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Sugar Free Roll Call
Thanks Eloise, I came home from work for lunch and felt ready to kill somebody. I opened up some of the glutamine capsules and put two under my tongue, it's amazing how much better I felt in a bit. Going to keep them close and stick with grapes and oranges to snack on.
Good goin Dutch! I swear by Calm Forte too, rather takes the edge off.
How long have you been off alcohol?
I didnt start the sf until I had stopped wine for a while, didnt want to risk drinking again.(AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober
This is 150 days today, so I feel pretty good about not drinking. I already gave up soda a while back as DOC was som good ol southern comfort, now I can't imagine what that was doing to my liver, pancreas, and everything else lol. The hardest part is the end of the day but that glutamine really did the trick yesterday! I plan on doin this till I can see my six pack, I know it's buried somewhere under all that sugar, and have always wanted it to have one be visible without sucking ing gut and squeezing till I pass out. If the glutamine keeps my cravings down and I can just eat a couple fruits and veggies as a replacement I feel pretty good abot my chances. Of course I have been addicted to sugar way before alcohol so I have that going against me, but this website has helped me so much with support and accountability with AL I figured I would give it a shot. Plus everything I read on here sounds like it will help with my AL cravings too, which I desperately want.
Three days without sugar here I go!
Sounds good Dutch! Tackling the sugar has so many benefits!
In the early days I ate a lot of bananas
Now I allow myself a little honey on my cereal but do find it best to stay away from the dried fruits. Keep posting!(AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober
Of course I have been addicted to sugar way before alcohol so I have that going against me, but this website has helped me so much with support and accountability with AL I figured I would give it a shot. Plus everything I read on here sounds like it will help with my AL cravings too, which I desperately want.. Never mind that it leads to insulin resistance and actually exacerbates the problem!
At the beginning of my AL quit, when I did eat some sugar due to social pressure, it invariably triggered an AL craving. I have found it so much easier to stay away from both.
Hope today is going well. NS
I made it to day 5. I can already see my belly shrinking down, but I am also constantly hungry. Is this because I am actually hungry or because of the sugar addiction. Hard to say, but this is definitely the longest I have gone without either. I have been getting sugar from my tea during the day, in the form of honey, but I never go about 20g of it, and everything else is coming from veggies, so I am counting this as a win. It's still way better than a small pint of ben and jerry's every night, and my mood is getting much better.
Day 6, last day of work for the week. Still hungry but don't feel as bad today. Thinking of treating myself to an ice cream on Sunday, but can I maintain that? Should I just go without any big sugar delights for 30 days like AL and see how I feel? I definitely don't want to eat half a carton a night again. See how I feel tomorrow.
Awesome Dutch, but don't eat that ice cream! Eat food.
Old fashioned, fresh, unprocessed foods. Fill up on it, you will be too full to even think about ice cream.
My auntie, nutritionist, would say fill up on protein. You will feel full longer.
Oh, and I know what you are saying about being hungry all the time.
Eat, but eat the good stuff. You are doing great. And yes, try and stay the course for 30 days, why not?!(AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober
Day 8, still hungry and possibly going bonkers I miss sugar so much. I keep eating, meat, veggies, fruit, I finally broke down and had a bag of pretzels last night but it did nothing to satisfy me. i know what my body wants, lol, it wants ice cream, soda, cookies, candy, anything that has sugar. I am dreaming about alcohol and I know it's because the sugary drinks I used to make gave it to me. I thought less about drinking alcohol in Hawaii with my crazy in-laws than I am now. I am looking forward to cutting sugar out, I have to be honest my mood seems less crazy with the ups and downs, although i felt a little gloomy this weekend, nothing like before. Still, I am soooooooooooooooo hungry, I just ate a full plate of pork and noodles, along with 5 cups of veggies, and I am still hungry. That Baskin Robbins ice cream in the fridge may not be there much longer
the battle continues
Alright made it to day 10, starting to feel a bit more normal, still hungry like crazy and trying to find alternative food sources that will provide enough calories to keep me from eating my arm off. Yesterday I deovd by our local 7-11 and thought about going in to get some ice cream but it quickly faded. I am moving towards being obsessed with my health, which I much prefer to trying to "balance out" my drinking with my other health related activities.
NS that is a messed up article. I knew big business played with numbers, every group does to try and drive home their point. This seems too blunt for a company to take it seriously. I learned early to question where research data comes from. I have so many things I want to get out of quitting sugar, along with helping with the AL cravings.
I want to wake up and feel rested and ready to start the day
When I feel stressed I don't want to feel that urge to eat or drink halfway through a tough lesson or at the end of the day
I want to have a six pack, and am closer after only 10 days than I thought I would be.
Dutch you are cracking me up! men sure can eat a lot :welldone:
you stick to your guns, you are doing the right thing and it will help with the alcohol related thoughts it will just take time.
the beginning is the worst, much like alcohol.
a little inspiration for you: i have lost almost 11 kilos now.. what is that? like 24 pounds? and i wasn't even in the overweight rang according the US charts but I sure feel a lot better these days.
and i haven't dieted just no refined sugars, no alcohol, no processed foods (or sparingly) and recently I have limited my cheese intake due to migraine headaches.
i do not feel deprived, i feel sane. Keep at it!!(AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober
Carry on Dutch.
How about allowing yourself honey in place of the sugar? I made snacks for my art kids and bake with honey and let me tell you if I feel I need a cookie it fits the bill! Plus I do not feel I have to eat 20 cookies, one or two do the trick.
Keep up with regular doses of the LGlut?
Sorry to see you are struggling but that is what it takes and it will take a while. I think whatever you do to limit your sugar everyday is a step in the right direction. Don't be discouraged. :huggers:Last edited by Eloise; August 14, 2015, 08:09 AM.(AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober