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    i like to drink i dont even know if stopping is really want i want to do...i just know if i keep on going like this something bad will happen...:new: ive gotta myself into lots of trouble since drinking this much, it all started when my now ex broke our relationship over and since then i have been drinking a bottle of barcardi, vodka, jim beam, etc a night now i dont have enough money to support that so i drink cask wine or passion pop or anything i can get my hand off there is normally one night a week were i dont drink but all i think about is drinking


    Welcome to this will find many here who relate to your feelings of losing control..keep reading.

    there are a few on here doing 30 days alcohol free goal in a group supportive way..maybe you could have a go? If that seems too much what about just not drinking tonight...plan some other activities...go to the cinema, go walk,cook, garden, read, watch tv...chuck out the alcohol..have a clean up ..whatever it takes to not drink.

    I too struggled but found strength and self esteem as i got a few days under my belt of not boozing.Like you i worried something awful would happen health wise or in so many other ways if i didnt at least try and get sober.

    its amazing how you get a spring in your step when you notch up a few days sober.

    good luck and hope today you get the support from here to not reach for the bottle this evening!

    Regards Cassy



      welcome....try to find the desire to quit. it gets worse, trust me. I have done it all within a 1 year time span. Keep coming here!!!



        hey im new here too and totally know where u r coming from, i have a young family and im about to lose them if i dont sort myself out but im really low and dont know what to do!



          Hi Fe, welcome. You will get lots of advice and support here. Have you downloaded the book yet? Also I find Kudzo really helps with the craving but it is ourselves that either pick up the glass or not... I find the thought of never ever being able to have a drink far too scary so am trying moderating.... am really taking in all the advice I get but still drink too much, why ??? Because I am an alcoholic that's why! Keep posting and reading others posts, this is a life changing place it really is.

          Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......

