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I finally did it - I quit smoking!!

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    I finally did it - I quit smoking!!

    After 39-1/2 years. Finally!!! I know there are probably dozens of threads dedicated to giving up tobacco, but I'm just so proud that I want to scream..."I QUIT"...from the top of a mountain. I have to admit, I am vaping, which technically means I'm still getting nicotine for the time being. But no more tar, no more smoke, no more chemicals. And I feel terrific. It is one week today!! My sons and parents are so proud of me. I am so proud of me. I m stepping down from nicotine each week until I am at zero!! This is the only thing that has ever worked for me. I have done patches, gum, Chantix, hypnosis, etc. Nothing has ever stuck. But this time, it's been a breeze. Literally. Just wanted to share this with you, my friends. Oh and an added benefit - I think about drinking a whole lot less when I'm not smoking. Go figure
    Everything is going to be amazing

    I finally did it - I quit smoking!!

    Congrats!!!! That is another hard addiction to give up....I quit a long time ago and still remember how hard it was but so worth it!

    Newbie's Nest

    Tool Box
    AF 9.1.2013


      I finally did it - I quit smoking!!

      YAY!!! Great going
      AF 10/21/2013...ODAT :kudos:


        I finally did it - I quit smoking!!

        Big congrats Moss, that is my next quit and like AL i am so over smoking. I have tried everything as well except for the cutting down and quitting so i think i will give that a try.
        AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


          I finally did it - I quit smoking!!

          That is huge, big congrats!


            I finally did it - I quit smoking!!

            Moss Rose, you are a totally new woman! I am so happy for you! :h NS


              I finally did it - I quit smoking!!

              It was weird, Avail. I was talking to a woman at work and she was always a very heavy smoker. She told me that she started vaping and hadn't touched a real cig in 9 months!! I was intrigued. So, I found a vapor shop near me, stopped in that very night, and asked them if they could help. And, they did. I got an e-cig with a custom-blended juice that tastes just like my nasty cigarettes. I know it's not technically "quitting", but I haven't bought a pack of cigs in over a week. I am going back tomorrow for a refill, and I'm dropping the amount of nicotine. Plus, in the US - a pack of cigarettes cost at least 7 dollars. Multiply that by 30 or 31 days in a month, and it gets depressing. This costs me less than 50 cents per day. So one more incentive for quitting completely. I figure it will take me about 2 months to completely stop vaping, but until then...I feel great.
              Everything is going to be amazing


                I finally did it - I quit smoking!!

                Thanks everyone for the support. Can you tell I'm doing the happy dance???
                Everything is going to be amazing


                  I finally did it - I quit smoking!!

                  A jig?


                    I finally did it - I quit smoking!!

                    Tom - a jig for sure, Thank God, no one can see me.
                    Everything is going to be amazing


                      I finally did it - I quit smoking!!

                      Congrats Rose,

                      Your lungs will thank you in the long run, just like your liver already does

                      Score one for the home team.
                      In the immortal words of Socrates " I just drank what ? "

                      AF since August 18, 2013


                        I finally did it - I quit smoking!!

                        Thanks c-dev. Nice to hear from you. Haven't been in touch lately. Hope all is well in your world.
                        Everything is going to be amazing


                          I finally did it - I quit smoking!!

                          Yeah, I have not been posting much lately other than my daily check in to the roll call. It is great to hear from you as well!
                          In the immortal words of Socrates " I just drank what ? "

                          AF since August 18, 2013


                            I finally did it - I quit smoking!!

                            C-dev -have been meaning to tell you this for long time - I love your tagline. Makes me laugh every time I see it. haha.
                            Everything is going to be amazing


                              I finally did it - I quit smoking!!

                              good for you Mossey
                              I never was a smoker (of tobacco that is) But the wife is, wish she'd stop. Not sure I am understanding how you're quitting.
                              best to you
                              Liberated 5/11/2013

