying. I just have to be mindful of it!

            HOWEVER, after dinner, I had a square dark chocolate. And I put a pinch of sugar in our pickle recipe. Didn't even make it a day! But I improved. I will try again tomorrow.

            Glad to hear your success Eloise! It's motivating.
            Last edited by KENSHO; January 12, 2015, 09:24 PM.

            Done. Moving on to life.


              Yes being aware about the daily sugar intake it a very good start.
              I never gave chocolate a second thought before.
              I had a few false starts, just like with drinking, but got it on lije the third try I think? It is hard though, no doubt. The real benefit is how much no sugar helps with the alcohol cravings ( ns and daily L glut does the trick for me). Good luck today!
              (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


                Started with eggs. The protein usually satisfies me. Had a little orange juice, but limited it to a quarter glass. Feeling good!

                Done. Moving on to life.


                  Holy Moly, this isn't easy for me. I got terribly grumpy tonight and craved AL - I think I was eating more sugar than I thought (and it seems to be really connected to alcohol cravings)! I may have to taper and start a true sugar free stint in a bit. I seem to remember I was able to kick down my consumption quite a bit by just being sure to eat lots of really quality food. I know it's the healthiest and ultimately easier way to go.

                  Done. Moving on to life.


                    Kensho? This is exactly how I felt when, after 2 months of no wine, I tried to stop with the sweets. It was too much for me all at once. No alcohol is first priority. I must say though bananas were a good shot of sugar to put a smile on my face. A handful of raisins works too. You know what is best, safety first!
                    Maybe get some L Glut? I have to order it online, way too expensive here. I take it daily and the calme forte when I start to feel anxious and almost every night at bedtime.
                    Foremost, dont worry too much about it. You will get there. Celebrate your successes!
                    (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


                      And you are right about eating lots of healthy fresh food!
                      We have the Hello Fresh service now, it has really helped to get our diet on track.
                      (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


                        Eloise!! you are rocking with the NS lifestyle.
                        I know that for me it is also ultimately the best and only way to go. I've been eating truckloads of sugar lately and is probably part of the reason I was suffering the past 2 days with terrible headaches. Yesterday I only ate a bit of brown rice and some fish.
                        Today I ate some sweet potatoes, but skipped the maple syrup and am boiling some eggs at the moment. I am slowly, but surely going to join in here again. One day at a time.:happy2:


                          Kensho, being disciplined with the healthy foods and exercise is what always seems to help me stay away from the sweets and the alcohol. I'm not ready to say I'm going sugar free yet-- but I am ready to be more aware and to think a bit more before putting it into my body..I love sweets and I love baking but I don't like how sugar makes me feel. It usually isn't worth it at all.


                            Hey guys. Back to day 1 with me.
                            I woke up in the night and ate some peanut butter cookies. I did the same thing about a week ago.

                            AND I really thought about drinking this afternoon!!
                            This is how it is with me, wine and sugar go hand in hand. I really think so!

                            I even imagined slipping into a bar and ordering a wine.
                            I did not imagine that it would stop at one though (thank god). I imagined drinking 2-3 and then heading home to polish off a bottle and wake up miserable and then want to have MORE to kill the bad feelings.
                            Lordie. I am home safe and sound AF.

                            Close one.

                            23 January is day 1 SF -
                            (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


                              Eloise, that must have been really scary, after having been AF and SF for such a long time. It makes complete sense that eating sugar can increase the cravings for alcohol. Why did you wake up and eat peanut butter cookies in the middle of the night? Was it stress related? I have found that I use sugar emotionally, much like I did with alcohol--I've never been moderate with sugar. I try, but I always eat too much, replace other, good food with it, suffer from sugar hangovers!! I'm trying not to be too hard on myself at this point because I'm concentrating all of my energy on not drinking.. but I'm certain my brain and body would feel better if I could keep the sugar out.

                              I'm so glad you were able to be 100% honest with yourself about what the day after would look like for you. You've come so far!!! I'm so proud of you!!


                                El, The few times I've wanted to drink came on the heels of choosing to consume what for me is "bad" food so your experience definitely sounds familiar. Apparently our brains do not lose those reward circuits so any stimulation can set things back in action. I'm so happy for you that you were able to resist the pull to drink.

                                Are you noticing that it isn't so hard to return to being SF? When I occasionally do choose to eat a "treat", I never want very much anymore and I'm happy to be done and back on track. The words of others' has convinced me that it doesn't work that way with alcohol so I'm not going to run that experiment!!

                                Good to see you, LC. Maybe you can just make small, gradual changes in your diet and ultimately you'll be where you want to be in terms of both alcohol and sugar. xx

