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Today's the Day (Hopefully)

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    Today's the Day (Hopefully)

    I would like to start my sobriety today. I've vowed this hundreds of times before, but I really need to stop drinking. I lead a very secret drinking life, & that alone is killing me emotionally & spiritually. After a night of drinking, I wake up hung-over & feeling very guilty. I hate myself. I'm just off a binge. I can stop for a few days, but I haven't been able to put days & days together. I cannot drink in moderation; therefore, my only option is quitting all together. I have no desire to drink in moderation anyway. I'm going to check into this forum on a daily basis.
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012

    Today's the Day (Hopefully)

    Gotta start omewhere and most of us...more than once. Keep coming in!!!! Fan is right, we'll try our darndest to help.


      Today's the Day (Hopefully)

      I"ll have your back rudemama


        Today's the Day (Hopefully)

        Thank you so much for your support. I will be here regularly. I know that I'm always pretty strong on day 1 after a nasty binge. It's 3, 4, 5 etc. that can be my undoing. I feel particularly weak when:
        -I'm tired.
        -I have a stretch of time alone in the house.
        -I'm bored.
        -I'm thinking or reading about social drinking (which I can't do).
        Thank you all for your support.
        Wisdom, Courage, Strength
        October 3, 2012


          Today's the Day (Hopefully)

          Hi, Keep yourself busy, on my first af days my house was spotless from top to bottom, we are all here for you ..... you CAN do this .....


            Today's the Day (Hopefully)

            there is no way i can do social drinking either its all or nothing for me i am so secretive in my drinking that no one has actually commented at home about my af days even though we had a barbecue and the wine was flowing and i had none i wanted to shout hey look im not drinking but im to afraid of failing to come clean


              Today's the Day (Hopefully)

              You've made a good decision.
              Good luck.


                Today's the Day (Hopefully)

                Hereatlast: I too have a secret drinking life. I do think that I've got good friends & relatives who suspect at times. Of course, I'm completely paranoid when I'm around sober people & I've had a few. I end up not being able to join into conversations, because I'm afraid of how I sound &/or what I say. I just want to put some days together. I so envy the folks on this forum that have 20, 30, 50 AF days. I know I can do it. I'll be back.
                Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                October 3, 2012


                  Today's the Day (Hopefully)

                  teacher are you my clone lol i am just the same about joining in conversations whats worse is when someone says "remember what we were saying last night" erm no then i just agree or even even worse " im just returning your phone call from last night" i then say oh sorry ill have to go theres someone at the door or the house is on fire!!


                    Today's the Day (Hopefully)

                    Ha ha ha ha ha, sooo relate to that, tee hee hee, not funny I know I know but I just love it when I can so relate to something. Just returning your call.............. eeeeeeeekkkk

                    Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


                      Today's the Day (Hopefully)

                      Welcome-today is the first day of the rest of your life.
                      :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                        Today's the Day (Hopefully)

                        Teach, just to let you know for the first 2 days of my AF I was her for 24 hours I read and posted continuously - day 3 I drank and got very drunk - but I came back even in my horrible state and posted again - the support I got was fantastic, now I am 34 days Mods, I have gone down from opening a bottle of anything and throwing the cork away to only having max 3 wines and soda - but I am now trying with other to do the 30 days AF lets see if I can do it.

                        So my advice to you is come here and come here when you are feeling strong as well and weak - let these people help you, they are always here and they always understand and you don?t have to hide anything away nobody is going to judge you.

                        Good Luck and as someone has already told you "WE HAVE YOUR BACK"
                        Though no one can go back and make a brand-new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand-new ending

